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the truth and nothing but the truth.....

buterfly_2011's picture

I went home last night and brought up my feelings about SD17. And I brought up all of them. SO confided in me that he worries all day about if I will leave him. He sits in his truck and asks himself why do I stay? Why am I in this. What is my last straw? What will SD do that will put me over the edge when she is here. He told me he gets physically sick thinking about the fact that I very well could kick him and his kids out the door. He asked me why do I stay? When without him and his BM drama I have no drama in my life. And he is right my kids and I wouldn't really have much drama except the occasional fight with my ex over stupid crap. I sat there thinking this is my door opening to be honest. To tell him EVERYTHING that is on my mind. I took my opportunity and this is what I brought up.

!. My son and his daughter alone in the house during the day. Both teenagers with no brother/sister connection
2. Feeling like I'm letting my worst enemy into my private life, into my own home with all my things. Me and my son wanting to put locks on our doors.
3. Him making me feel as though I am the "other" woman when she is here
4. Him putting me on "friend" status while she is here and I will NOT tolerate that if that is what we will become because he is afraid to show me any type of attention in front of her then he may as well pack up now and go to his mothers.
5. He is showing her it's ok to disregard me and my feelings. Showing her I don't matter by treating me this way while she is here.
6. Him catering to her every whim will NOT due anymore. I will NOT tolerate my summer being depended on what SHE wants, my son and possibly his sons will do what we have decided to do and they can choose to not come.
7. I told him I felt she was a liar. She is sneaky and I told him ALL the things she did last summer so he could see EXACTLY why I am worried about her being around my son.
8. I told him that NO I don't want her here. I don't want her here EVER. I am worn out on trying. I am worn out on being forgiving and I am worn out on their drama
9. I told him he needs to start becoming afraid of loosing ME rather then making BM mad. Seriously hang up on the bitch. She is 7 hours away. What is she going to do? Why must you answer your phone to her every single time she rings to scream at you for something that she feels YOU did wrong. WHO CARES.
10. I told him that I will no longer be second or third or fourth.
11. There will be rules. I am NOT the maid. I won't come home every day to dirty clothes and dishes everywhere (thats how it always is when they visit)

And lastly I was honest with him about how hurt I was when I had to cancel a wedding that he just swept under the carpet. I told him there is NOTHING more that could possibly be done that could hurt me worse then him basically putting that on a back burner because of SD17 and her bullshit jealousy. AND I also let him know how sad I was that not only did he put it on the back burner but HE never even talked about it. The date of when we were to get married came and went and he FREAKEN ignored that it even came. There was no talking about it. I told him I wish he had NEVER asked me to marry him. I told him honestly now I am over it. I don't give a shit if we do or don't. I sold the dress the shoes the flower. I am past the crying about it. Past the hurt. I am angry. He claims she isn't controlling his life but are we married??? NO! he did say he wants to get married followed by I wish we could... OMG seriously? Your sitting there AGAIN letting her rule what we do. I replied with well I don't want get married. I am over it. Who wants to feel that hurt again? NOT ME! I told him now I would only feel as though he was doing it to make me happy and NOT because it's what he wants for us. I don't want to be married to somebody because they felt they HAD to. I told him I had NEVER been so hurt in my life. Imagine my shoes... I had never been asked to be married. My ex and I got married because my parents said hey we will pay for it if you will just do it. So we did. So for my SO to ask me to marry him was a BIG deal. I wasn't allowed to tell anybody........ for fear of SD!7 reaction. Where do I rate in his life? I don't. Therefore I feel that was the lowest of all lows. How could I be hurt any worse then that? She can call me whatever she wants or break my shit or talk bad about me. But she took something from me because HE let her. And continues to do so.

He didn't say much after all of that. And I knew he wouldn't. I was so proud of myself for standing up for ME. Nobody else is going to. I was tired of frosting a moldy cake. He needed to know how I felt. There isn't much more hurt I can experience. How could they hurt me any more then what they already have. Do I want that girl in my home? NO! Do I want her near my son? NO! Do I want to deal with her lying all summer about where she is and who she is with? NO! Do I want my SO to retreat to friendship status with me? NO. Do I want to have to ask him to leave because he can't deal with things how he SHOULD? NO. But now that all my cards are on the table and he knows CLEARLY where I stand I guess we will soon see. Two weeks will be here before we know it.


buterfly_2011's picture

He said he wants to tell her no. But fears the BM reaction because BM wants a "break". Yep he said it!!!!!!!!!

redfire's picture

Why does he fear BM? for heavens sake this girl is 17 there is no reason to talk to BM. She should be in some summer activities, working or off on a college hunt doing research about colleges. DH giove me a break this girl is old enough to deal with no or not for the whole summer

StepX2's picture

Good that you were able to say all of that to him. Crappy tho that he still doesn't seem to get it. Let him know that now the true test will be to see how he acts after you have spilled your feelings out to him and he already has strike one!

buterfly_2011's picture

I dont really get the fear of BM... I know she likes to scream and finger point etc. She forgets what she has contributed to these children. Regarding their behavior. She likes to finger point it's all SO fault. So when he tries to talk to SD17 about things and her behavior BM plays blame game. Then when he tries to discuss me BM tells SD17 no she does not have to.. the last time she was here she called her mom and we could hear her mom laughing about the issue. Then SD17 doing the " I know right?" so there is no help there. Which I don't expect there to be.

I am fully livid of his fear of BM. The only thing she can do is make it even harder for us to get the boys by playing the I don't have gas money. Which she did last week. But our lawyer is drawing up all the papers to have her served. She is in contempt of the CO regarding visitation. And her BS excuses don't matter this is court ordered. She moved. She put the strain on everyone. It is her JOB as well as SO to get the kids to each parent by sharing the costs. I think his ultimate fear is the constant battle for the boys. Which she does use them to get back at him when he doesn't do things EXACTLY how she and SD17 want them done. It's down right nasty.

BUT honestly there is simple solution. Don't engage in the conversation. Hang up. Don't listen to her tell you how you forgot to take our her garbage or how she made all the decisions while you were married or how you let her down for this or for that. HANG UP THE PHONE. That's my take on it. What is she going to do drive down here and yell at him for garbage that was not taken out over 6 years ago? Come on..........

oncechoosetosmile's picture

time to move on, I suggest.If he cant even marry you because he is pissing his pants in fear of SD17 and BM, he is possibly not the right one for you.Besides , who wants to marry someone without balls.You deserve better, i am also proud of you being brave enough to speak out.

ItAlmostWorked's picture

Please consider that many men "relax" a bit after marriage. So if you got married, he may brush all this off even more because after marriage it is harder to break it off.

I wonder when he tells you that he doesn't know why you stay, part of this is an admission things won't ever change. It's possible he feels he can't change even when it is clearly a choice he could make for those of us detached from the relational triangle between your BF, BM and SD.

Such a painful situation. I wish you the best with it all.

ItAlmostWorked's picture

Please consider that many men "relax" a bit after marriage. So if you got married, he may brush all this off even more because after marriage it is harder to break it off.

I wonder when he tells you that he doesn't know why you stay, part of this is an admission things won't ever change. It's possible he feels he can't change even when it is clearly a choice he could make for those of us detached from the relational triangle between your BF, BM and SD.

Such a painful situation. I wish you the best with it all.