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Thanksgiving ruined over no garlic request

Shannonrae00's picture

Adult stepdaughter furious cuz I assigned her potatoes for thanksgiving , asked for no garlic,  she insisted on bringing garlic mashed potatoes. Stating that no one want to eat cardboard . Poor husband wants to cancel thanksgiving he's so tired of the battle. I got an email detailing what a "terrible human being" I am. Hindsight being 20/20, why didn't I assign her wine???

Kes's picture

She sounds a rather nasty piece of work.  My advice is to block her on email, let your DH handle her.   Make DH do a dish of non garlicky mash - I don't mind garlic but I wouldn't put it in mashed potatoes, the flavour is too delicate to be overwhelmed with garlic.  A bit of butter and black pepper.  I'm so glad we don't have Thanksgiving here in the UK - another drama opportunity for the SKIDs.  

tog redux's picture

Let her bring her garlicky potatoes and make a batch of regular ones.

Next year, don't host or don't invite her.  People are so rude.

2nd wives club's picture

Did you bring up the garlic first or did she? Just wondering if your bringing it up made her obsess on the garlic? If that was the case you should've specified "NO Traditional salt/pepper/butter/milk recipe potatoes, please".

Your DH wants to cancel over garlic mashed potatoes? Can't he tell his DD to zip it and move on?


Shannonrae00's picture

Yes, i specified in the original rewuest. No pepper, chili, or garlic as i have allergies. She iffered 2 versions on phone to her dad. I vetoed it , as i dont wNt 2 potaties on the table- labeling, questioning, etc. She blew up when i vetoed the 2 potati idea. I told her please stuck to my menu, she can have her menu nexy year . She said shes not coming then.

hereiam's picture

Fine, Thanksgiving canceled. You and your husband celebrate it on your own. Less work for you and you don't have to put up with the others.


hereiam's picture

Also, it's funny that she has to add garlic to her mashed potatoes to keep them from tasting like cardboard. I don't think I would want her bringing anything that she has to cook.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Wow, this seems like a huge overreaction on everyone's part.

Why did you ask for no garlic? Is someone allergic, or do you just not like it? If someone is allergic, fair request. If someone just doesn't like it, then make a batch sans garlic, or ask SD to make two batches (it's not hard).

SD and DH both went overboard with their responses. My guess is "like father, like daughter".

I just don't see how mashed potatoes escalated to this without there being more to the story.

Shannonrae00's picture

Any time i put forth my preferences, its like this. Ex: please put a towel on the sofa before changing the baby. Uh! Im leaving! You hate me! Ex: please call before you let yourself in the house with your key. Oh! Your wife always gets her way! 

Rags's picture

She apparently does have clarity. It is your home, it is your way. The only choice of way she has is either your way or stay away.


ESMOD's picture

I am in the "this isn't about the garlic/potato" group.

Honestly, I do come down on your SD's side when it comes to her bringing a side dish.  Garlic mashed potatoes are a perfectly normal side dish.. it isn't like she wanted to bring pineapple mashed potatoes.  Garlic is a seasoning that a lot of people might include in that dish. I mean, maybe not in an overwhelming amount.. but it isn't heresy.

Now, if there is an outright ALLERGY issue.  Sure... OH.. SD.. Aunt Betty will be there and she is allergic to garlic.. can you make the potatoes without?  But, it sounds like this is really more of a preference.

I mean.. I can see her putting her back up.. she is assigned a task and then someone wants to micromanage HOW she does it.. and they want her to do it THEIR way.. which she doesn't think is going to be as good.. so why does she want to bring a dish that she thinks will be a flop?  

And... even if someone doesn't like garlic.. it's not like there wouldn't be a ton of other things on the table at thanksgiving to eat.  I mean.. there are things my MIL makes that I don't care for.. but I can certainly be full and eat around them.

Fighting over garlic vs no garlic in the potatoes.. to the point that your husband wants to cancel?  That is really too far.

You know you can buy premade mashed potatoes plane for a few bucks in the grocery store.. SD  could have made the ones she wanted.. and you could still have had a no garlic option.. for less than 10 bucks avoided a nuclear meltdown.

So.. yeah.. this has nothing to do with the side dish.


Rags's picture

It is about the side dish.  OP has a variety of food allergies.  That came out in a later comment.

hereiam's picture

This could have easily been avoided but it sounds like with the relationships as they are, it would have been something no matter what.

Yep, which is why I would be fine with canceling it.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Add me to the "not about potatoes" group. There is MUCH more going on than a bloody side dish unless someone has a serious garlic allergy and SD knows it and is plotting to hospitalize/kill them with taters.

Mashed potatoes are easy to make and you can even buy already-made ones, so there is more going on. Especially when your DH's response is to cancel Thanksgiving dinner.

Shannonrae00's picture

She isnt coming, so hubby is sad now and doesnt feel like celebrating poor guy. Hes tired if the fights. 

CLove's picture

Im certain there is more to this than mashed potatoes with garlic (I sometimes do mashed with garlic, but was raised on creaminess, so anything that makes it lumpy is a no go).

So - please, give us a taste of the backstory? No garlic necessary!

Rags's picture

Hind sight my ass!  Do not second guess yourself.  SD is the moron in this situation.

Follow DH's lead and cancel.  Go on a trip for TG and let SD enjoy her garlic mashed potatoes.

Make sure to send lots of pics of  your amazing trip with DH and the gourmet TG feast at a Michelin star event with particular focus on the amazing Chef prepared potatoes............ sans garlic.



MissTexas's picture

poverbial "other shoe dropping." There's always another "dum-dmum-DUM!!!!" dramatic moment with these SDs. If you had suggested wine, that would be turned into an emotional warfare challenge.

Go to a great restaurant, and forget the drama queen, but make no mistake, this is not about potatoes or garlic. It's strictly a power play by the emotionally handicapped diva.

CANYOUHELP's picture

If you have this dynamic, like many of us; it just happened to be the mashed potatoes, this time. However, it would be something, anything that could be used to call attention, create issues and milk for drama.  I bet most of us can relate to other scenerios, even if mashed potatoes are not involved, if we are dealing with this sick SD familial dysfunction with dadeeee.

ldvilen's picture

What the H- is wrong with a host or hostess asking someone else to bring potatoes with no garlic?  Answer: Nothing.  Both my sister and brother (and I'm sure everyone elses) asks me to bring specific dishes all the time to Holiday events.  Why did SD get upset?  Because she is a be.atch.  There are at least 100 ways to make good-tasting potatoes without garlic.  How easy.  Has SD done similar in the past: I'm sure.  I'm sure this is why hubby wants to cancel.  He's sick of this battle and all of the others.

What does SM need to do?  Let husband cancel.  Seriously.  He can tell everyone this year he decided to hand over the torch to the next generation.   That way, they'll be in the host(ess) position and will be able to experience the comes-around of: What goes around, comes around.

Rags's picture


Harry's picture

But asking her for NO garlic and her bring garlic mashed potatoes. Just shows no respect to you and your home.  That simple.  

CLove's picture

So - its been 4 loooooong days, and no backstory and no response!

Shannonrae00's picture

Also having funeral for my grandpa . Its been hectic! Thanks for everyone's input.

Shannonrae00's picture

Story gets worse...sadly. mother in law iffered help. She apparently has an agreement with sd. 2 years ago, she git us together, pronouncwd us friends. Thus is first fight since then. Mil said sd broke the we talked tonight. Mil said sd is sad about fact that we dont go to functions where the ex is. Mil said we need to go to funncrions where the ex is. I reninded mil that not socializing with exes us part of our marriage agteement. She said be griwn ups and go whete the ex is...yikes. i pointed out its also in my religion that i do not socialize with adulterers.  She said theres bible, and theres real life. I coukdnt agree eith that, being a religious person. So she kinda hing up pn us. Poor hubby is really sad niw! Im in a mess.

ldvilen's picture

I actually do attend events, at my choosing, where my DH’s ex is at.  However, this is the problem with DH and his wife (SM) and the ex- or exes all hanging out.  The problem is that most there, no matter what anyone says, will look at DH and his ex- (the parents) as being the REAL couple.  It is not about, “Everyone just needs to act like adults.”  It’s about whenever the 1st wife (ex- with kids) and the 2nd wife are around, without even realizing it, a pecking order comes into play and 99 times out of 100, the gang or tribe is going to look at and act like wife #1 (ex-) is at the top, and gets to Lord over DH and his current wife.

Interestingly, I think when it comes to step-dads, they are seen as primary and bio-dad is seen as secondary.

This is why, for instance, a SM can go to one of her SK’s weddings, and without even anyone asking her and her DH’s permission, it will all be set up where DH and bio-mom are hooked up for the entire event/ day, and SM winds up being seated towards the back of the church and at the kiddie table at the reception.  Meanwhile, step-dad may wind up walking his SD down the aisle, while bio-dad is seated three rows back.  Weddings are very interesting when it comes to steps, and they reveal a lot about how our society, not so deep inside, views SMs and step-dads.

Like I always say, only someone who is a SM would get it.  It is easy to say, “Everyone just needs to act like adults.”  But the reality is, even the person saying that will treat wife #1 (the ex-) like she is the primary wife to DH and try to frame or place them together, while SM is supposed to be off to the side and in the back.  If the US accepts serial monogamy, and apparently it does, then whomever is the current spouse is THE spouse, and DH and his wife (SM) should unequivocally be seen as THE couple.  However, this is not how things usually play out, by any means, in family gatherings and our society.

Rather than it being SM’s fault for not sucking it up and taking it, 99 times out of 100 it is the rest of the family’s fault for not truly accepting and acting like SM is wife #1 now and she and her DH are THE couple.  Just because you had children together, that doesn’t mean you are coupled for life.  Parented for life, yes, but not coupled for life.  Not enough people get this.

Rags's picture


Thanks for that eloguent and absolutely dead on accurate explaination.

Shannonrae00's picture

Nicely said. And sadly, so true. Which is why we decided to draw boundary lines around our marriage.

Rags's picture

MIL obviously does not comprehend the meaning of the term "X".  An X is not part of the family any longer.   If my parents invited my X to a family event .... they would lose me, their DIL and their grand son.  Even my younger brother would inject himself to drive clarity for my parents.

Fortuneatly my parents are awesome and would not piss on my XW if she were on fire.  They would not have anything to do with my XILs either.  They put trash were it belongs.

My X's behavior and the behavior of my XILs unfolded over time.  I met, fell in love and married a beautiful "nice" intelligent young woman from a good moderately successful family. At least that was the appearance on the surface.    Reality was that my XW was a cavern crotched adulterous skank whore and my XILs were embezzlers of $Millions.  My XMIL went to prison for embezzlement and the family was sued for $Millions that the busness owner they embezzled from was awarded.  XW went on to spawn three out of wedlock spawn by two different baby dadies while she was married to other men.  She was knocked up by the geriatric fortune 500 executive sugar daddy while married to me.  She had a second spawn by him before he would marry her. She then got knocked up by her BF while married to that guy who finally married her after she bore their second spawn.

I am baffled by family who insists on retaining a connection with an X of their own child. That is disrespectrful of their own child and is dead wrong IMHO.

Shannonrae00's picture


And Yes! If we were all 'friend's', we'd still be married!

hereiam's picture

Mil said sd is sad about fact that we dont go to functions where the ex is. Mil said we need to go to funncrions where the ex is.

Nobody, and I mean, nobody can convice my DH to go to functions where his ex will be. That woman put him through hell and I can't imagine why anybody who cared about him, would expect him to be around her.

SeeYouNever's picture

I love garlic but I'm sort of garlic intolerant. If I have too much fresh garlic I will be miserable with the runs the next day. I totally understand the sensitivity/allergy thing. 

To include something that you specifically asked not to, and is easy to avoid was a total bitch move on her part. There are a million ways to make potatoes and she chose to make some that were specifically against your reasonable request. 

I would be so proud of my DH for canceling if some guest pulled that crap. Just opt out of the whole celebration if you already know someone is trying to make drama. FFS you don't need that kind of passive aggressive shit. 

Bethany's picture

I solved my problem with the holidays---disengaged! One year, I asked an adult stepdaufghter to bring mashed potatoes. We were eating at 1 pm. She showed up, at 1 pm, and handed me a small bag of raw potaites! Needless to say, no mashed potatoes that year. Passive aggressive! Glad i'm done with them! 

Shannonrae00's picture

Well, we had Thanksgiving. My Mil, Fil, and Bil. It was Fine. No drama. Made up with Mil, all good. She decided we will just agree to disagree on social events with DH 's ex wife. Works for me. I told her, yep there's lots of ways to live, this is the way we choose. AND, SD wants to at least have a dialogue with me. So that's an improvement...I hope! Thank you every one for your support.

sandye21's picture

Good to hear all went well.  A a BIG pat on the back for setting MIL straight.  Hope all goes good with SD from now on.  Be prepared for a day they try to push your boundaries.  I hate to tell you to be vigilant, but be aware that this could happen again.  Just keep your boundaries in place and don't budge.