Meeting the Ex/New SO
Another blog got me thinking...
For those who are divorced with bios and whose ex started dating/remarried...
Did you want to meet the new SO/spouse? Why/why not.
For those who are the new spouse/SO...
Did you want to meet the ex spouse/SO? Why/why not?
I'm the new spouse. The LAST thing I wanted to do was meet BioHo. She's a narcisstic, control-freak who is frequently drunk and has the morals of an alley cat (my apologies to the alley cats). After DH divorced her, she tried to treat him like her Beck & Call Man - fix issues with HER house, HER car, HER appliances. DH did fix a couple of things because "my kids live there". She also managed to get him to babysit Spawn (now 10) a couple of times.
Add to that, BioHo had passed on her poison to the SDs. I heard enough of SDthen16 coming over to SCREAM at DH about how he needed to "give 'Ho money for my $500 prom dress" and "pay more CS because MY designer jeans/shoes cost $200" and "find those f*cking pictures or 'Ho will take you back to court and get your tools and sell them". (For the record, if I never see either of the SD again, it will be too soon). Oh yeah, that made me want to meet BioHo. NOT!!!
BioHo tried to control what we did with the boys (fishing, weekend trips, etc). 'Ho tried to control me BAKING in our home (she insisted that DH give her her grandmother's mixer - the one she never used the entire time they were married and hadn't needed since they'd split. I never used that mixer, but DH bought me a brand-spanking-new KitchenAid afterwards. ~snorty~). 'Ho tried to control our vacations - when we went, that we HAD to take the boys (bahahahahaaaa!!!), even when we came back! Ever single time, she met with FAILURE.
In the last 8 years, I've been around her twice: once was 2 years ago, there were others around, and she acted like I was invisible (woo hoo!!!). The last time was 2 months ago, I had to spend most of the week around her, and she yakked at me frequently (being the stoic Finn, I often responded with monosyllabic answers. My longest reply was 9 words...).
So, yeah, the exw met the new wife. Does she KNOW me? NOPE. Does she have an inaccurate impression of me? YEP. Most definitely.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is (finally, Aniki has reached the point!!), you can meet someone and spend time with them and it does NOT give you an accurate picture of who this person is and if they are "okay" to be around your children.
~steps off the soap box~
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I agree with your conclusion
On the face of it it seems like a very reasonable thing for a Bio parent to want to do.. meet the person who will be spending time with their child.. like they might with a daycare worker or a teacher.
But, then again, once you divorce your EX, you no longer have control over what that person does and who they spend their time with and also if they expose your child to this person that you may/may not approve of. With the exception of the EX dating a registered sex offender... unfortunately, when they decided to have a child with a person they are pretty much allowing that another person will have some control over that child... even if they are not around.
So... if you don't trust your Exes judgement, I guess it goes back to you should have picked a better partner in the past... and if you truly feel that the Ex's actions pose a danger to the child.. of course enlist social services.. change custody etc...
I guess some people do dictate in their CO's that the parent will not have overnight guests of opposite sex in the home during visitation... but you can't control who your EX dates.
once you divorce your EX, you
once you divorce your EX, you no longer have control over what that person does and who they spend their time
ESMOD, to me, THAT is the key. Despite what kind of relationship the exes HAD, either/both can change after the split. Unless the ex changes and it endangers the child, it is not the business of the other parent. My DH is not the same man who was married to BioHo. Several times, she has expressed shock at the changes in him and wishes he'd been like that when they were married. Toughski shitski, 'Ho. Let's see....
“wishes he'd been like that
“wishes he'd been like that when they were married.”
We’ve heard this one recently, not that he’d changed but that if he’d treated BM as great as he treats me maybe they could have worked it it out.
Really!?!? It’s a two way street lady.
Becauce of course nothing is ever her fault. She can treat him like shite and be disrespectful but he’s the one at fault? Idiot!
Our BM told her SM that she
Our BM told her SM that she would still be with my DH if she had let them move in with her... Funniest part about this, that was literally in the process of divorce, AND she already had a new boyfriend, slept around the whole marriage, refused to care for kids, threw things at him, etc... Soooo...
I think they just live lives of dillusion sometimes. LMAO
RIght?!?! Maybe if BIoHo hadn
RIght?!?! Maybe if BIoHo hadn't been a lying cheating 'ho, DH would have been a different person. Who wants to be carefree and relaxed and open with a lying cheating 'ho??? Maybe the world's biggest moron.
Nope. DH is carefree and relaxed and open with ME because I'm faithful and devoted and in love with him. I don't lie, I don't cheat, and I'm fun withOUT being drunk (BTW, a drunk BioHo is NOT a fun BioHo. Moronic twatwaffle.).
I was under the misguided
I was under the misguided impression that BM and I could be friends and we all would co-parent the boys. I even wanted to go to lunch with her to talk.
Hoo boy, was I ever in for a rude awakening. First time we met, she didn't say a word. She just glared at me and walked off. That pretty much let me know her thoughts.
I will say that I am a glutton for punishment and have burned myself more than once with her. I am much better now than I was, but I did want to make some sort of mutually-respectful relationship work.
Now? She just sort of exists and occaisionally makes my life a nightmare/uneasy/unpredictable. That's okay. I'll pull through. I am far more confident and secure in my role and relationship with DH now than I was five years ago, so it's not really a thing anymore.
Oh, honey....
Oh, honey....
I will NEVER have a mutually-respectful relationship with BioHo. Bottom line: I have ZERO respect for her.
I didn’t want to meet the ex
I didn’t want to meet the ex wife. She however was totally scared that her ex was moving forward with a new family of his own so she pushed many boundaries. When I moved in she sent emails to DH concerned about her children’s mental health since a new woman was living with them. She tried to get us to go to church and made frequents demands on our time etc. We demanded boundaries and now we finally have them. I still haven’t met her although I see her at kids events. I have no desire to ever speak to her.
in regards to my exh’s girlfriend. I had no comment or request at all. I just asked my DD if she was nice and she said yes. I did not contact DH about her at all. I could care less.
I hear you.
I hear you.
BioHo has pushed boundaries and crossed the line countless times. She failed EVERY time to get any kind of reaction from DH. Then *I* started receiving hate calls (later realized it was 'Ho and SD25). I refused to react and didn't bother DH with them. I'm the last person 'Ho wants to antagonize.
I didn't really care one way
I didn't really care one way or the other if I met DBDB. I had met the boys about a year before I even laid eyes on her. We were always at the fields for either sport and she was never there. She has asked the boys a lot of questions about me but never said if she wanted to meet me or not.
I did finally meet her at a football she was at with her DH. They were both drunk from tailgating in the parking lot. Fun fun!
Oh, 'Ho pumped the boys
Oh, 'Ho pumped the boys plenty about me. Since I never really had any conversations with them, there was little to tell. Except that I'm an excellent baker/cook, don't drink like a fish, and I color (adult coloring books). The coloring is fairly recent. IOW, PigPen has a big facking mouth and tells 'Ho everything that goes on in our house - and why we have things locked up.
Yes and No.. So I guess
Yes and No.. So I guess indecisive.
On one hand, my first impression of her was her storming into the house when I was on the phone with DH and asking him if "he has the girls ready or is he too busy talking to his new whore." THat made me not want her within a million and a half miles of me... lol
On the other hand, I had New SM optomism and thought everyone could totally act like an adult for the skids. I was wrong. Crazy, narcicistic, neglectful, druggies CANNOT in fact act like an adult...Shocker...
So I was split... On one hand I was told she was crazy, and I had witnessed the fact she was an absolute disaster, but on the other hand, i really wanted to make sure the girls were comfortable and didn't feel everyone was at odds. A plan that BM squashed, then smeared all over the ground like a s*** stain...
First time I did meet her was at a trade off, where she tried to flirt with my DH and scoot closer, oh also, the girls were in absolute tears at the time too because they didn't want to go with her, they wanted daddy (for good reason).
Nothing like a wh0re trying
Nothing like a wh0re trying to call someone else a wh0re...
I could have gone all my life without ever meeting BioHo.
Probably trying to throw the
Probably trying to throw the title on someone else... Maybe she thinks that fixes it somehow?
With the information I have now... I could have as well Aniki...
Trying to make herself out to
Trying to make herself out to be the VICTIM, the delusional POS!
She's still doing it... Don't
She's still doing it... Don't you know... We're the ones preventing her from seeing the kids? (to be fair, at the advice of the lawyer with her threats we technically are now until court... But we even offered a visit for this last friday, and instead of accepting, she threatened to call the cops, so we left town...) Oh also she needs the kids... She is the victim, no one will help her, she was forced to move out from her parents because of her long hours (that she wasn't working, while she was doing drugs,and stealing things).
They are dillusional.
Delusional, indeed!!
Delusional, indeed!!
I was ok with and wanted to
I was ok with and wanted to meet BM too.
BM wanted the meeting - I was the girlfriend...
What normal person doesn't want to meet the other parent?
What normal person doesn't want to meet the person around their kids?
We could all get along like adults, right?
Keep the best interests of the kids in mind, right?
Yeah, no.
Introduction to steplife was a real eye opener for me.
Where I had no ulterior motives and was honest and open about the meeting, BM was "sizing" up the competition so she knew she was being a bitch to!!
I don't think it was even personal: BM was going to be a bitch, egging on the kids to be horrible, no matter who was partnered with her ex husband because BM is a complete psycho cow.
And no, she does NOT have a mental disorder to blame her crappy behaviour/parenting on!
To be fiar, I totally sized
To be fiar, I totally sized up BM too... Wasn't my intention, but the more boundaries she crossed... Fairly certian i could take her to the ground in 2 seconds flat... LOL
Yeah, that might work in an
Yeah, that might work in an AMICABLE divorce. But we all know that's a rarity on this site!
'Ho was the same - going to be a beeyotch no matter what. IMHO, it was losing control over DH that ticked her off the most.
I trusted my ex to make good choices in women, after all he chose me lol No, I had no interest in meeting ex’s new wife (GF at the time). Well I’ve met her early on but just because how it played out with family events etc I’d never specifically asked to meet her and sure wouldn’t demand it
(No subject)
I could have gone my entire
I could have gone my entire life without meeting BM. Luckily, I have only been in her presence a handful of times and we never had an official meeting. There was absolutely no reason for it.
Here, here! I'd be happy if I
Here, here! I'd be happy if I never have to see her again (won't happen) OR see those twatwaffle SDs ever again. Be nice if they all moved to Kamchatka...
I never had any desire to
I never had any desire to meet BM, but I also didn't get a choice. She showed up at SO's door for a drop off, insisting on coming in to use the restroom, fully aware that I was there. This was not something she normally did. I ended up having to introduce myself because she just stood there awkwardly. Since then I have had zero communication or interaction with her. I still remember the names she called my SO when she found out that I existed and her daughter had met me, so I'm good.
'Ho has never been inside our
'Ho has never been inside our home. DH made it clear to her after they split that not only was she not welcome inside, she was not welcome on our property. IOW, DON'T GET OUT OF THE CAR AT DROP-OFF.
It didn't stop her from trying to see into the house. THe neighbor told DH about the "short fat girl" who kept coming over to stand on the porch and look through the front door (she's not tall enough to look through any other window). So DH covered up the windows. LOL!
As for introductions, I didn't bother to break the ice. I was perfectly content to have zero communication with 'Ho. She spoke to me first. I have yet to initiate a conversation with her.
I wish...
I wish DH would do half the things your DH does...he insists BM1 is just stupid( his ego does not want to admit that"STOOPID" has been manipulating him for 12 years)
Believe me, BioHo IS stupid
Believe me, BioHo IS stupid (stoopid). But DH does not consider that an excuse. He is a private person. When he divorced 'Ho, she lost the right to know what happens in his (our) life. Not that 'Ho sees it that way. She continues to think she has the right to pry and know our personal business.
Unfortunately, at the time we
Unfortunately, at the time we didn't live together so it was at SO's apartment. He swore that she didn't typically come inside and I put a stop to it right then and there. Now we do live together and she doesn't even get out of the car. SO knows she is not allowed inside and thankfully she has never asked.
What is funny is that she even thought she was entitled to meeting me. SO has never met her husband. He used to come with her for drop offs and would get out of the car and wait on the street corner so that he didn't have to see my SO lol! Her husband is just as petty as she is.
I call BioHo's husband "Mr.
I call BioHo's husband "Mr. Pinhead" for a reason. He's an idiot.
DH has been invited to the 'Ho house for skid events, but he has never set foot inside. Or on the property, for that matter. He does not get out of his car at pickup/drop off.
I already knew BM2 as we'd
I already knew BM2 as we'd gone to school together from 5th grade through high school.
Never wanted to meet BM1. I have nothing but revulsion for her old a$$. Any "woman" who chooses a man over her child, then tells her ex's new and very pregnant wife that she intends to take back what is 'rightfully hers' is not someone I want to be around.
BioHo has chosen MANY men
BioHo has chosen MANY men over her children. After all, getting drunk and getting nooky are the most important things to her!
I have been with my SO for
I have been with my SO for close to 3 years, and around SS for 2. To this day, BM refuses to be in the same room as me. I have noticed on several occasions that when she comes to pick up SS (if she gets out of the car), she will dodge and hide if I approach the door/window. It's a little funny to me because she's someone who talks a lot about how she doesn't care what other's think and she will sit on social media threatening to fight people, but then she runs away from little 'ole me (I am not intimidating at all). Sometimes it does concern me because, I feel like if the roles were reversed, I would want to meet whoever was spending so much time with my child. However, I already know that she is bad mouthing my name anyways, so meeting her isn't going to change anything.
It bothered me at first, but after reading a lot of people's experiences with the BM's in their life, and hearing from my SO about how SS's mother acts...I probably should thank my lucky stars that I have not met her.
I was previously married and
I was previously married and SM to 3 skids (still in contact with them, too). The BM was a crack ho who pretty much abandoned her kids. My exh "checked out" and did nothing to parent. I was the only parental figure these kids had. I met the ex ONCE, but it was not in front of the kids. I needed a break and was out having a beer with some friends. Guess who showed up in our neighborhood bar? Yep. Crack Ho. She wanted the bartender to cash a check for her and indicated that I knew her Ha! I'd never met her - only seen pictures - and what I knew about her wasn't anything good. I told the bartender (a personal friend of mine) that I did NOT know her and would not vouch for her. I went back to my conversation with my friends. A few minutes later, there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around - in time to get backhanded across the face by Crack Ho. If you hit me, I hit back. Let's just say that the last time I saw her (8 years ago), she did a 180, went back to her table for her purse, and left.
Ah, the things I wish I could
Ah, the things I wish I could say to my SS's BM. She's an absolute mess, she bounced SS from place to place. He lived in almost 12 different places in his first year. And she brings every guy that she's remotely interested in around him...and it sounds like she encourages SS to call them 'dad' and then they're gone two weeks later - with the exception of her current SO who has stuck around for a year so far, but he is not a prize either. She's always playing the victim, and always trying to make SO feel guilty for not staying with her...but she was the one who continuously cheated on him and hit him because she was paranoid that he was the one cheating on her. I already know she's bad-mouthing me to her friends and family, I wish she'd at least grow-up and be in the same general area as me, that way she can at least have some accurate information about me haha.
I'm not saying I'd stoop to her level and threaten to harm her, because I would not. But if there was a chance where I knew I could say all that is on my mind without her retaliating on my SO, I'd love it. She's so immature and unstable, and unfortunately gets away with everything. She almost lives in a world of delusion, because she thinks she is untouchable no matter what she does or says. Someone needs to stand up to her.
Sorry for unloading all of this, it's just therapeutic to be able to vent about her to someone.
Hon, you unload all you want.
Hon, you unload all you want. This is a safe zone and unloading/venting IS therapeutic.
There are plenty of things I'd like to say to BioHo and the SDs. However, I never will. They are not worth my time.
When I met my partner and
When I met my partner and knew I would be meeting the kids I wanted to meet his ex. I felt it was the right way to go about it. I put myself in her place. If I had a child and I knew my partner was going to be introducing them to someone I would want to know them too. Not to control but I would hope I could work with them for the good of my child.
I didn’t get to “meet” BM and over all I am very displeased at how she coparents. Even when I am handling transportation for my partner I do not have contact with her. I have had to call him, to have him call her, to have him call me back, to have him then call her back. That’s insane. Even more insane was that the exchange happened at her fathers. I was inside with one child and her family talking. She came in and the other needed to change. We were both there for half an hour and she never once spoke to me. She is the one who set up the expectation for our interactions.
That’s not how I would want to do things if I could help it. I spend days with “her” children and at time I am the only caregiver present. I am a parental figure to them. I feed them, clothe them, read them stories at bed time. I do everything to help take care of them. I know I would want the chance to get to know the person doing that if it were my child.
It all starts with or without that first meeting. You can set up your whole future for coparenting. We don’t coparent and I hate that for the kids.
DFTT, I am not a parent - I
DFTT, I am not a parent - I am DH's wife. Since the skids have two parents, I consider myself to simply be a adult figure in our home. I have no desire to coparent.
I actually know a couple that successfully coparents, but it doesn't work for everyone. The bio parent and the step parent have to be in agreement and that does not often happen. At least not here in STalk Land.
I do understand that. SO and
I do understand that. SO and I do what we do to keep things calm. We run our home and she runs hers.
The thing is that BM want’s my partner to be all supportive of her relationships then wants to ignore his. She wants him to coparent with her guys but I can’t even call her if I’m doing the exchange which she is happy to have me do so she can go party for the night? After refusing to meet me she threw a fit when SO didn’t drop everything to meet her new guy. She cares about “doing it right” when it’s on her terms.
It’s hypocritical and in the long run it impacts the kids. If BM would work with me at all it would be much better. For one tiny example the other night going to bed the little one said he missed mommy. I would have loved to have been able to call her then and let them talk but since she refuses to have any contact with me that call couldn’t happen. Again I accept this is our reality and that’s fine. I just would hope for something different if I were in her place and it were possible.
On a different note, I say I’m more of a parental figure because in our home I am. That’s the role that works for us. The children are young and they need the care that older kids don’t need. When he was 4 years old I was the one putting the youngest to bed most nights during out summer visitation because my partner was at work. I’m not just an adult when I’m tucking the kid into bed making sure he has his stuffy and reading a bed time story. I’m a parent to them no matter what word you put before it.
At the same time by no means am I trying to replace her. The kids have their mom. She is mom and that’s what we say when they kids are with us. I have my own title. We always talk about how they have their mom, their dad, me, and how one day their mom may have a new partner. We fully support their relationship with her. Hell I made a special run to get the right color of paint so the kids could make her a mother’s day gift with her favorite color because out of all the colors it was the only one I didn’t have. I did it because it was what they needed and I was able to do.
What a hypocrite. And I'm not
What a hypocrite. And I'm not at all surprised.
I parented my first set of skids. This time? No, nope uh-uh, ain't happening. I wasn't about to attempt to parent when it would create drama with BioHo. There is enough because DH doesn't parent like 'Ho wants him to. Um, tough gazongas, 'Ho! You haven't been married for almost 12 years. MY husband doesn't care what you want/like because you're a sh!tty parent.
I've met the BM once. That
I've met the BM once. That was at a skid wedding. She was pleasant enough. DH hopes never to see her again, and that's fine with me. I don't hate her--just no need to interact.
I met one of Ex's SOs. But I knew her from before we split, and she was not his affair partner, and I liked her ok. Their relationship didn't last long anyway. Didn't meet any of the others, until his fiance (now wife). I like her just fine. Last time I saw her she liked my haircut so much that she took a picture to show her hairdresser. That was funny/creepy.
You've been fortunate!
You've been fortunate!
I’ve never formally met BM2,
I’ve never formally met BM2, aka Psycho. I first saw her in court during DH’s custody battle. I did speak to her on the phone once - when I told her to quit calling our home at 5 in the morning because she was too stupid to understand the existence of time zones.
Too stupid? Or intentional
Too stupid? Or intentional and playing dumb?
Dumb, Aniki. Very dumb, and
Dumb, Aniki. Very dumb, and mentally ill. Her goal was to speak to her daughter before school, but even that was stupid.
Ill try to answer both Q's
Ill try to answer both Q's
I was young not terribly young but 22 when i had my oldest, her dad left as a baby...he moved on relatively quickly and the gfs would freuquently show up at the door with ex to drop of our daughter...i couldnt handle it, so my parents would answer the door for me, but yes I was curious, but now I dont give a daughter not by my questioning tells me things, so far, her dad seems to have matured and she likes his new gf...the new me, given its been 10 yrs almost, I dont care too much as long as their nice to my daughter- so no need to meet other than a friendly hello.
With my SOs psycho B...again young naive, i met her because at the time SO and B "had" apparently a friendly relationship, but i could see through that CuXT and I thought, that was the right thing to do to meet and I was obliged as SO introduced me...going forward, I will argue, a friendly hello is all thats needed...anything beyond that, even from an ex is weird, unless your talking about vacations, expenses, issues etc but for every day picking and dropping off, hi and bye...some BMs cannot let go-SOs BM, asked how much money he was spending on me, if my vehicle i paid for she asked if SO bought and other weird BM ramblings/beyond curiousity q's- that just get me angry when looking back...but "hi and bye" should be good enough for these momsters.
I don't disagree that a
I don't disagree that a friendly (cordial) hello is all that's needed.
I will say, however, that I am a woman of few words - especially with people I do not like. I will chatter with my family and friends, but NOT with strangers or BioHo. In that case, I believe a nod is sufficient because I have NOTHING to say to them. If they want to make conversation, they can begin, but I do not. It's a Finn thing.
I was naturally curious about
I was naturally curious about my SO's ex; I had no burning desire to meet her but was willing to. She never asked SO to introduce us or insisted that she meet me before I met the kids, but once when I was at SO's house, she came over with her sister who was dropping something off for one of the kids. Of course she came in and we were introduced. I felt blindsided, but SO insisted he had not known she was coming.
Since then, I've seen her from time to time. We've done some holidays and birthday parties together, we've sat together at some sporting and school events, we sometimes see each other at pickups/dropoffs. We're FB friends, but not IRL friends. The reason I wasn't all that anxious to meet her is that I didn't particularly like her just based on how she had treated my SO (she cheated multiple times and then left him). But since she and SO have an amicable relationship, it was inevitable. I did have to have him put some boundaries in place - she seemed to think that the two of them should spend every holiday together with the kids and that wasn't going to work for me - but he did it and I'm OK with their relationship as it is now as well as my relationship with her.
Reading about the experiences some Steptalkers have with their BMs, I'm just grateful that BM here is sane, stable and not high conflict. I hope that continues.
You are so fortunate!!!
You are so fortunate!!!
Yes, I am and I realize it.
Yes, I am and I realize it. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but so far it's OK. I have headed a couple issues off at the pass because I saw early signs that I would have missed but for Steptalk.
I saw early signs that I
I saw early signs that I would have missed but for Steptalk.
Thank goodness!!!
I know my exHs GF pretty well
I know my exHs GF pretty well, i like her, I’m happy he’s with her. We were thrown together in a tragic circumstance and it worked out well. But then again we are normal adults, not crazy narcissists. I’m glad I met her and I hope she’s glad she met me.
My son loves her and she loves him. It makes me happy that he feels welcomed, wanted and loved in his Dad’s home with her.
BM on the other hand . . . My skids were teens when DH and I met so I didn’t really care one way or the other to be honest. If they’d been little I might have felt differently.
There was some travel paperwork that needed to be given to SS(then 15). Another parent gave it to me at SSs game to pass onto DH (he was coaching and the parent had to leave), so sure no problem. BM came to the game and I mistakenly thought I could just pass it on to her. We’d met once before but it was a simple BM this is Notsobad, hi/bye.
I said hi, remember me? Here’s the paperwork SS needs for the upcoming trip. I gave it to her & walked away. I expected a thank you and nothing more.
She stormed after me, told me I had NO right to accept any paperwork regarding HER children and that I should take care of my own kids and she’d take care of hers. I stared at her for about 30 seconds, daring her to continue, then said “Sure.”
Not a peep more. She stood there fuming, as I casually looked at her with an FU smirk, people were staring and she was at a total loss. She wanted a fight but I’d agreed with her and she didn’t know what to do, so she walked away. She was pacing up & down the hall talking to herself and no doubt thinking of all the things she wanted to say to me.
MIL & FIL stood there quietly afraid she’d storm back but she never did.
I doubt I’ve said more than a dozen words to her in over 11 years of seeing her at games and awards ceremonies.
You were a class act!!!
You were a class act!!!![Give rose](
You are seriously wonderful
You are seriously wonderful for how accepting you are of your ex-husband's GF.
That is one positive of being involved with someone who's ex is so difficult and cold. If in the future, I turn out to be the BM in someone's life, I wouldn't want to put them in the same position that a lot of us are. It not only hurts both parents, but it also hurts the child(ren).
What an interesting question.
What an interesting question. I met my husband through his ex wife. I met her through a mutual friend. We were friendly but not exactly friends yet. Ex wife referred me for a job at heer then company which I got. Shortly after I joined she started an affair with our then boss.
Yes this is all very complicated. My DH, reached out to me while I was working for this company the one day as his ex wife was missing. They had already seperated at this point. We then developed a rather odd friendship which turned to more 3 years later.
My H ex wife hates my guts and if she could drive over me without going to jail, she would. So I have never had an urge to be near her or in her space. It has been 9.5 years since her affair, she married someone else after that affair and she still hates me.
Wow, Mon, that is unusual.
Wow, Mon, that is unusual.
IMHO, if BM hates you, it's because she's a) jealous, and b) unhappy with her own life. If she was happy with her life, she couldn't be bothered to hate you.
No idea why she wouldn't be
No idea why she wouldn't be happy with her own life. She has a husband who supports her financially and emotionally 500%, he is growing in his career from strength to strength. He is a nice man when not buying in to her BS. Although she has made a monster she doesn't know how to handle in her own home ...
Mon, for some people, it
Mon, for some people, it doesn't matter how godd they have it - they are unhappy with THEMSELVES.
An ex BF's sister is a SAHM who has NEVER had to work. Her husband owns his own business. They have 2 children and take 4 vacations to EXOTIC locations every year: two with the kids; two without.
She is NOT happy. Who knows why? Maybe it's because she has Daddy issues (they are unnaturally close. ~shudder~). Maybe it's because her husband likes strippers. Maybe those basketball-sized breast implants make her eternally b!thcy. Whatever the problem, she's spitful and nasty and her greatest pleasure is derived from mentally hurting other people - especially her family members. If she can make them feel BAD, it makes her feel GOOD.
Met both...i feel bad for their husbands!
Met BM1(accidental child- shhh don't tell SS) at a scouts meeting with her SO. Made me feel like a million glorious bucks! She looked like a hobo(not body shaming but facts that can be proven with pics of the events) and her SO was nice!
Bm1 i cannot stand. She is awful and acts as if I stole her boyfriend. Newsflash BM: your relationship was over 12 years ago and hes had another kid since.!!! Also you are married to someone else!
Met BM2 on my first holiday for meet and greet with MIL(I being under the silly impression it was supposed to be just dh myself and MIL). MIL introduced her as her daughter as they proceeded to commiserate inside and leave ss3 near the busy street unsupervised. I sent Ss3 inside" to mommy" several times. After about an hour BM2 came out and announced she was feeling unwelcome and wanted to leave.
BM2 and I are civil and we also worked for the same company for 2 years(diff depts) with no drama. Her new DH looks like a much larger version of my husband.(kinda creepy).
Both BM Dhs seem like nice guys but they both take care of the skids all the time. I feel bad for them.
Sounds like the BMs married
Sounds like the BMs married to gain a nanny!
BM2 had no problem meeting me
BM2 had no problem meeting me when she thought I was just some internet fling. Also, she still had control over DH so her world didn't change much. I wasn't serious so she could continue her games of stringing him along, demanding anything she wanted and throwing her relationship in his face so that he'd remain forever jealous.
Now that she knows I'm not just some bimbo from abroad and that we're actually married, ehhh didn't matter too much. As long as she could still keep playing games. Free license to get us to argue and split was all good fun. Until I demanded DH put up firm boundaries as I had one foot out the door. Plus a few talks with family members telling him what an idiot he'd be to mess this up and lose me. Oh and that they'd disown him if he F'ed up with me.
DH finally put his foot down and stood up to the devil herself. Boy oh boy she didn't, and still doesn't, like it. AT ALL. Now she pretends I don't exist. Blocked on fb, probably blocked from her phone, not sure. As if that's punishment LOL. Please do me some more favors!! Now she tries to engage DH into pointless convos once in awhile and he ignores it. Yeah, she hates me because I act like the wife that I am. She thought she could play wifey as long as she wanted. Yeah, NO.
Cooooookies, I suspect that
Cooooookies, I suspect that BM, like BioHo, hates the fact that your DH has moved on because she always expected to exert some sort of control over him. Doesn't matter if she no longer wants him (she may say she does, but IMHO it's more of a control thing) - she doesnt' want anyone else to have him!!
You've hit it exactly right.
You've hit it exactly right. It's all about control and not wanting anyone else to have him. She is psychotic and pathetic.
Sounds like 'Ho!
Sounds like 'Ho!
I was really naive when I
I was really naive when I first entered this blended relationship. Actually thought it would be very much like the Brady Bunch!
First time I met HCBM she walked into SO's house, unannounced, and dropped skids off to ME! I didn't know anything about it and SO wasn't home! (I was on vacation).
She proceeded to leave skids there for the entire week.
At first I was like, alright I guess this is normal. Haha!
Fast forward years later. Forcing boundaries. Skids are PAS'd because apparently NOW I am not worthy. And SO has to fight for every minute.
My guess is that in the beginning HCBM thought I was a free babysitter, nothing more. Once she recognized that I was not going anywhere she had and has made it her life mission to chase me off.
Whaaaaaaaaat??? Did she just
Whaaaaaaaaat??? Did she just walk right in BEFORE you lived there?? Dang!
I watched the skids ONE TIME (for a few hours) when my DH had to work late. BioHo seemed to think that, forever after, she could dump the skids off on me. Even DH thought I would not mind skid-sitting when he had to work OT. Yeah, NO. I corrected that delusion straight away.
I'm both
I didn't care either way. I get along with everyone. When my ex decided to remarry, the kids told me that the woman was really nice, and asked me to meet her, so I did. She seems nice, the kids like her. We wish each other happy holidays, I've even baby sat their new daughter, for my daughters sake to spend more time with the little girl. We don't have much interaction but it has never been unpleasant. We're not friends but I'm thankful that she's a nice person.
As the new SO, I've met the BM, her whole family, and her new husband. BM is the least friendly, but we just use basic manners like a normal person should and otherwise she knows how much I love their daughter and how much she loves me so she has no reason to have a problem with me (like that ever matters, though). I also used to work with her little brother, and he has said I was one of the nicest people ever, so.. she has nothing to worry about, without knowing me really, but I come with a good report.
After discovering this site today and doing some reading, am I ever thankful of how well that all went off.
None of the men in this scenario have met... and it's been 5 years all around each side... guy thing?