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What am I supposed to say

Fed Up after 14 Years's picture

I know I will only get one chance to express my opinion when the time comes but holy cow, how does one react to "the SS36's wife is pregnant and it's not the SS's"? I want to laugh, I want to cry, I want to run away from these wackadoos.

Anytime SS is feeling embarrassed about his train wreck life he ghosts his dad and withholds the we are over a year since they have been here. Hopefully SS will stay embarrassed and stay away and I won't have to say anything.

sammigirl's picture

Myself, I would say nothing.  Just don't be a babysitter, hostess, or anything that you don't want to be.  Separate yourself from the whole dysfunctional mess. 

That is what I do.  It's not my problem and if you say anything, you make it your problem and drag it all into your world. 

Don't you just love the mess people create for themselves????

(((hugs)))  bite your tongue and you'll never regret it; KARMA has a way of taking care of it for you.

Fed Up after 14 Years's picture

Being silent will also deny SS ammunition to use against me. 

sammigirl's picture

Silence has been my weapon of survival the past years.  Silence drives my SD57 crazy; she can't say I've EVER said one thing nice or nasty to or about her.  I don't play her games and I don't care anything about her life or what happens in her life.  Therefore, I completely ignore her, don't engage with her, or her immediate family, for anything. 

SD hates me more every day for my silence.  I rather enjoy watching her meltdown, because I haven't voiced one word to or about her in 38 years of marriage to her Dad; she even told lies and has tried to provoke me into words.  It's never going to happen.  

That said, she understands to stay out of my life.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Say nothing. Your husband's people are not your people, so start distancing yourself from them in your mind. He's not your SS, he's your DH's son; she's not your SS's wife, she's the wife of your husband's son. This little trick of recategorizing worked great for me. They and their nonsense are nothing to do with you.

Too old for this's picture

agree- say nothing. This is not your circus.  Not your monkeys.