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BioHo and the Beer Virus

Aniki-Moderator's picture

DH called me on his way to work. He took SS17 to a dentist appointment. SS17, after some hemming and hawing, said that BioHo wanted him to ask DH if the 'Ho House can shelter with us "when we all get quarantined with that beer virus". (I kid you not.)

DH: Son, it's not a beer virus. 
SS: ~sighing~ I know, Dad, but that's what she texted.
DH: YOU can stay with us. Your mother (I can hear that "tone") and the others will have to stay at their house.
SS: I'll bring my generator just in case.
DH: Good idea.


Anyone who has read anything about 'Ho knows she really DID mean that BEER virus. *lol*


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Right? 'Ho's mother and Mr. Pinhead would be tolerable (except for when he's giggling like a 12yo schoolgirl). But 'Ho and Spawn? I'd need a big sled and ton of duct tape...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Only if you lock up your beer and tell 'Ho that you're "tee-toters". (That's 'Ho Speak for teetotalers.)

Simpleton21's picture

WTF!?!? These women have no limits to their invasions of our lives....really!?!? Come stay with you guys?!?! *bad* Sounds like an idiot request the BM here would know...for the "best interest of SD". 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Now, Simpleton. 'Ho's children are merely extensions of 'Ho. Everythiing is for the "best interest of 'Ho"!

Siemprematahari's picture

I'm done!!!

Beer virus!!!

Dash 1

Dash 1

Dash 1


CLove's picture

Yep, they like asking for things they have no business asking for, because someday someone MIGHT just say YES.


What a loon.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Loon is a serious understatment, CLove... *lol*

tog redux's picture

Ah, so she's the type of person who stopped buying Corona Beer.  That makes sense.

sharlyns's picture

Good one! Take the kid! Let her wallow in her sorrows!

justmakingthebest's picture

I. Just. Can't.

I see the memes on facebook and I think to myself- no one is actually that stupid. Thank you for proving me wrong! I have now lost hope in humanity. 


Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yes, darlin', 'Ho IS that stupid. Thankfully, her four oldest children did not inherit her lack of brainpower. #5 - Spawn - remains to be seen, but it does not look good thus far.