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After 4 Mother's Days with nothing, this one finally hurts

SteppedInIt's picture

I have been with SO for about 5 years. Have been living with SO for 4 years. We have had his teenage son and daughter full time for pretty much the entire time. Their mother lives a few hours away and only sees them a few times a year. She is a piece of work. In the past, have told SO that while I don't expect his kids to really do anything for mother's day (since they are older), that I would appreciate at least being acknowledged by my SO for taking care of his kids, cooking, cleaning and dealing with all of their teenage drama. I know have any bio's of my own and Mother's Day is always hard for me.

About 4 weeks ago SD went to live with her Mom - there is alot of history behind this, but in a nutshell it was more about her running away from her life in X town, than about her Dad and I.

Sunday morning, SO tells me he got a text from BM, thanking him for letting SD come to live with her and that she now she is "a real Mom" again. Ouch. This really made me think - I have basically thrown my life upside down to take care of SD and SS for four years, but because BM has played Mom for 4 weeks, she immediately gets to be full-fledged "Mom" again, however, I have never even remotely been considered to be a Mom by these kids. I'm sure that SD spent mother's day fawning all over her Mom and telling her how awesome she is. I never heard from SD at all yesterday, as I'm sure I have now been totally erased from her life after 4 weeks away. But I did get to hear SS phone his Mom and wish her a Happy Mother's day. Awesome. I get to cook and clean for you both, but it is your Mom that you acknowledge. Makes me feel so wanted and loved.

After 4 years of being snubed on Mother's Day, my hard shell finally cracked. I was really hurt.

I know that that this is what many of us have to deal with on Mother's Day, and it is not my SO's fault. But I would have thought, given that he knows it's a hard day for me, he would have realized that his ex telling him that now she gets to be a "real mom" again would have hurt my feelings. But no, it didn't cross his mind at all. And yet again, my SO did not even acknowledge my efforts with the kids this past year. He couldn't understand why I was so quiet all day yesterday. And I just couldn't bear to fight about the snub. I just told him I wad tired.

I feel beat down and I am sad. I can't tell him because somehow sharing my feelings makes him upset and he turns it into being my fault. It's easier just to tell you ladies - - - - thanks for listening.



hismineandours's picture

This is my life too. Got to hear ss phone his loser mom who lives an hour away and sees him a few times a year and kicked him out last year and said she wanted to terminate her rights. But yes he had mothers day love for her. I had to spend the whole day around the little asshat- we went to a mothers day dinner with my family and he never bothered to even acknowledge me as being in the mother role.

Willow2010's picture

and it is not my SO's fault
Oh hunny...I disagree!! He knows and sounds like a jerk.

SteppedInIt's picture

You're right, Blue Belle, but considering I have told him this at least the past 2 Mother's Days(if not 3), I just think why bother, it won't change anything and he'll somehow turn it around on me and fight, saying I'm always looking for something to complain about. Even if he does say he understands and apologizes for being clueless, next year, Mother's Day will roll around and the exact same thing will happen. It's just not worth the fight to have zero result.

That's why it's so nice to have you ladies (and gentlemen) here to listen to me.......... at least you all understand how being a SM is all the dirty work with none of the accolades.


SteppedInIt's picture

Loud and clear, Bookishworm......nada from me. I don't even plan on making the nice dinner that I usually make for Father's Day. If he doesn't appreciate what I do, why should I be patting him on the back telling him what a great dad he is?

Maybe I'll be conveniently away that weekend....... }:)