What are the chances SD19 will actually stay out of my life?
We are moving out of state in a few short weeks. SD19 is not coming with, as she's in college and is NOT welcome in our house. I haven't spoken two words to the brat for several years and I am fine with that. Obviously DH and SD19 are as well, as they've made no effort whatsoever to change the situation.
Well, now DH is getting all clingy to SD19 (and vice versa) and has seen her more times over the past three months than he did for a couple of years before that. He even told me he wants to take the kids to meet up with her and wants me to come along! Um, hell no! I also told Dh that under NO circumstances is SD19 going to be allowed to stay at our house IF (he said when) she decides to visit. Her grandparents live an hour away, let her stay with them if they'll have her.
What are the chances I will be able to remove SD19 from my life with this move? Or will it just suck me into the hell hole more because DH will be pining away for not seeing his precious princess?
- Elizabeth's blog
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stepmom, reason SD19 is not
stepmom, reason SD19 is not allowed in my house is she has been absolutely hateful to me and refuses to admit what she has done wrong and apologize. Those are the only two things I am standing firm on that prevent her from being in my house. The list of things she has done to me is quite extensive, and this is all I'm standing firm on. Naturally she refuses, and I'm not about to back down on this one after having backed down on every other issue for the past 14 years.
Don't back down...I won't
Don't back down...I won't either. SD is not welcome here unless she apologizes to me and her brothers for the damage she caused.
I think if you move and you don't enable his discussions about her and stand firm, he will realize that she is not welcome. She and him will need to make arrangements on their own that do not include you or your home.