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Would you change Skids cell phone numbers if you knew of the BM talking bad about you through text?

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

A couple of weeks ago I broke SS15 cell phone. He got it taken away for being a disrespectful shit to his dad. SS15 was saying things that made it so obvious that he was in contact with his POS BM that he hasn't seen in over 5 years. SD16 ran away from her punishment to be with BM. Took her back just like that! Amazes me...Anyways. SD16 obviously gave BM SS15 cell number and BM has been calling him and texting SS15. SS15 has BMs number under SD16 name. He claims it is SD16 cell phone that BM uses. Whatever...

So he got it taken away on a Friday night and Saturday he was PARANOID about the phone and asking for it. He would NOT shut up about it. I got so aggravated with him that I had to call SO and put him on speaker phone to talk with SS15. SO sent SS15 to his room for the rest of the day. To make a long story short, SS15 snuck out of his room and took his cell phone back! He was disrespectful to me because he saw that I was replying to texts that his "sister" was sending. SO asked that I reply to the texts. I felt stupid doing so so I only replied to a few. SS15 was basically in my face yelling at me that I it was HIS phone. No it is NOT your phone! and off the phone went over the railing to the first floor. Yes, I could have removed the battery from the phone and given SS15 back the phone but then the sneaky brat would have been searching high and low for the battery.

I finally got his cell phone replaced yesterday. I put the sim card in and a whole bunch of texts came in. I believe this is a text from his BM but I would NOT put it past SD16 to talk to me that way in a text now that she is with that nutbag. The text said: "Ew Ubrng don't text me pretending to be SS15, I know SS15 doesn't text like that you stupid bitch get a life" Wow!

I can not believe BM is that immature and stupid to send a text like that to SS15 phone! This woman is 48 years old! She is the one that needs to get a life Misses I don't even have a job and I freeload off of my mother and sleep on her couch.

I was pissed off when I saw that. But what pissed me off even more was the fact that
I told SO that I was going to change SS15 cell number and he said "Oh we just won't give it to him right now" Really? I wanted to hear "we won't give it to him right now but when we do go ahead and change his number first" Nope...He wants BM to have access to SS15 phone. Maybe so she can dig herself into an even bigger hole with her stupidity but really? Change his number SO!!!

I can't believe BM......But I do want to pat her on the back for finally getting my name


ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

I want to change the number because SS15 attitude totally changed after talking to his POS BM. The craziest thing about BM is that she actually thinks she isn't doing anything wrong.....Big time narcissist.

icecubenow's picture

Your SS will give BM the new # if you change it. If you take the phone away, BM will give him a new one. Just let them keep doing what they are doing. Where there is a will, there's a way. Document all of it, if you think you'd use it in court.

My SD18 "had" to have a cell phone, very early on, so BM had access to her whenever she wanted. Throughout the years, the phone was merely a weapon. Over and over again. Eventually, SD18 had 2 phones, yet we had only given her one. Don't know where the other one came from, don't care. She was going to do whatever she wanted, when she wanted, etc...DH was OK with it.

We had custody of SD18 since she was 7. BM will influence your SS no matter what, if that's her goal. She is, after all, his only mother. Please do yourself a huge favor...disengage from SS.

Of course, IMHO.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

SS lives with us full time. BM lives in another state and hasnt seen him in over 5 years. The only reason she has his number is because SD16 gave it to her. I would be deleting their number from his phone before giving it back to him...

SMof2Girls's picture

It seems very naive that he has no way of getting their numbers or giving them his, even if you change and delete them. Email, Facebook, house phones, etc .. you can't keep him locked in a bubble with no communication with them.

Save yourself the stress and let it go.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

BM is supposed to have supervised visitation with the skids. She skipped town back in 08. Refuses to follow the court order. When
She skipped town she figured she could now have contact with skids. She started sending letters to them and then resorted to emailing
Them to my SO business email account. I work for him so I have access to those emails.

I don't think its okay for BM to be texting or talking to my SS15 if she is going to be talking "shit" about us to him. Especially on a cell phone that we pay for.

Look at it this way...if it was one of your kids friends talking that way about you would you just disregard that or
Block their numbers?

Jsmom's picture

I think you just block their number from his phone. Don't say anything, just go online and do it....That may solve all the drama.

hismineandours's picture

If you and your dh pay for the phone you can do whatever you want with it. If I remember your story correctly-bm is not supposed to have any contact with him, correct? If that's a court order, then I'd stick to it and explain it to the kid-that you dont want to break it, it's there for a reason, since you cant trust him not to contact her, you are just not going to provide him with a phone for awhile.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Surprisingly BM has not called the house number. So I am assuming SD16 has not given in and tried calling the house. We actually had
To change the house number due to BM using SO as a reference and creditors calling looking For BM to collect.

And if BM did start calling the house phone we would change that too.