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Can't even make it to the weekend without CS...

lieutenant_dad's picture

Vent ahead.

BM apparently contacted DH and said she needed her CS money early, so DH is heading down to her place to give it to her.

He works on the north side of a large city. She lives on the south. It's an hour drive without traffic; easily 1.5 given how much traffic and construction is happening at the moment. Add another 30+ minutes to get home from her place.

Oh well. It's his time, and he best not complain about being tired when he gets home. She gets CS on FRIDAY, so it's his own stupid fault for going down there.

I'm taking a bath and ordered myself some sushi. Must suck to be him right now.


lieutenant_dad's picture

So, DH refuses to go to court to have CS adjusted to his income through the courts. He has the COed amount garnished from his paycheck and the rest he gives BM directly.

Do I hate it? Yep. But he'd pay it if she took him back to court (and she would), so his justification is to pay what the online CS calculator says. And we live in a state where she can't get back pay based on when he started making more, only back to when she files.

ETA: To answer the spirit of your question, CSB here allows for people to pay at whatever schedule they wish to, but it's set up week-to-week (CS is a weekly amount here) unless the amount is garnished from a paycheck, then it's whatever frequency you get paid. CSB just adjusts the amount being paid to the frequency of the checks.

So, if you are ordered to pay $100 weekly, you can either pay $100/month, $200 per paycheck if you are paid EOW, $216.66 if you get paid twice a month, $400/mo if you are paid monthly, or $400/mo for 8 months out of the year and $500/mo 4 months out of the year if you get paid monthly by actual number of weeks in the month.

Jcksjj's picture

What a dipsh*t. Tell BM to learn how to budget. She can put whatever she "needs" on a credit card til Friday.

shamds's picture

Either bio mum is on regular shopping sprees or drug binges or she’s shit at budgeting for the week the basic needs and necessities like food and utilities which as usual come last after her wants... 

cs is for the kids basic needs, they clearly aren’t being used for it. So what happens when she runs out of this month because she is behind with budgeting and can’t stretch the current months child support to cover her shit budgeting, is she gonna beg in another 3 weeks

lieutenant_dad's picture

She just doesn't make enough to cover her basic needs without CS. If DH were ever to lose his job and end up behind on CS, she'd be up sh!t creek without a paddle. She can barely afford necessities even WITH the CS (which is fracking ridiculous to me since the CS covers her full rent, utilities, and internet for the month).

Jcksjj's picture

CS agency always told my mom when she called complain that she didnt have enough money that you should always budget without child support because it's not a guarantee. Even if your DH is a good responsible dad, like you said he could lose his job or something and she'd be screwed. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

I find it hilarious that you think she has the credit and income for a credit card. This is a woman who is on job #7ish in 18 months, give or take. She has managed to get sick or hurt while working each and just moves on to the next. She left/lost a job making $15/HR and now works retail making probably $8-11/HR.

It's not like DH hasn't told her about jobs, either. She needs something not physically demanding with decent benefits. A buddy of DH's said our state DMV needed people to work at their call center that his wife helped supervise. Air conditioned, sitting all day, only 35 hours per week so easy enough to get a second job, $27,000 a year plus state benefits including ample holidays and vacation, and the chance to move up pretty quickly because turnover was high.

Her response? She refuses to work downtown (parking is paid for in the city) and drive there everyday. Nearly guaranteed employment doing a job that, according to buddy's wife, you just need a pulse to do. But nope!

Like I said, it's on DH if he wants to go bail her out early. I'm done fighting him on it. I had a lovely evening bath and a boatload of sushi while he ran all over hell's half acre doing for her what she should be doing for herself.

Jcksjj's picture

Lol well it did cross my mind that maybe she didnt have one if she can't figure out a budget. But now it sounds more like shes too irresponsible to have custody altogether. Whatever I guess. Hope the sushi was delicious  :) 

Siemprematahari's picture

I get your fustration on this and my thing is that since he does it, she will always expect it. The day he decides that he can't for whatever reason all hell may break loose and he will only have himself to blame for not sticking to a certain date.

When the CS stops she will be f@cked. I often wonder if these woman ever think that far ahead of how important it is to be able to maintain and support you and yours.....unreal!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

Must be nice to just demand money whenever you feel like buying random s*** or run out....