I hate eating dinner with them
If Dad makes something, he eats it. If I made the same dang thing, he despises it. He will add stuff like hot sauce which he says he likes but hten it gets "too spicy for him". You added it, you eat it. Of course that doesn't happen. So we ask for extra bread. Which is what we eat...that's it! I'm the only one who sees this and it makes me sick to my stomach and not wanting to eat with them.
- habsle's blog
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I hate dinner time, too. My
I hate dinner time, too. My SD13 lives with us and while she usually doesn't have a problem with what I cook, I can't stand eating with her. I have to ask her every night to stop scraping her teeth on her fork with every bite because it drives me crazy. She spills food all over the table. She hunches over her plate to eat. Sometimes she chews with her mouth open. If we have salad or something that needs dressing or sauce or cheese, she dumps too much of it on her plate. All of that makes me crazy. But her stupid conversation and attempts to get attention are even worse.
At dinner, I don't look at her, even if she is speaking which I have always considered rude. I just can't help it. I generally can't wait until dinner is over regardless of how long it took me to cook. At least she is with Big Mama for dinner on Saturday and Sunday night
Nothing chaps my ass more
Nothing chaps my ass more than a person with crappy table manners. Even kids. By the time a kid is approx 5yo old there should be nothing but "please" and "thankyou", "may I be excused", full knowledge and application on the use of utensils, napkins, etc... and the message should be very clear "take what you want but eat what you take".
An occassional "eyes are bigger than the stomach" episode is one thing. We all have those upon occassion but none of this "I don't like ....., I don't want......, It's too ......., etc, etc, etc...."
Just my thoughts of course.
I wish I could do that but
I wish I could do that but there's too much whining already and plus if I even do anything to the brat, I'm the one that gets in trouble.
Your'e not alone. I used to
Your'e not alone. I used to make wonderful meals for our family. In the beginning the skids ate a few things I made them. Then BM started working on them and the skids would say "that stinks", "what smells".
I got so discouraged about puting so much time and energy into cooking and then have my feelings hurt, I decided I would not cook for them anymore. I also rarely eat with them too.
I just feel that my Dh could be doing so much more to stop the rude behavior. Even with me not participating in meals, Dh hasn't done anything to change things.
My motto now is "do what ever makes YOU happy"
I completely understand your
I completely understand your feelings on it. When my skids were super young, they did the same thing. Mainly because biomom basically fed them frozen food. I cook and bake all fresh
2. cook after you....still less work for you
Enjoy your meals and dont let a picky child bother you please. Even my own son can get annoying..lol..
Do not think of cooking for them. Never. Cause you will always be disappointed. Cook for yourself and for your husband. Of course take into account he is a child so nothing spicey. If he doesn't like what you cook just hassle your husband to cook afterwards. I'm sure he'll get pissy after a while and basically do two things. 1. Do the cooking himself....less work for you