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BM pretending to be skids grandmother....BM you ain't entitled to SHIT!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

I dont think so Steve you have lost your mind. The drugs, the alcohol, the porno, you beat Ubrought and SS15. Nutbag was never the problem in your marriage it was you. Nutbag says that you can not spell and you are not able to do math on your own. She keeps telling us you are retarded. I believe it because the decisions you have made since your divorce were only meant to hurt her and your children suffered because of your revenge against Nutbag. An intelligent person of your age would have some sort of conscience about what he has done to the Mother of his kids but you have none. That shows me you have serious problems. You have never been fair to her and you told me you lied but it got you what you wanted custody of the kids, the house and the business. This is my daughter who gave you 17 years of her life and helped you start a business and she gave you three beautiful children. But all you care about is your money and revenge. SD16 has shared with me also what has gone on in the house in LV and Nutbag and SD16 are not lying Steve you are. You are a danger to Nutbag, Ubrought and the children. You should have been locked up a long time ago and put in jail. You don't love your kids you want to keep custody so you don't have to pay Nutbag childsupport. Steve I really think you are sick. The first step in getting help Steve is admitting that you have a problem.

This is in reply to my SO forwarding Nutbags email to her mother that she is freeloading off of. I guess I'm not surprised that it is ALL ABOUT money for BM. She is a 48 year old woman that has absolutely nothing to her name but bad credit. She can't keep a job for the life of her. Can't keep a vehicle. Hasn't been in a relationship for over 10 years. Hey, she's a "born again virgin" They do exist! I don't think they were together for 17 years. So she can't do math...The only reason he had 3 kids with her was because she got pregnant by accident with their first kid and she begged for another one and SO thinks she purposely got pregnant a 3rd time to try to keep him around.

BM did NOT help my SO start his business. As a matter of fact she kicked his business out of their home and he had to pay rent on an office. Then she started accussing him of having an affair with his secretary.

They have been divorced over 10 years! Lady you aren't entitled to SHIT!!! GET THE FUCK OVER IT ALREADY!