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BM is NORMAL....What a joke...

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Hi sweetheart, Son
How are you? I am OK. Today it was nice because we had a soft rain here. A cold front came in actually but it only cooled things off a little. How do you like your new xbox. I hope you are enjoying it and the game. The game is kind of violent and I don't condone violence but your old enough to know the difference between
right from wrong. I hope Steve and Ubrought are being nice to you. SD16 told me that you got your phone taken away from you. How are you talking to your friends then? Summer is almost over and I am happy because I like cooler weather. Autumn is perfect. School starts on the 27th. Hey I bought you 2 paires of black vans in a size nine and a half. I was told that is your size. Please email me back and tell me if you wear a larger size. I am going to send them to you along with that drum set game before the end of the month. There are other gifts I bought you. I would buy something when ever I could so you have alot of stuff coming to you. SD16
told me that Ubrought and Steve told you I was full of shi* and that I didn't buy you anything or her. Don't listen to them. I think about you all the time and I miss you so much. I hope you are OK . Especially since your sister is not
there with you. I pray for you every night and I ask Jesus to protect you son and to Bless you. I heard you went to church with your older brother when you went to see him. That makes me happy that you did that. I was thinking about you so, I decided to write you an email. I hope you can email me back. I tell your sister that she can call Steve whenever she wants to but I am normal and your Dad is not. Well my sweetheart I doubt you will get this but I am going to send it anyway. I love you son with all my heart and I miss you very, very much. Only LOVE, HUGS, AND
KISSES FOR YOU son. OH, and prayers.

I Love You MOM

Are these emails ever going to end....?


Annanymous's picture

Wow can she be more obvious in her PAS and manipulation? Looks like that was written by a 16 year old. That is pitiful, really. "Are STEVE and Ubrought being nice to youuuu" WTF. I wanna kick her in her stupid teeth and I haven't ever met the bitch.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Have you noticed how my name is ubrngoutdbitchnme

For some unknown reason BM can not get my name right or she is purposely calling me by the wrong name hoping that I will reply with something. No thanks.

borrowedtime83's picture

Sounds like something my BD's paternal grandma would say/do. The uber holy christian undertone, the alienation of the other parents, and the my life is so boring without you here to poison that I can't do anything but shop. Barf. Thankful my kids aren't really old enough for email...

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

I believe that she has SD16 brainwashed or SD16 is too embarrassed to call "Steve". I HATE BM!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

She knows that we read them and that the skids don't. She wants a reply from us but we are not going to play her games. I'm too scared of her reply...