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BM is Effin Delusional!!!! But I do LOVE Her Emails!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Just last night I was telling my SO how life is so boring when BM isn't sending her emails......I obviously spoke too soon. Here is another good one.....Keep in mind that BM lost custody of SD16 and SS14 in 2005. She was court ordered supervised visits at a designated center that she REFUSES to go to.....She skipped town back in 2008 and has not seen skids since then. My SO does not need to let her talk to skids. Just because she skipped town it doesn not all of a sudden give her the right to not follow the court order. She obviously thinks so and so does Jesus and God himself...since she prays to them everynight. NUTBAG!

Dear Daughter and Son,
How are you? I am Ok. I hope everything is OK at the house with Steve and he is being nice to you. I miss you so much that I wanted to email you today and tell you, I Love you Daughter and Son. I know you don't get my emails but I am keeping them to show you at a later date. I think about you everyday and I do write you since Steve can not move forward and won't let you talk to me or see me. But he likes to fight and I will not participate and he knows you want to live with me. That is one of the reasons I moved to Looney Ville. I have Peace now that he is not in my Life. I pray to Jesus everyday for Him to protect you and Bless you. Of course I worry about you always and the current situation your in. Stay strong and brave. And it does not matter what anyone thinks about you because all things are possible with Christ and God. You can do anything you want to, if you believe in yourself and them. The weather is warm and hot here now. I hate it. Uncle Bernd went back to Germany. It was great to see family and talk and spend time with them. I am sorry you don't have family in your state. It is not a good place to raise children at all. Enough about that bad subject. How is school goin? What are your plans for the Summer? Anything?
Well my sweethearts that is enough for now and I will write more later. I Love You with all my heart and I pray for you everynight. I miss you so much. Call me if you can. 1-800-NUT-BAGS.

I Love You


IAmALady77's picture

Is Uncle Bernd a real person? Or Steve lol Didnt know if you wanted to edit that :/ But geeze I'm all for being a born again Christian and all that good stuff but enough already! This lady is nuts :/ :sick:

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Uncle Bernd is a real person. I could care less if BM were to ever find out I post her emails on here. I actually would love to let her know that many other people get a kick out of her emails....."Steve" is my SO the one who likes to fight and can't seem to move on. Uhm...he is following the CO, Nutbag BM!

BSgoinon's picture

Wow. I do get a kick out of her emails.

She actually reminds me A LOT of my MIL. Who, by the way, is a complete and total lunatic, and a drug addict.

I swear she could have written that. She loves to tell everyone what a GREAT mom she is, and what a wonderful job she did raising her kids. UMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, none of them speak to you, you crazy nutjob. They are great people, but NOT due to you!!! Unless you count the fact that they try their hardest to be NOTHING like you!!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

And Mother's Day is coming up. Last year, BM was calling Skids on that day.....Like if she deserved a Happy Mother's Day...