Okay, hands down I HAVE the CRAZIEST BM! Must read this email.......Psycho!
You are one sick sonofabit#*.
You are so psycho that you have not let me talk to my kids for 5 years. I wrote letters, emails, and called you and
Ubrought and asked and begged you to let me talk to my kids on their Birthdays and Christmas and on other Holidays
or just whenever, because I missed them so much . I even came to Nevada for 3 days to bring them all those gifts I told
them about in their letters. I came in 09/11. And you would not let me give the gifts to them and I took them back to Texas again.
You and Ubrought tried to make her believe it was all bullsh#* and that there were no gifts. You told SD16 that I was crazy and she still wants to live with me because she knows for a fact that I love her and SS15 and that I am not crazy. You don't love SD16 and SS15. You love yourself only. You starved our kids and me during our divorce and you guys tried to drive me crazy with
collection calls so I would sign the divorce decree. My attorneys did not care about what you and your lawyers were doing to me and our
kids because My case was one in a million that they had on their hands. And they just did not care about Women and childrens rights.
I was forced to sign that divorce decree. You are so sick. I have tried to work with you and I took the kids extra whenever you wanted to
go see Ubrought. When you were dating her and then when she moved in, you would not let me see SD16 and SS15 anymore.
When I hired my attorney, in 2007,to fight for my half of the assets you set me up, I have never hurt anyone in my life and your friends
at LVMPD arrested me for something I never did. The server you hired tried to accuse me of trying to hit him. I was innocent and you knew it
and when my case was thrown out you threatened to set me up again if I tried to take you to court. And you used our oldest son to set me up.
Even though I was paying child support you still refused to let me talk to SD16 and SS15. Your psychosis Steve has no end. You are one fuc*edup scum. I have every right to be angry with you and I am actually furious at the emotional abuse and physical abuse you and Ubrought put SD16 and SS15 through. You are smoking pot and drinking and what drugs are you shoot up with the empty shots that are under your sink. I am so FURIOUS AT YOU . HOW COULD YOU TREAT THEM THAT WAY!!!! Stop hitting SS15. If I weren't angry with you there would be something wrong with me.
I am so angry at you for what you and Ubrought have exposed SD16 and SS15 to.
You are still hitting Brian and slapped him across the face at age 15 years old for making bad grades 3 months ago. You are a sick abuser and
Ubrought is also. If you are not hitting SS15, it is Ubrought your beating up. Ubrought needs to get out now because she is repeating the
the same abusive behavior. She has learned to be an abuser and she took it out on the kids also and you let her. SD16 told me all this and this was the first night she was here in Texas with me. Steve, SD16 told me, you and Ubrought are toxic people and she hates the house and wanted to get out of there. SD16 and SS15 want to live with me in LooneyBin and they always have. You suck as Dad and a husband. I heard you became quite the little porno collector and that you and Ubrought are filming yourselves and making homemade porn. These children are old enough to know what is going on and can hear you 2 in the bedroom. She told me she has heard you hit Ubrought because the hit was so loud. Flesh hitting flesh.
When are you going to stop being nuts. Do you think having control of a successful business that we started together makes you a normal person and a nomal Dad, NOT. Your disfunction has lead to gunshots being off in the house again. SD16 and SS15 were questioned by the police about it. And you deny it and call her a lier. When I tell you I have the incident report information you tell me well that was a long time ago. You just flipflopped.
You are a lier and you always have been. Poor SD16 she thinks you will work with me. She's learning that I can not.
And as for your cohort My Dad, I threw his ass in jail because he was guilty and I offered to testify in court against him and instead you let them cop
a plea deal. Yah, you really love your daughter alot. I had him arrested, not you!!!!
Did she ever get psychological help besides stupid banana splits at Yonder. Has she ever talked to a professional councilor and let it all out about what she went through and what happened to her. You did not send her to counciling and I was going to start it right before you kidnapped her and SS15 and Our oldest son. It is all coming out now, I just let her vent, whenever she wants to tell me something. I just let her because I am one of her confidants. This is something you have never been and you don't care to be or with SS15. I will never have anything to do with My Dad and I have not for 9 years. It was not my fault and I took action immediately as soon as I got SD16 to tell me what was going on. You dropped the ball.
How sad she was in Middle School because she needed her Mom, not Ubrought. But you 2 are the problem along with your friends in Nevada.
SD16 and SS15 have always wanted to live with me in LooneyBin and they always have and they both still do. You know this!!!!! It is because you are not normal and you, Steve are an abuser. According to SD16 you and Ubrought are toxic people.
Why on earth, do you think that you don't owe me for our house and the business I started with you. The law is 50/50. You made me quit school
and my job at BOFA and told me this was our retirement. I did what you said and guess what I have kept checks you wrote on the business account
large amounts that I did not know about. I found them in some boxes that I had packed. So, your old arguement is not going to work and they are the originals. You owe me hundreds of thousands of dollars. And as far as childsupport you say I owe, HMMMMMMM, I heard that $3,000.00
payment You got right before I left Nevada from my tax return was spent on airline tickets. What a retard you are you spent their money on tickets to Mexico. Hey, Steve spell immunization.
Hey, Steve, MULTIPLY 217x88=what, and don't use a calculator. You can't your retarded. But you adapt quickly and your a good hussler.
I hate you more because you have continued to abuse my children. And everyone who helped cover that up is guilty of a federal crime and another federal crime for setting me up with false charges. Just desserts you had to bail your criminal sister out because she was stealing from her employer.
Karma is a bitc*. Your daughter has filled me in on so much more. But I have let out alot of my anger now.
Hey, Steve I have an idea Y don't you do a 360 and become normal and nice. And work with me legally so we can come to an agreement and for you to be honest and give me my half of the business and the house. You will automatically refuse because you are psychotic. I gave birth to our oldest son,
SD16 and SS15 and I lived with you for 17 years and married 6 years. I put up with your abuse long enough. You have a conviction not me because the court saw I was innocent.
You have SD16s email address you can email her anytime. You have Oma's house phone number and it has caller ID. Your number will come up if you call. SD16 will call you when she wants to talk to you, but she is not happy with you. She is old enough to know how badly you have treated Me, her Mother and she is not happy about that or the way you have treated them.
Our oldest son and SS15. She is seeing it now and she knows that you set me up on false charges and had me arrested. You think that every women is a c*nt, That's what you told me and you grew up hating you Mom. You never cared about us. We were just possessions and someone to control
The State of Nevada is sick for giving custody before to a convicted abuser, who does drugs and is an alcoholic like your Dad.
They HAVE been divorced over 10 years!!!
I didn't edit some names because those people need to be known for being scumbags....
- ubrngoutdbitchnme's blog
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Good...That means you don't
Good...That means you don't understand "crazy"
I swear to God, she sounds
I swear to God, she sounds literally just like my BM. I mean right down to the you owe me so much....ugh,.
SD16 got herself grounded for
SD16 got herself grounded for sneaking out and drinking alcohol in her room. She wanted to be off groundment after 10 days. When she was told she was going to stay grounded and her sleepover days were over, SD16 said "If you can't trust me anymnore might as well go with mom".....SD16 CHOSE to go with her BM.
Now BM is trying her best to keep SD16 with her. BM is now refusing to allow SD16 to speak with SO.
Whoops I posted in the wrong
Whoops I posted in the wrong spot...
I'm scared...
I'm scared...
So many thoughts... First-
So many thoughts...
First- you left names in there, not sure if you did that on purpose... ?
This woman can't spell to save her life.
If a person does a "360" it brings them RIGHT BACK to where they started. So her telling him to do a 360 and become normal and nice, just means he was normal and nice to begin with. I love it when people screw that up. You are supposed to do a "180". LOL.
And lastly... I am pretty certain, my MIL wrote this email. Literally, it sounds JUST LIKE the crap that spews out of her mouth when she is all jacked up on her pain pills.
I left two names in there on
I left two names in there on purpose....Steve is not my SO real name.
gotcha, just making sure you
Ignore the whore.....
Ignore the whore.....
She is a nutcase and heehee
:jawdrop: She is a nutcase and heehee "a 360"
Shes an angry old bitter 48
Shes an angry old bitter 48 year old that has absolutely NOTHING but bad credit to her name. The business that she refers to Is NO longer in business but she doesn't need to know that. Lol
What if the business was in
What if the business was in the red when it shut down. Here BM your half, you owe me $20,000
WEIRD!! Does SS want to go
WEIRD!! Does SS want to go live with her now too?
Nope....he's a paycheck to
Nope....he's a paycheck to her so she is trying to coerce him into moving in with her. I guess it's a good thing that SS15 no longer has access to his cellphone.
Yeah, I loved the 360
Yeah, I loved the 360 reference too....just shows how stoopid she is (misspelled to fit in with her misspellings).
As cray cray as she has been
As cray cray as she has been I'd be really worried about sd since it sounds like dh hasnt benn allowed to talk to her have you thought about a welfare check being done. This bm has cult crazy all over her.
SD16 knows how to use a
SD16 knows how to use a phone. She doesnt want call him because she KNOWS she effed up big time. SD16 was supposed to call him to discuss her coming back but instead BM called SO. BM is NOT going to allow any contact between them.
I'm so confused...
I'm so confused...
Ok that is just total
Ok that is just total babble?
I read your reason for leaving the names in as they were but IMO I would remove them simply because a simple Google search will bring up this blog and BM would then be able to see all you have written etc.
I agree. 360 would bring him
I agree. 360 would bring him back to where he is.
Well all the vitriolic crap in the world will not wash for long with SD16. But when the girl does want to talk to her father because she is sick and tired of dealing with losermom be aware that I would say 95% of this email is just BMs fantasy.
BM- Honey, do they do sexual things in front of you?
SD - I heard them once.
BM - OMG! They must be doing amateur porn with S&M! I knew it!
BM - Does your father give you money that I send him?
SD - No. HE said I can't have it because it helps pay for us.
BM - So, has he been on vacation recently?
SD - Yeah, he went with yurgoin. to Mexico last year.
BM - *cogs whirring in her brain* - So he must be spending all the CS I send on vacations overseas. I knew it!
She will be starting a new school with no friends. And life goes on back in NV. She will wonder what her old friends are doing. What her brother is doing. And because no one can contact SS thru his cellphone anymore she will be DYING to know what is going on. But then she wanted to live with her mother so she can. Don't be afraid. If anything your DH should just email the witch back and ask her when her attorney is contacting him because he will need to get time out of wortk for the court appearance because all the accusations SURELY mean she is getting him charged with something.
Yup that is exactly how that
Yup that is exactly how that conversation went! Where you there!?! Lol.
She is one crazy lady and right now she has SD16 wrapped around her little finger.....I spoke to BM the night before SD16 was sent off to her. BM was actually telling me how she appreciates me for being there for her kids. I'm ashamed to admit that I was actually fallig for her bs. BM IS a master manipulator.
You win..........this is the
You win..........this is the cherry statement of the entire rant.
"When are you going to stop being nuts."
I have always found it
I have always found it interesting when crazy people (who obviously don't know they're crazy) document their craziness. I was actully having a hard time following the whole thinge because she's all over the place. Are you sure she's not the one on drugs because that's the way her email reads and that's a whole lot of allegations. Can we say slander?
I do have to give it to. Your BM is one of the crazier ones I've read about on this website.