Blown Away, again.
Wow, just wow.
So, to begin with, today really I effed up. I sent a text meant ONLY for SO to his daughter Munchkin SD12 by accident, and she showed her mother, immediately after I dropped her off for the evening. In the text I called her mother a Golden Uterus (she acts very entitled). She has no idea what that meant, or I dont even know. Its easy to google it and figure it out.
The sh!t hit the fan.
HCBM: Hey thanks for bringing my "Golden Girl"....Hahaha. At least mine isnt rotten !!!! biatch!! F#ck you!! Oh thats right....a man has to get HARD for you to impregnate you... non working, lazy a$$ c@nt You better start being nicer to the girls, before I report u for child abuse! They arent allowed to mention "mom"..You are a c@nt !! I hope SO kicks your a$$ OUT !! Bam, bam, bam! Be gone b!tch
Clove: I replied in 1 long text, with details of all the ways I have been good to Munchkin SD12, over the past almost 4 years, and said that if Munchkin felt I did not treat her well, I was sad. I mentioned all the ways big and small over the years I have demonstrated my love for Munchkin, down to buying avacados that I know she loves, how I was there helping her through her first period, took her on trips all over, took her shopping, buy her treats all the time. I said yes lucky you, you have 2 beautiful children, and I have none, such is life. I constructed it in such a way as to maintain the high road, and address her texts, but to say all I had to say, and let that be it. Period. I did mention that the comment came from frustration at her lack of communication, as she had waited until 6:30 to let her daughter know that she was home, so I could drop her off, at her convenence.
As a review, this is the same woman who slapped her eldest, threw her against the wall and choked her, calling her an effing b!tch, in front of Munchkin. The same woman that used to scratch and punch and claw her husband, and who told him during the divorce process that she hoped he would die. The same woman who chose her creepy POS boyfriend over her own children. Who likes to share her dating life with her 12 yo daughter, upsetting her to the point of sobbing in my arms.
Not really expecting a response, I DID in fact get one.
HCBM: You abuse my children by not "allowing" them to talk freely about me. You calling me a golden uterus is so petty...I know its out of jelousy...I cant help who I am...I give better blow jobs and do my makeup better then you...Yes Im aware...I know u more than U think I do...You are a b!tch... stay away from my door Thats a warning Random comment? U are a constant b!tch. Not random Munchkin does talk about u . U r a b!tch Not to mention a drunk Repeated lack of communication? I communicate just "fine" w SO Lol
Recap, this is the woman that gets so drunk that she beats the crap out of her own daughter, who would got so drunk at a party that she tried to get out of a rolling car and ended up rolling into a ditch, and then thought the bruises were from being hit by boyfriend instead of rolling in ditch, who used to get so drunk she would pee her pants, poo her pants, fall down and lay in her own puke, among other things. I myself have never done that.
So. I thought this day would come, but hope springs eternal. Either Munchkin truly thinks I am a mean and total b!tch to her, or this GUBM is telling lies to try to get me to back off. Either way, she went with the text to her mother, knowing full well what kind of temper she has, having witnessed it her whole life.
I am at an impasse and SO, just wants me to not get mired in the cesspool by thinking about it or trying to deal with it. Im not going to let her toxicity drive any wedges between SO and I. But now I know that I cannot trust Munchkin SD12. She is either talking about everything to her mother, HCBM or not, either way, I cannot trust.
What to do. I do not feel like I should be the one to address Munchkin with all this, because I dont want to put her on the spot like that. Conflicting emotions, as in her having to admit her mother is a liar, and made up the fact that she thinks Im a mean and nasty b!tch, or that she really DOES think that I am a mean and nasty monster. Now of course I REALLY dont want to have her mother mentioned. Like as in AT ALL, especially after all the name calling and accusations of child abuse.
So, Munchkin gets to hang with her Gma, the entire rest of the summer - who is partially deaf and blind. No more shoppng trips or fun excursions where she gets to play in the river, or the beach. I had planned many excursions during this time, as I am looking for employment, and was trying to figure out a way to get her to a church gathering she really wanted to get to, so she could have more play time with her friends, and not be stuck with boring me all the time. All those hopes and dreams, gone, poof. One stupid text to the wrong person. At least now I know (maybe) that all along I was jumping through hoops and extending myself for no reason (if this womans words are to be believed), but I told SO that it has to be him that gently asks those questions.
I told Munchkin many things in private, such as what disengagement was. So she knows what that is. We have had SUCH a GREAT MANY private and personal conversations where I really felt like she was opening her heart to me. And now....well lets hope we get the answers soon. And that she tells us the truth. Either way, I know now that Munchkin has betrayed me. Wow, that really hurts!
- CLove's blog
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I'm so sorry, and welcome to the sad club
almost all of us belong to. Like you, I've trusted skids and been betrayed. I've confided things, only to be burned. the skids who hated each other now bond over hating me. We chose to love despite the odds. Congratulations on being human. You screwed up, and got blasted for it.
The sad truth is, both of those girls have the same (low class) mother and the same (weak) father, and will likely turn out in similar fashion. You can hope that you've had a tiny amount of positive influence on Munchkin (I managed to with mentally ill YSD). But this should be a watershed moment for you - they day you let go of hope and accepted the cold, hard, reality that this skid feels zero loyalty for you and would sell you down the river to curry favor with her dirtbag mother. Or, in a few years, her sister.
Moving forward, things will be different. They need to be, for your protection. I think both you and your DH should sit down with Munchkin, and he damn well better have your back as you discuss her betrayal. Ask why she did it, and make her answer. She's old enough to be told that what she did was indiscreet and hurt you. And then distance yourself from her as you take some time to heal the latest crack in your poor SM heart.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder
We talked it out this morning, but we were more focused on the accusations of child abuse and Munchkin telling her mother what a mean horrible person I am to her. Munchkin denied saying Im mean to her and insisted that Ive always always been nice and REALLY good to her all the time. SO had my back strongly on this one. But yes, this was definitely what you called it - a watershed moment. I know that at the drop of a hat she would indeed go right over to the dark side. I hope she may have learned a few things from this, but only time will tell if this latest skirmish taught her a lesson. It certainly taught ME!
I did not ask her why she revealed my miss-sent text, we didnt discuss it at all. It might come up, and Ill address it if she has questions, but for now, Im letting things chill.
I guess I am missing how
I guess I am missing how Munchkin betrayed YOU?
If my Dad's GF or my SF had sent me a text meant for my parent that called my other parent a not-so-nice name, and I was 12 years old, I'd be super hurt that my parent was called that name. THAT would ruin my trust in my SP, and it would cause me to probably call them a name or two. And it would result in my SP getting a nasty text message from my parent about their behavior and involving me in it, even accidentally.
Munchkin did what I think most 12 year olds would do when faced with an awful text about their parent. They showed the adults to let the adults handle it. Whether BM os a saint or Satan, she is still Munchkin's mom and Munchkin still has loyalty to her. You can't expect that just because you chose to have private conversations with her and whatnot that somehow that would override her instinct to protect and be loyal to her mother. He'll, BSGoinOn's SS STILL won't tell his wretched mother to fly a kite and STILL feels like he needs to be kind to her, and she's definitely in the bottom tiers of good motherdom.
You effed up, and you can't blame Munchkin for taking an adult text you accidently sent her to another adult. You can't blame her if she called you a name. 90% of what BM wrote you was probably BM's thinking on you regardless of what Munchkin said. The only person you can be mad at in this is yourself.
ETA: Also, Munchkin may not have shown her mother. BM may make a habit of taking SD's phone and looking through text messages herself, whether as a parenting measure or to be nosy. That's not to say, though, that I don't think SD should have shown BM.
Denial is not just a river
Munchkin denied everything except showing the miss-sent text. She insisted that I have always been really great to her all the time and that none of the things I have been accused of are true as regards to her. Meaning Munchkin never said I was a b!tch, or mean, or abusive. I told her I believe her, and trust our relationship.
And I did not approach the Golden Uterus comment. I figure if she wants to know, she can ask me. She also didnt say anything about whether she showed her mother, or her mother was being nosy. Munchkin is very protective of her phone and wont let anyone see what she is texting with her friends, so I doubt it was nosy mother, just her showing her mother one text.
I guess I feel that what I say to Munchkin is private and between us, but really it isnt. I have been reading posts here for over a year, you would THINK I would hav learned a thing or two. I never told Munchkin NOT to tell her mother, I just said, 'sorry that was meant for your father' and left it at that. My confusion is how to move forward. We talked it out, and hugged, but do I mention it? If she doesnt, do I bring it up for the intenton of aologizing? Wow it feels very awkward.
This incident might not drive
This incident might not drive a wedge between you and your SO, but it sounds like you’re completely willing to let this drive a wedge between you and Munchkin – which, I predict, will only cause more harm to all of your relationships further down the road. I would hesitate to completely change your summer plans, just because of something that a high conflict BM said to you in anger.
Personally, before you do anything, I think you need to talk to Munchkin and apologize. You sent a rude text about her BM, to her. Model integrity, and explain that you were frustrated with BM (without going into detail) and that you meant to send the message to your SO. Then apologize if your message made her feel uncomfortable or put her in an awkward situation.
This opens the door to a second point about BM’s response and claims about SD not liking you. Without going into a lot of detail, just explain that you understand that BM was upset by your text, and that you both might have said some things in anger. Tell Munchkin that based on a few things that BM mentioned (again, no details), you just wanted to reach out and apologize if you’ve hurt Munchkin’s feelings or offended her. Remind her that you care about her, and you want to have a good relationship with her, and if she’s ever upset with you – you WANT her to come talk to you about it.
Then be done. Don’t push her for a response. Requiring her to respond or talk about it will put her on the spot, but quickly apologizing for your mistake and reminding her that you there if she needs you, will let her to process this on her own and approach you when (and if) she has anything she wants to say.
Morning Meeting
We talked it out this morning, taking the direct route. No real mention was made of the Golden Uterus comment, nor were any questions asked about how she felt. SO did show her my lengthy response and I reiterated that I truly care about her and love her too. She insisted that she never aid anything to her mother about me being a mean and nasty, horrible person, only saying that I have always been really really good to her. I see that you are new to this board. If you go back into my blogs from the beginning, you would see that we have an extremely sick, broken, high conflict BM who acts EXTREMELY entitled. We showed her an edited version of what her mother texted me, but only the appropriate for chidlren parts. SO reiterated that her mother is going to go into attack ode when angered, as she has for Munchkins entire life, this is nothing new it just now involves CLove.
So, the upshot is you think I should bring it up, and apologise while explaining. I am avoiding that while I allow the dust to settle. Im hesitant to say much of ANYTHING knowing that anything and everything will possibly be relayed to HCBM and more abusive texts will follow my apology. Im thinking wait it out and when/if it comes up, then apologise. So awkward.
I definitely don’t think that
I definitely don’t think that you need to tell her what you sent, or what it means. I think something as simple as – “Hey Munchkin, I’m sorry about the text that I sent you last night. I was feeling frustrated and meant to send it to your father. I’m sorry if my text made you feel uncomfortable or upset, and I’m sorry if what I said hurt your Mom’s feelings and affected your evening together.” – would suffice.
You could add, “I love you, and don’t ever want you to feel uncomfortable or upset because of me. Your Mom messaged me back last night and made a few comments that sounded like you’ve been upset or angry with me. If you ever feel like I’ve been mean or rude to you, please tell me. I want to have a good relationship with you, and if I make a mistake, I need to know so I can fix it.”
I wouldn’t make this about BM, or discuss any details about your conversation with BM. Don’t even ask Munchkin to respond. Just keep the focus on apologizing for your mistake and reiterating that you are available if she needs you. Short, sweet, and simple. I will add that I feel this is important to do this right away (if you haven’t already done so). Waiting, especially since you know you made a mistake, reinforces the idea that people don’t have to apologize for mistakes unless they’re called out on them.
I am new to the board and I’m not familiar with any particular posters. However, this is something that would have been wonderful to hear from my own SM. Also, most of this advice comes from my experience as a middle school (5th and 6th grade) teacher. I just dealt with a similar situation recently, regarding a student and parent (a student who exaggerated and a parent who emailed me to tell me how horrible I was), and this is very similar to how I navigated that issue.
To my mind, you can never trust a SKID
And I think that's where you lost your way. There's no confiding in a SKID because no matter how close you think you are, or want to be, everything you say and do will be repeated to their other parent. If the other parent isn't HC, it's not an issue, but if they are, it sure as heck is!
Yes, you screwed up by sending the skid a text referring to her mother as a golden uterus. But you also screwed up by responding to BM's text! As my husband likes to remind me, when you get in the mud with a pig, you'll get up dirty and the pig will like it. There was literally no chance that she would respond like an adult. You didn't deserve to be insulted and name-called, but the reality is that you probably could/should have expected it.
As far as what do you do with the skid from here... You have lots of choices. 1-You confront the issue head-on. You and your SO/DH call her out for showing the text to her mother and purposely causing trouble between you and her mother. This is aggressive, and there's a strong chance it would come back at you, and your SO/DH would have to be 100% on board with the decision to do it because he would have to back you up. 2-You never speak another word about what happened. Legitimate approach, but it doesn't resolve anything (not that anything is likely to get resolved otherwise). You just chock this up as a lesson and move on to disengagement. 3-You apologize to the SKID for making a mistake and take a softer approach to the discussion mentioned in Option 1. As a PP said, you'd be modelling integrity and accepting responsibility. oopcloud's approach.
Not being in the situation, I don't think any of us can advise you which approach to take. I can tell you that personally, I would take #1, but that's because we have figured out that the best approach with the SKIDS is brutal honesty. It's the thing that we will do that BM won't. We don't lie, we don't misconstrue, we tell them to use their brains.
#1. & #3.
We opted for the direct aproach, but in a softer way. We did not talk about the comment, she did not offer up any opinions or questions.
Yes, I agree, cannot EVER say anything that would possibly be taken back to the 'other side". And also, yes, I should never ever respond to HC GU BM and her toxicity. It is a never-ending downward spiral. SO told me the same thing! He said "you are swimming in the cesspool! You need to move to the side and get out!"
The bio-connection
Sorry you're dealing with such a total ghetto-skank BM... how very Jerry Springer of her. Heart breaks for you, as you've put even more into caring for your SD than I did for my SS before he rejected a good relationship with me by his ongoing lies, manipulations, laziness & getting high on the regular. And this past year, hanging out with his BM more. They use each other and talk sh*t about everyon3 else... then SS comes home and badmouths BM, too. Three years ago I would not have guessed that SS would reconnect with BM like this, but as we read on ST, very common.
Trailer Trash-ghetto-skank
She definitely is on the lower side of things. You wouldnt know that her father is very wealthy, and she grew up with the finer things in life. I think she thrives on drama, and wants to create drama. It certainly threw me when she retaliated that she gives bettter blow jobs and does her makeup better, after I detailed how I well I was treating her daughter. But I am jealous of course. And of course I am jealous because cannot make a man hard, obviously. Very sick person.
I agree you have a skank BM
I agree you have a skank BM on your hands. She’s so jealous of you.
Sweety don’t make yourself so vulnerable to these people. They obviously don’t care about you. You trust munchkin too much. Her having that moment with you where she confided in you was all for show. Her loyalty will always be with her mom. She will have no problem turning on you.
Be careful what you text or email next time.
yes, loyalty binds
We are letting things settle, and giving each other space while being friendly. I know she has loyalty with mom, but after our talk, I am trusting in our relationship, that she hasnt been telling the HC GU BM that I am a child abuser. She said this morning that I am really really good to her.
Anything sh**ty i say about
Anything sh**ty i say about BM et al is said between DH and i only, face to face, no texts, its too easy to make a mistake as you have found.
You have been given good advice here and i hope you can move on from this with grace.
texting is bad! Its permanent!
Its proof of my b!tchhood!!! LOL. Yep. I will confine any snarky comments to verbal from here on out. Yes, all great advice, as always. I am hanging with Munchkin and she is drawing and watching videos. Quiet.
Don't blame the kid. Own
Don't blame the kid. Own your mistake. Don't EVER engage in a text battle with BM. EVER.
Keep your negative comments about GUBM to yourself, and if you must share them, make damn sure you are texting it to the person you really intend to text.
No, blame is 100% on me.
My one response was the end of any texting or communications with HC GU BM. No back and forth as she obviously intended. Ive read enough on these boards over the years to understand that there can be no winners in THAT game.
This is something I would totally do
I am the queen of sending texts to the wrong people. I have gotten myself into some seriously embarrassing situations. Meant to text my BFF to tell her that her Husband called me to talk about their relationship, and he called them "soul mates" text said he was delusional, blah blah blah...yeah I sent it to her husband instead of her. He calls me: "step-girlfriend, I don't think that was meant for me". Me: "um, nope". EEK.
Anyway. I feel your pain.
I think more than anything your feelings are hurt about SD telling BM personal info, and hoping SD wouldn't share a mis-sent text with BM. I have a good relationship with skids, especially SD8, but I'll tell you what....those little bastards will tell their mom ANYTHING they can about me. I don't think they do it to be mean, but it gets attention from BM, and BM shows approval by getting the info. They want to please her, and don't think about the repurcussions for sharing info. about me. I hate that I have to do this, because sometimes I would have personal convo's with them...but before I tell them anything now, I always have to think, would I want BM to know this?
Also, I blocked BM on my phone. She would text all kinds of crazy sh*t, and I found myself responding occasionally, which is annoying. Like you said, jumping in mud with a pig.... she was making me a worse person, so I blocked her and refuse to engage.
It really shouldn't have to be this hard, but BM's suck, and skids have big mouths.
Step Girlfriend! LOL
You made me smile - thanks!!! *ROFL*
I almost NEVER do this!!!! But, now, I guess I DO! LOL. Munchkin and I have been cautiously nice. I just know now that I CANNOT, MUST NOT trust her again. I do care for her, but I will "care from a distance" and I dont really need to extend myself as much as I have. I did think that if something like this ever happened that she would come to me to talk it over, like we usually do with positive results, or at the very least talk it over with her FATHER. When she found out how all heck broke loose, she seemed shocked and surprised. I did tell her that I would be less "involved in her life", and her father quickly added "for now".
The only reason I do not block her at this point is for Munchkin, in case of emergency. But even that doesnt hold much water these days. Shes blocked on my social media, and she blocked me too, whew! I think another reason is if she texts me any information, in between the horrible names, I might be able to deal with things better (the known is better than the unknown?) I probably should. To keep sanity. Maybe waiting for apologies all these years?
LOL yeah right!