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Unloading and updating- SO maybe seeing a tiny sliver of the light

mama_althea's picture

Sometimes I blog here without a question or a purpose...just to get some poison out of my system and also serve as a running chronology of our lives (it’s been interesting for me to go back and read and see what has changed and what has not). Anyway, this is one of those times.

SO, who I guess is now DF or DFH because despite his daughter, I’m about 98.5% certain I will follow through with his marriage proposal, has sort of swung pretty far the other way with SD. Or rather I should say his reactions to SD have swung pretty far the other way. In his head-in-the-sand kind of way, he continues to allow her to do whatever in the hell she wants to do because of the tried and true:

1. He can’t help the way her mother raises her
2. He doesn’t see her often enough to have any positive effect (you know, every SINGLE weekend and random weeknights, comprising > 1/3 of her life is not often…)
3. Any positive effect he might have will be undone during the time with her mother
4. She has been through so much (you know, as a Child of Divorce)

While he continues to let her do whatever…instead of pretending none of her bad behavior (whining, demanding her own way, lying, being mean, ruining stuff) isn’t happening, he has begun to fly off the handle. Yelling at her, sending her to her room occasionally, but mostly yelling at her. It’s like it took him 2 ½ years, but he’s finally had it with her. I guess it’s the blood is thicker than water thing, because it takes me about 2 ½ minutes to get sick of her crap.

I’m not impressed with his method of dealing with her, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good to see him notice how she behaves. I’ve been saying for the whole time I’ve vented on here that if I could just get a little ACKNOWLEDGEMENT or validation from him about her behavior that I could handle this so much better. From here, though, I hope that he swings a little bit more back to center and can start being a little more proactive and preemptive with her behavior…but maybe it took this big blow up on his part for some change to start taking place. I mean REAL change, not just the little things he has altered because I said so.

In the meantime, I also have to admit to taking advantage of it a little. I’ve let loose with some things I’ve kept bottled up for a couple years now. As long as he’s now open to the idea that she is less than perfect (and I mean what kid isn’t, including my own), I go ahead and throw in a few “hey maybe you could teach her to chew with her mouth closed” or “hey maybe you could not let her do that”, privately and out of her ear shot. I seldom personally correct her in any way, but a couple days ago when she was pointing in another kids face, chanting “fuzz-head, fuzz-head, you are a fuzz-head” to this unfortunate kid who self-admittedly was a little behind on getting a haircut, leading him to a sizable ‘fro, without thinking I said “SD, that’s not nice”. SO, I mean FDH, backed me up and told her sternly to cut it out. In the past he would have looked the other way. Small thing, but it felt huge to me.

Nutshell. SD isn’t particularly better lately, in fact in the preceding month she hit peak velocity, I think (note to self: remember 4th of July 2012 for some of the worst ever behavior, including loudly heckling Shriners dressed as clowns, kicking her brother, demanding her 60+ pound body be lugged around piggyback on a 90-something degree day, and yelling at a man that his dog was Creepy). And maybe it took this peak to set FDH over the edge. But what is better is that he ADMITS that she is a problem. Next step: getting him to realize what part he plays in the problem (see reasons #1-4 above).

As long as I’m doing the chronicle thing here, in the rest of the skid world, I might as well mention that SS continues to be a great kid and is my favorite in the whole house right now, including my own bios. He treats me better than anyone in the whole house, is helpful and polite, and as an added bonus can now drive me around. I'm really happy he came to live with us, and I hope he is too. In the BM world, it appears she is pretending to still have her job so that Grandma will continue to babysit and BM’s BF was spotted walking down the road with a shotgun (surely due to an argument with BM, but it remains unclear whether the shotgun was part of the altercation or if it was merely him walking away from the house with his last physical possession that had not been sold or destroyed by BM).


mama_althea's picture

Oh, SD is only 8, so pursuing her passions hasn't been too much of an issue yet, other than a couple months of inconvenient baseball games. I hear from you what to look forward to, though.

Peaches1973's picture

I hope it works out in a positive way.My DH will seem to finaly accept that he needs to get on the kids for something and I get excited cause maybe he sees that they need to stop the immature,selfish behavior but it never lasts.What Ive figured out is that he will just pop off and scream about something that irritates him at the moment but not see that theres an ongoing problem and that you need to handle it and follow up on a regular basis,not just scream at the kid for it once every few months.Men-so stupid when it comes to their kids.

mama_althea's picture

Yeah, it will probably work the same as at your house. I'm grasping at this straw, I guess. And privately kinda reveling in having the anti-SD thing in common, if even for the short run. I'm careful not to gloat in it too much, because once he has his rosy-ass glasses back on, I don't want him remembering how negative I was. In fact, right now he's all in awe of how patient I am with her lol.

Peaches1973's picture

I dont know if it will help you but I find I always have to remind my man that when I bring up shit about the kids that needs to be handled,its not because Im picking on them or I hate them.Its because I care about them and want them to grow up to be good humans.And because I want peace in the house to benefit all of us.I really play up the fact of loving the kids-even if Im actualy not feeling loving at all toward them in that moment.I think they need to see that if we didnt care we would just shut ourselves in our rooms or stay out of the house and let them take over doing and dealing everything.

mama_althea's picture

Good advice, Peaches. We've had our "I know you hate my daughter" moments, so I do need to frame this all in the context you are talking about.

It just feels good, even temporarily, to think to myself, "YES!! He DOES hear her chew like that! He is not an idiot that I have to question my attraction to, after all!"

Peaches1973's picture

OMG girl dont get me started on the chewing!EVERY meal I have to tell every one of his kids to chew with their mouths closed at least 5 times!He doesnt get why my kids and I are disgusted by it and gets all butthurt cause we say something.Ive gotten to the point with that where I just say it and I dont care if it pisses him off.He can suck a bag of dicks if he thinks Im gonna sit silently and deal with that at every meal.Its not changing tho so Im thinking that its gonna be real soon that Ill either be beating a child with a napkin holder or taking my plate to the bedroom to eat.

Peaches1973's picture

Remember-its not the size of the boat,its the motion of the.........oh who are we kidding.Bigger is just better. Wink

mama_althea's picture

Oh man...I'm trying to discreetly read here at work and you ladies made me sol (snort out loud) Biggrin

B22S22's picture

----"I’m not impressed with his method of dealing with her, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good to see him notice how she behaves. I’ve been saying for the whole time I’ve vented on here that if I could just get a little ACKNOWLEDGEMENT or validation from him about her behavior that I could handle this so much better."----

I feel the exact same way! Sometimes I think he either refuses to see the behaviors, or said behaviors really don't exist and I'm just crazy.

And I've even told my DH when it comes to this (AND the BM) that if he would just ACKNOWLEDGE ill behaviors (from either SK's or BM) in some of our conversations it would make me feel that we were at least getting on the same page.

He finally did it. Acknowledged that BM is a psycho biznotch (but he used the c-word) and that she drives him battier than she probably drives me. Acknowledged that the SK's are spoiled, entitled, and self-rightous teens who delight in behaving as though I don't exist in the house.

Sigh. Just those TWO sentences from him lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. Made enough room to now take on conquering that which he has acknowledged (or not... I'm not so sure I want to take any of them on, as we're close to that magical year).