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Prince Hygiene—He Wrote Me A Letter. . . (LONG alert)

thinkthrice's picture

Well not me, he wrote CHEF a letter on 10/27 and it didn’t get mailed till a week later. Probably was sitting around waiting for the other two older siblings to “contribute” but that didn’t happen.

Backstory: Prince Hygiene (YSS stb 13) has been PASed out for SIX YEARS!!! Pretty much radio silence that whole time. The culmination of phoney CPS calls, spying, shitting all over my house on purpose, out and out lying, MASSIVE PAS, stealing, you name it. His older two siblings PASed out in late ’07 after the phoney CPS call that they conspired with their CPS worker BM on.

This was after six loooonnnnnnnngggg years of entitlement training sessions. . .err I mean “visitation” where Chef was scared shitless of the Girhippo (BM) and kissed their collective hind quarters whilst treating me like a servant. He too, assumed the servant role and played Disney Dad and butler to his spoiled rotten children; completely tolerating all disrespect, lack of manners, lack of hygiene, etc.

Odd that it’s dangerously close to Dominatrix’s birthday (SD stb 17), Christmas and Prince Hygiene’s birthday that Chef suddenly gets this “love note.”

On the critique side:

The note and envelope looks like it was addressed by a first grader (Prince is in the 7th grade, not disabled, although the Gir wants to label him as such—she never requires schoolwork to be done and doesn’t care a whit about grades)

Seriously, scrawling all over the page and addressed to “Dad” from [PH’s First, middle and last name--for this blog's purposes "Prince Crapping Hygiene"] Instead of just Prince’s first name. He cleverly included his middle name because it’s the same as Chef’s middle name. (insert eyeroll)
The envelope is addressed to: DAD from: Prince so he was never taught how to properly address an envelope. Not surprising since all three were never taught ANYTHING and when I attempted to teach them anything before I disengaged, I was slapped down by everyone involved. Prince also made a mistake writing “NY” :jawdrop:

Of course, no mention of me although they darn well know I’m still with their dad--but that went out the window a loooooonnnng time ago. It’s a VERY small community in the Gir’s town—FULL of Chef’s relatives that are still in contact with the Gir and skids.

No phone number was included so he obviously wants Chef to start a “pen pal” relationship. It was a one sentence note: “hi dad, it’s me, Prince Crapping Hygiene. Here’s a picture of me so you can see how I look. Love, Prince Crapping Hygiene”

Also a photo was enclosed. Now I think generally red heads are cute! Think Opie Taylor (for you under 50 set, you’ll probably have to google this). But Chef’s boys are truly HOMELY!!! And it was interesting to notice that Prince has a huge gap in his two front teeth. Shocking considering that when the skids were on CHEF’S insurance and when CHEF was mandated to pay for orthodonture, the older two skids HAD to be slapped in middle class status braces the SECOND they turned age EIGHT! Now that Prince is on the BM’s (gov’t worker Cadillac) insurance, no such braces are required!

Chef was rightly suspicious of this note out of the blue after six years of radio silence. He instantly thought it was a ploy for Xmas gifts, etc. which it most likely is. I reminded Chef of the agony and drama—of fake CPS calls, the spying, the PAS and that until these kids are out from under the influence of the Girhippo ‘n’ clan, the drama will start right back up again and anything he says or does WILL be used AGAINST him. He agreed. Not sure if it was placation or what, but he quickly squirreled away the scrawled note, envelope and photo into his top dresser drawer.

I still am traumatized by the groveling that Chef did when they were here, how I was treated like the invisible woman or worse yet, house slave, how the Girhippo would use the skids to spy on every move that we made, how she would use the skids as her adult confidants and PAS them out to the max, how Prince shit all over my house on purpose because he wasn’t getting his way. How he lied to the Gir (and she totally believed every word he said) that when we took him home for throwing a tantrum at the dinner table and demanding to eat at “Mc and Donals”—because apparently BABY TALK was perceived as being cute well past toddlerhood—that we really “threw him out of the house for eating too slowly.”

He had the balls to even write that in one of his “heartstrings” notes that Christmas. At that time, Chef was gun shy and would not discipline or set limits because when he tried to do that, the Gir immediately launched a fake CPS report and had it run up the flag pole using her weight as a CPS worker.

Oh yes, I remember SD lying in my face, getting into everything, stealing stuff, torturing my pets (as did Prince) and being a mini-wife.

I remember Chef with that loving look in his eye as he admired from top to bottom Prince’s ghostlike white, pudgy shirtless back (which I never allowed my bios to go half naked past the age of 3) and bragging that Prince had a “V” shaped back just like daddykins :barf:

I remember the abject DEMANDS of Prince, in particular, when his entitlement went full blown as the “special” kid that continued visitation after the older two had PASed out. Which I thought was a BAD idea--that all three should be required to come and not opt out of their dad.

Yes it has to be painful and sad for Chef, but had he listened to me in the first place and stood up for his rights and called the Gir ‘n’ clan on her BS as well as parallel parented, he might have had a snowball’s chance in hell.


ChiefGrownup's picture

So sad. That is a lot of drama and a whole lot of effed-upped-ness. The last line is the saddest. What a curse to see things so clearly and offering this vision with a full and loving heart to someone who so needs it. It would almost be better if you had been just as foolish as he was. But that is one tall order!

thinkthrice's picture

We went through that struggle a few years back. And truly we have heard not word one from all three skids since Chef tried his failed reunification attempt under the watchful eye of a counselor (mostly out of spite for me having successful grown bios) in 2012

OSS met with him and vented that he is viewed as an outcast in school (wonder why THAT is. . .he dresses literally like a clown to this day)

SD stood him up three times and even the counselor gave up saying "she says she's uncomfortable being around you." (umm SD is the biggest culprit in the fake-o CPS report and she got caught lying-OSS admitted that they all lied to "make mommy happy.") She was no doubt "uncomfortable" because Chef was going to bring up her crater-fail grades.

YSS (Prince) didn't even show up.

Haven't put out any stockings since Xmas of 2010 when we knew all three had PASed out for good.

We could ill afford extravagant Xmas gifts back then (although Chef bought them such on my dime) and I'll be darned if we are shelling out any more stuff to those ungrateful, now well into their teens, skids. The year they called CPS on us with help from mommykins, they purposely rejected their amazing, awesome Xmas gifts (2007) and the Girhippo thought it was HILARIOUS!! Chef went back welping with his tail between his legs and actually APOLOGIZED for "ruining their Xmas!!!" I would have marched back and taken away the Guitar Hero, Scooby doo motorized Scoooter, et al and said "we'll be donating these to children who appreciate it." But he didn't want to make waves and endured two more years of Prince's entitlement training sessions sans siblings.

Oh and the worst of it was that Chef blamed ME for their estrangement. He was stewing on this from apparently years 2009-2011 when he lashed out at me continually from years 2011-late 2013 for "treating his children like pigs." The wild thing was I treated his kids better than I had my own--buying them ATVs and such. I'm sure he said it out of hurt and anger but wow was his anger ever misdirected when he SHOULD have been looking in the mirror!