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The more that Prince, Princess, and Punkinhead are in my life, the fatter my ass gets...

schadenfreude's picture

We moved two years ago,which put us living in the same town as the Skids and Punkinhead. My ass has gained 30 pounds in those two years. I am heavier than I have ever been in my life. When the Prince and Princess are around, I binge eat. Some baby mama drama? Binge eat. Dh stresses me out with kid shit? Taco Bell, here I come. At one point I was chewing Klonopin like candy just to get through their visits( which I am almost weaned off the Klonopin now, thank God.) I am doing what I can to get the binge eating under control, but my constant stressors are not going away anytime soon. The fatter I get, the worse I feel. Any advice on what to do to get this weight off and my eating back into control?

NachoMama's picture

I had to just start working out and getting outside. I would sit on the couch and drink wine and take Xanax until I could not hold my head up anymore(when the skids were over)....that got old so I had to find another outlet. I have Jillian Michaels to kick my ass into shape...she's tough and she yells at me and I like it because it keeps my mind off of all the other BS in my life. The skids already caused my doctor to presribe the Xanax for me...they are going to cause me to need diet pills too! Wink

schadenfreude's picture

You know, we have a family membership to a gym, but I have never went because it is DH and the Princess's thing to go do.(Didn't want to go with them). I could certainly time it up to be walking out the door to go to the gym right before the skids were dumped on me for babysitting. I never had thought of that before. I've always been active, but preferred either to exercise at home or outside with the dogs.

MarriedwithChild's picture

schadenfreude ~

I am on Klonopin too- 1 mg. a day. I have the total opposite problem though. When stress hits- I can't eat. It makes me literally vomit trying to eat with the stress.

Everybody is different. I really have claimed the new attitude of, "I don't give a fuck." It seems to be helping ME. That's the most important thing right now is to help myself- FIRST.

I am wondering if you are like me and just doing anything to get out of the house for a few minutes. (I started walking the dog, groceries, whatever- just to get out on THEIR time.) It might look "nuts", but it is helping.

Does the Klonopin increase your appetite? It does not me. I know it interacts differently with everyone.

Try just keeping some other low fat healthy snack with you- everywhere. Car- whatever, and hang in there!

schadenfreude's picture

Klonopin has been appetite neutral for me. It's just the stress triggers a binge. It's all in my head. I am reacting to external stress with food, and that isn't healthy. It's not a normal relationship with food. It's so hard to change though, but I am trying.

Bex_S's picture

I feel like I age about a year every time skid comes over...I'm wondering if life with my husband is worth the stress. I feel like I'm going to die of a heart attack before I hit 30.....

Thisisnotus's picture

ugh this is me, too! I have been doing this for 3 years and I feel like I'm going to also die of a heart attack from all the stress and anxiety. I don't even know myself anymore. I was fun, active, outgoing, personable, I am none of those things. I try to blend in...I wear a frown and I am so stressed out that I can barely remember what day it is. I have ongoing brain fog......and I think my heart rate is elevated 90% of the time. I just want some peace.......