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Nightshade's Blog

Opinions please

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I haven't posted in quite a while as I've taken the advice here and disengaged. Dh knows better than to even talk about SD to me. We still have a couple of mutual friends on Facebook and they have been really good about not talking about her to me. All in all it's been good. This weekend however, one mutual friend couldn't help herself, and says to me, " you have to see sd's photo she just posted" I was like, umm, no thanks, so she whips out her phone and puts it in my face . I'm not sure what to think...she posted her 3 children in the tub together, they are boy, 11, boy, 6, girl, 1.

Am I right or wrong? opinions, please.

Nightshade's picture

This past Sunday, SD30 had a birthdaay party for her sons. One child's birthday is in Feb, the other in April. We have not spoken since Jan '11 when her father called her out(on the phone)for her behavior(see previous blogs)After 15 or so minutes of them saying the same thing(Him:you don't care about anything or anyone buy yourself, Her:you don't take my kids overnight)on and on, if you say the sky is blue, it is because we don't take her kids overnight! If you want examples of her horrendous behavior I can give them, but the issue here is not her. It is DH.

SD got caught lying....again.

Nightshade's picture

DH went Monday to see his grandsons who he hasn't seen since SD graced us with her presence last January. When he went in the house she immediately started in on how she wasn't trying to make Nightshade look like a bitch on Facebook by posting the week before "GS called to say H Bday and left you a message on your cell" is a bitch and we won't call your house.

Contact has been made, I called it, Christmas must be coming!!Warning...LONGGGGGGG!!!!!!!

Nightshade's picture

I have just been lurking for a while, no drama here because there has been ZERO contact with SD since last March. The last blog I wrote was about being invited to SD's house for Christmas dinner with her mother, grandparents, and aunt's family. We didn't go...DH didn't want to and I always have done Christmas at my house. And my 90 yr old Dad wasn't invited, nor was my son or his GF, my daughter and her BF were invited.Whatever.FF to end of January and we get together at my house for Christmas. As usual, I go way overboard and spend $$ on her, her DH, and the kids.

Stepdaughter is a selfish witch..very.long...sorry

Nightshade's picture

There is a long history of disrespect regarding my stepdaughter. She is 30 yrs old, married and has children. I have blogged about her skipping my mother's funeral because "she was ignored" on the night my mother died, starting a fight with me while my DH(her Dad)was in the hospital after cancer surgery, telling MIL lies to start drama, and just a general disrespect of her father in general. She has a bad attitude towards her mother but Momma takes it because she is afraid she won't see the grandkids if she opens her mouth.

Adult skids and Christmas

Nightshade's picture

Soooo..I get an invite(on Facebook)along with DH,DD,DS, and their significant others for....Christmas dinner at SD30's house...along with her Mom, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles..all of her Mom's family!!!This is the same SD who ignored my mother's funeral and just recently ignored my Dad's surprise 90th Bday party, and hasn't spoken to us since July which is something that seems to happen every year or so...she just stops contact and ignores all invites, etc. So Ladies and Gentlemen, what do you think(I'm not going)..but would just like your opinions..what would you do?????