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SD got caught lying....again.

Nightshade's picture

DH went Monday to see his grandsons who he hasn't seen since SD graced us with her presence last January. When he went in the house she immediately started in on how she wasn't trying to make Nightshade look like a bitch on Facebook by posting the week before "GS called to say H Bday and left you a message on your cell" is a bitch and we won't call your house. He tells her that she knows he uses his cell for emergencies only and it is not on when he is home(he's told her this about 7454738 times)She says well your GS wanted to call you and I didn't have your new house #.("new" # is almost a year old) Her DH immediately calls her out on it and says "I programmed it into the phone 2 weeks ago and I told you that!!" LMFAO you stupid, silly bitch..I almost wish I was there to see it!!!!(Not really)

Anyway, DH comes home with a photo in a bag. Christmas gift from of 2 GS's. DH goes to put it on the entertainment center and I told him, hell no. I know it's not the boy's fault but when I see them, I see her, and I hate that bitch.

It was just nice to see her called out on being the bitch that she is!!!


Ommy's picture

no, no, no, your mistaken Angels never lie...they simply misrepresent the truth.

Thank goodness your SO called her on it. I cant stand liars and the fact that entitled brats think they can get away with it is horrible.

Newstep's picture

I now consider every word out of SD21 mouth a lie. That girl can't tell the truth to save her life. She learned from the master BM. SO is finally seeing her true colors but it took us almost splitting up for him to believe that she would lie!!!

jojo68's picture

SD11 is a master at lying already...last night I came home to a trashed kitchen where red food color had been spilled and stained the counter. When DH came home he confronted her about it and she said that that stain has always been there and he believed her (he sees this counter everyday and fixes his coffee right where the stain is) mind you this is a big pink stain on the countertop at least 5 inches in diameter, several redish pink color paper towels in the trash, the bottle of red food color is in the trash and some spilled on the floor too. Now that is pure denial! I just don't know what to do or think anymore.

beyond pissed-off's picture

My FH is the same - absolutely BLIND when it comes to his kids. SD!$ dropped a bottle of gold nail polish in the kitchen and it went everywhere. Which would not have been a problem if she had actually cleaned it up but she gave it a couple half-hearted swipes. I got it off the floor but the one set of cupboard doors are permanently glittery. Luckily it was a "sheer" gold so it is not as bad as it could have been but it really pissed me off.

I told FH about it at the time and all he said was that he would buy me a new bottle. Really??? NOT the point! A couple days ago he notice the doors and asked what happened. Uhm...hello! I repeated what happened and he then asked SD about it. She denied it completely and said that is just how the cabinet is - and he believed her!!!!! Really???? Yes, FH - the kitchen designers put in ONE set of cupboard doors, out of almost 15 other cupboard doors, with GOLD STREAKS. REALLY????

He said - "well, when you put it like THAT it does sound odd...." IDIOT!!!!