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I am shaking I am so angry

justmakingthebest's picture

DH finally got the log in for the paitent portal to one of the many specialist hospitals that BM takes SS14 to.

1st record I pull up- "Father has substance abuse issues" ---- WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE F**K?!?!?!?! 

I have already emailed the hospital social worker with that along with other false information that was in his chart and our lawyer. I am livid. I don't even know what to do at this point. My head is spinning. There is now documentation in SS's records that his father, my wonderful husband, has substance abuse issues. 


ndc's picture

Does your husband have anything whatsoever in his background or record to make the evil BM say this or to back her up at all?  If she's slandering him to health professionals, who knows what she's telling SS (and SS is repeating to others, like perhaps the GAL).  I will be curious to know how the attorney addresses this.

justmakingthebest's picture

No nothing in his record at all. He is in the Navy and a Chief. It is no joke. Like when I say, sure we like to sample beer from time to time on date nights, he can't even drink to excess becasue of his job. He is on call 24/7

susanm's picture

I would get as much of SS's records as I could possibly get my hands on and scour through them for additional lies about his substances, mental health, abuse, or any other issues.  If you are with the same insurance company this info will already be part of his internal profile and needs to be corrected.  Not only for your peace of mind but for future rate calculations and life insurance rates and car insurance rates.  You wave confidentiality when applying for them and having had substance issues will jack your rate because you are more of a risk. Find ouut how bad this situation is and then let your atty know.  It may be actionable if you can show an actual loss or at least something to bring before the judge to have her smacked down for a proveable lie.

justmakingthebest's picture

We found before where she stated that SS18 was schizophrenic. Also, SS's other 1/2 brother is showing he has different ailements that are false. I have talked to the actual custodial parents there and confirmed that its all false.

tog redux's picture

This is why I always instruct the people I supervise to put "Per mother, father has substance abuse issues".  If you don't hear it from the actual person, it may not be true.

I'm not surprised at all given the stuff your BM-Bot (SS14) spewed to his GAL.

Ispofacto's picture

It's in the GUHCBM manual, chapter 4.  My DH is an alcoholic too.  BM convinced SD that DH was going to murder her and put her in his trunk, just like Casey Anthony.  When SD was 8, she'd reprimand DH for having a beer with his dinner when we were out to eat.

In reality, BM is the drug abusing NPD in this scenario.  Just like Casey Anthony.

This is textbook.  On the bright side, you have proof of BM's attitude toward DH.  Use this to your advantage.


justmakingthebest's picture

O.M.G. -- seriously????? I can't see how any of this is worth it today. I am over it. Except I am not. I want her to hang for this crap. I am vindictive as hell. I want to ruin her. I just have to figure out how.... 

Idea's are welcome!!


tog redux's picture

I wish I had some. BM here always came out smelling like roses because SS would lie for her.  That's the key, really - once they get the kid to lie, it becomes so much harder to show who they really are.

Your DH will have to decide how much time and money and energy he wants to spend on this - and you will, too.

advice.only2's picture

I felt the same way about meth mouth, the problem is with the game they are playing, they make the rules and moves up as they go, so you can never outsmart them at this game.

I also wanted to take meth mouth down, but when I stepped back and realized I would never have to worry about it because her piss poor choices in life were doing that all on it's own.

Look at it this way, BM is creating an emotionally dependant man baby who will probably never be able to function on his own, he will become a leech that suckles at her GUBM teet long after it's dried up and when she wants to "retire and enjoy her golden years" she will be scrambling to cover all the costs for her son that will never abate. That or he will kick her to the curb once he ages out and will have zero to do with her and she will never see him again. Either scenario is enough to know she's never going to be happy.

Thumper's picture

BM is the reporter . So, consider the source. As you can see, she will say what she wants, when ever she wants and to WHOM she wants.

If this goes any further she is must back up her claim with facts by a clinician. OR claim, "I think he does have problems..opppsee"

Regarding Clearence----yeah she better be mindful about what she reports about dad. Her $$$ could be cut off at the knees when he looses his clearance. depending on how far bm goes, dh may be unemployable to the degree she things he 'should' be.

Now some bm's will just hit, injure very hard, then something to get dh and you off kilter AND very upset. She is already on to something else while your standing there with your teeth in your mouth trying to run around and defending yourselves.   I have experience in this. Its something they get off on.



justmakingthebest's picture

I wish the lawyer would contact me back so I would know the answer to that!!

Thumper's picture

Thats not slander............she will lie about it. She will wiggle out of it,  I thought dh has a problem, I THINK he has a problem...I didnt know he really doesnt have a problem, I MADE a mistake. I didnt knowwwwwwwww


advice.only2's picture

Exactly!! Or "when we were married he had a drinking problem", or "SS told me that he sees his dad drink every night."

They are allowed to say whatever the eff they want and as long as they play innocent and stupid in front the of the judge they can continue to do it.

Thumper's picture

Your lawyer 'may' write her lawyer a letter...He dude, control your client, she is spatting off the mouth again. If she doesnt stop I will take it in front of the Judge and HE will make her stop and you know YOU dont want her to look bad do ya?


justmakingthebest's picture

Considering she doesn't listen to her lawyer I doubt he can even control her. Her lawyer even told our lawyer that he thinks she needs to get over it and settle visitation but she won't.