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The dreaded Mother’s Day

Happycamper's picture

Once again the dreaded mother’s day Is coming up. I’m the mom that doesn’t get recognized. Every now and again mg kids will surprise me but it’s usually more not than so. This weekend is my daughter’s graduation so I know mother’s day Won’t be on her mind. I drove 9 hours to see her this weekend. DH starts rubbing it in in the car. I feel like he tries to get me upset with my kids. He goes on and on about how they probably won’t remember mother’s day  Funny thing is, I’m sure DH hasn’t even gotten me a card either. So I shift it to him and his reponse is “you’re not my mother.”  I’ve heard the same thing in the past from him. Doesn’t matter what I do for my kids or his, I feel like the least our husband’s can do is a card. I always give him something die Father’s Day to let him know he’s appreciated. I could silently get through the day with no acknowledgement from anyone but when DH wants to rub it in yet not do anything either, well we will see how this day goes this year. Anyone else suffer from being the second wife with. I kids with DH and deal with this?


dysfunctionally_blended's picture

That's awful! Kids will be kids and forget. But for your DH to not acknowledge you, that is where I would draw the line.

For me, skids do not acknowledge me on Mother's day. Or any day for that matter. I don't expect anything though so there isn't any hurt feelings. Honestly I love mothers day because it means skids aren't around, gift to me!

My kids usually don't forget and my SO is good about taking them to get a gift and card. I also share that responsibility on fathers day and make sure the day is special. 

My honest opinion is that it is the adult relationship that drives the day. If the respect isn't there the gift or lack there of is pointless. 

Monkeysee's picture

Why does your H rub it in like that? What a d*ck move. I’d stop with the Father’s Day cards as well, what’s the point? It’d be one thing if he simply forgot, but being a total ass about it also? There’s no need for that. 

tog redux's picture

Your DH is a jerk. Stop making him feel appreciated when he treats you like dirt. Sounds like he likes to hurt you.

sunshinex's picture

What the hell? 

It's your husband's JOB to make sure ALL the kids acknowledge you. I'm sorry but I'm not SD's mother yet I make sure she acknowledges my husband because he's the father in our household. I can't even imagine being with SD and DH on father's day and not making sure she was doing something nice for him. I love him. I want him to be appreciated, even if his kid isn't my kid. Your husband is being an asshole. 

sunshinex's picture

We didn't even HAVE his daughter or our son a couple father's days ago and I STILL bought him some new fishing gear and took him out to celebrate. He hadn't even fathered a child for me and I STILL cared because fatherhood was an important part of him and his life. 

2nd wives club's picture

That's cruel of him to "rub it in", what a jerk. Cease and desist Father's Day acknowledgements. He's not your DAD! 

Siemprematahari's picture

It's time you start loving & treating yourself during this Mother's day weekend. From your past you know not to have expectations from your H, kids, and stepkids.....instead book a spa, treat yourself to brunch or dinner, get a mani & pedi and DO YOU!!! If no one else is willing to acknowledge you, you have to do it yourself!. No pity party darlin' you need to live your best life, no time for anything else.

Teach others how to treat you!

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

I'm sorry Sad I really wish I could do more.

I won't get anything this mother's day. At least on the day. I know DH has taken the kiddos shopping for it, but Mother's day. The skids will be gone all weekend until that evening (probably not even with Psycho tbh, because she only ever sees them MAYBE a few hours when she takes them), they have school the next day. DH doesn't get home from work that night until after midnight. I thought about going hiking, but that was a few weeks ago before I had open burns on my leg I can't get dirty. So it'll be just me and the furbabies at home. I'm sure we'll find something to do. 

I expressed to DH how sad it made me. He informed me it was "just another day and I'll be okay." Men just honeslty don't get it at all. Yes it is another day. But I work my a$$ off. Would be nice to get SOME kind of recognition on the day itself. I hope your DH is just an idiot and isn't trying to hurt your feelings. A spouse that's trying to hurt your feelings is seriously messed up. 

So many hugs!!! I'm sorry your kiddos haven't thought about it. I truly hope they surprise you!!! 

advice.only2's picture

I have a hard time with these Hallmark Holidays. It feels like so much pressure is added onto an already stressful situation.

I mean I have a friend who has miscarried several times, carried a baby to term and he lived three days. She hates mother's day and I don't blame her.

Then there are the women who never had kids and they are made to feel less than just because they don't have children.

That and social media makes it into a competition of mom's posting "OMG champagne brunch with my loves and a brand new diamond ring from the kiddies! I am so blessed!" Blech!

elkclan's picture

Yeah my ex used to say this. Refused to do anything for me and wouldn't sort anything from our son. He'd just expect the school to take care of it. 

He's the ex for a reason. 

The other parent/ adult partner should be reminding kids about this. Adult kids maybe not so much. 

Last year was my first year around on Father's day for step kids - and I took them all out to lunch and then I buggered off to do something I enjoyed that they wouldn't. It was my gesture to show the kids that I appreciated their dad and it was also a gesture to my partner that I appreciate what he does for my son. I'm not a card person - so no card. 

I facilitated my son getting his dad something, too. 

My step kids don't acknowledge me on mother's day, but to be honest theyre always with their mom and if they did anything for me and their crazy mom found out, it wouldnt be emotionally safe for them. That's cool. I get it. My partner doens't do anything for me re. his kids on mother's day either, but I don't mind. And I'm not a card person. He does thank me all the time for the nice things I do for his kids. I don't make my son do anything for my partner. Maybe one day I'll say something.

Maybe we need a step-parent's day!! Or not...

Anyway, it's all a done deal here in the UK - our mother's day is in March. Father's day same as in the US. 

(I won't be calling my mother on mother's day this year even though we're American and she's still there. Crazy cow sold a bunch of my stuff without talking to me despite repeated attempts to sort this over a period of nearly a year to just photograph stuff so I could go through . I found out via FB post and simply asked her if she'd sold my inherited items and she hasn't responded. What I need is a meme I can post on FB that's laden with subtext...)


Thumper's picture

Mothers Day for me has always been about my own Mother. I hate being an orphan now. I have such fond's hard to write this without crying.

I am sorry your Mothers Day OP is dreadful because your kids can not take the time to say or do something. Maybe it is now that I am older, over 40 Wink BUT if my kids were like (i have adult and minor bios)  that I would have great pause AND re-think stuff moving forward. I imagine your situation is more complicated than the 9hour distance between you....but YET a telephone call is the decent thing to do. It doesn't matter that it is her graduation OR her first trip to the Moon.

Its decency...that also your husband appears to lack. Yes of course you know YOU are not his Mother..pfft

I am sorry....

If your mom is still living try to make Mothers Day about her. What I wouldnt do to be able to call or see my Mom one more day.

Happy Mothers Day happycamper we recognize you!!!!


TheBrightSide's picture

Your husband sounds like a douche canoe.

Cbarton12's picture

Wow your husband sounds selfish and an asshole. Stop recognizing him on Father's Day. 

Practice some self care this weekend and treat yourself!! You deserve it 

MommyT's picture

I was telling my Bunco group last night about how we don’t really play up Mother’s day either. My friend told me that when her and her ex were married, her ex didn’t ever do anything for her on mother’s day and basically told her the same thing your DH says to you. She said she shrugged her shoulders and went straight to the jewelry store with her one year old. Then when she came home with a diamond bracelet, she told ex hubby that their son picked it out. Haha you can see why they are divorced now.

Notup4it's picture

I feel really bad for you!!  That is similar to how my dad used to treat my mom :( 

Kids can just be self absorbed as teens, that is pretty normal.... but your DH is a jerk.

Sending you hugs!!!!! Xxxx

Happycamper's picture

Thanks all! It sucked as I expected!!! I cried A LOT today. I’m just glad that this dreaded day is almost over.