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Enjoyable weekend

Eve-Bee's picture

It has been a peaceful and lovely weekend... You guessed it SD20 was not at our house.  I know that I am probally a fool to accept DH behavior regarding SD, but it feels so good just to enjoy the happiness while it lasts.

DH has been so charming, woke me up to breakfast in bed, and was so nice to be around the whole weekend.  We have laughed and had a good time.  

When she left Friday, she was trying to get him to drive her even though she has a friend that usually drives her. DH was going to work, so he said he could not do it, so her friend gave her a ride after all. I have noticed that she always tries to be alone with him in the car before she leaves, or on special days like new years eve, my birthday or Christmas eve, and after that car alone time, DH looks and acts so depressed and angry, and it really puts a toll on me. I do not know what happens at these car rides, but the difference in DH mood is so significant. This weekend without the car ride, it was terrific from start to finish.

I also booked an easter getaway for DD and me, and for the first time in years, I am looking forward to the Easter holiday. Usually, DH has this tradition for going away on a fishing trip, and I am stuck with SD20. I started dreading it already and decided to run away (I will lock away any valuables). I could have put my foot down and demanded that DH spend the holiday with us. Still, I already have a holiday booked in the summer with DH and mini-wife, so I will rather live my life and enjoy it on a trip with DD, I know we will have so much fun, and it is nice to have something to look forward to.