Weird Things Your Stepkids do?
I want to know if your Skids are as weird as mine. I'm not talking about things that are necessarily bad or annoying, just weird. Like...
-Collecting screwdrivers from around the house. I have confiscated at least five (that belong to us) from SD's room. What is she using them for?
-Sleeping on top of the covers, then refusing to make the bed because "I didn't sleep under the covers!"
-Leaving wet washcloths balled up in the corner of the shower. Ok...?
-Being preoccupied with cartoons/kid shows that are for far younger children. This can be kind of cute but it's definitely unusual.
These are just a few examples. Anyone else?
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Stirring ice cream until it
Stirring ice cream until it becomes liquid. Apparently this was a Behemoth thing as GG told me she would eat ice cream every night after dinner. All three skids would do this, clanking and whirling their metal spoons in a dissonant cacophony of ear splitting sound. The brilliant Prince Hygiene tried to do this with a STYROFOAM dish and poked several holes in the dish with his plastic spoon instantly; a huge mess was made.
I do that with chocolate and
I do that with chocolate and vanilla swirl icecream (only that one) because it comes out like a smoothie from Wendy's lol
They stir it until it assumes
They stir it until it assumes room temperature literally and is the consistency of orange juice.
I do that too! sorry i
I do that too!
sorry i just like it softer.
I'll bet not so soft that you
I'll bet not so soft that you can pour it down a drain with a funnel
Running around the house
Running around the house mostly naked in one's undies/whitey tighties or mini diaper!! Instead of getting dressed, dragging a blanket behind them caped over their shoulders like the "returning royalty" that they were.
Loving one food this
Loving one food this day............and hating it the next.
I will say around here when this happens:
"Oh, that's right, it's a TUESDAY, and SD10 doesn't like cheese on TUESDAYS."
AND SD12 told me one day: "I really don't like potatoes that much anymore". As she's sitting there, literally, with her hand in a bag of POTATO chips. I pointed this out - and she says "Oh, well I just mean mashed or baked potatoes."
Uh..........okie dokie.
Skids were UBER this way but
Skids were UBER this way but it was junk food A or junk food B. My bios went through this for a while with cereal. Both had different tastes in cereal usually. I said "too bad; eat it until it's all used up; I'll not buy another box till then"
LOL...MY SD10 does the same
LOL...MY SD10 does the same day she will eat eggs and the next day..OH I dont like eggs..and so on and so annoying.
MY SD's taste literally
MY SD's taste literally changes daily!!! Another thing that annoys me...she loves salsa on chips, but says its GROSS on a taco. Um ok.
To sleep they have to hold
To sleep they have to hold the tags of their blankets....It is weird. FDH told them that they were magic and kept monsters away, they will not sleep without at least one blanket tag in their hand.
The obsession with weather,
The obsession with weather, to the point of watching the weather channel like it is a frickin tv show? Need to know the temp in butt-f*ck Egypt? He will tell you, as well as all the other "weather terms" pertaining to it.
LOL yes Echo it was cute at
LOL yes Echo it was cute at first. It turned annoying when the weather "checks" happen all day long and took presidence over any one else's turn on the tv. And then seeing the anxiety from storms and weather disasters, (and it didnt even have to be our area) it was like a scary movie instead of a tv program. Cloudy day equals tornado. And there goes our plans cause the kid is upset over the weather. They feed his anxiety and so does the weather channel.
I agree this could get
I agree this could get annoying as it is the constant weather repeat loop but at least it IS educational. Whereas my skids wouldn't be caught DEAD watching something educational. Strictly a diet of Spongebob.
Education indeed and that is
Education indeed and that is good. But education has turned in to obsession and anxiety filled program!
He doesnt watch it for "enjoyment" anymore.
RUH ROH!! I've noticed that
RUH ROH!! I've noticed that skids who have been babied and coddled by (usually) the CP BM have all sorts of anxieties and fears! PH is unduly afraid of worms and bugs. He's a BOY and usually boys LOVE to play around with insects. Oh and hypochondria too (psycho PASinator BMs usually have a touch of the Munchausens) pointing out each little scratch and playing up like some big drama. My father always told me "you'll live" and "did you hurt the table when you slammed into it?"
OMG you have no idea! I wont
OMG you have no idea! I wont carry on, but he is 8 and literally has the maturity /mentality level of a 4 year old. The obsessions/anxieties of his are very much passed on cause i see it in the CP.
Yea, they have there set of "issues" that could fill a whole blog.
I mean, i know we all have "issues", LoL, but im talking, social anxiety, over parenting, hypocondriac (sp?) Contolling, manipulative, self made victims, etc.... let me stop now! Ha ha
LOL My HUSBAND is obsessed
LOL My HUSBAND is obsessed with weather. We live in Florida and when a Hurricane is headed our way you'd think he was having sex....:D
For those who have more than
For those who have more than one skid, huddling together on the sofa, on one bed in one bedroom,etc. Almost as though the BM told them never to separate as the evil SM can cast a spell on them if they do.
LOL, this one drives me & DH
LOL, this one drives me & DH nuts. Even in the restroom...if one goes (& actually demands privacy) the other will stand outside the door with his hand on the knob. Like someone is just waiting to get them alone.
We lived in an apartment
We lived in an apartment building for a while that had an in-house gym and locker rooms. The kid had her Own bathroom which worked perfectly well and was reasonably clean (except for her own disgusting mess). But she refused to shower in Her bathroom and I refused to let her shower in mine. So she went down and showered in the locker room.
Ok, that's a weird one.
Ok, that's a weird one.
Slow at EVERYTHING! On sundays we clean, I insisted on this as they were always leaving their messes for ME to clean up! Even dh's sister said something to him about that one! So what takes most people 15 mins to they will take all DAY! Then get pissed b/c they are not palying the games systems! I'm evil! }:)
Play the game systems all day long and NOT eat but of course it was my fault! I laid into my dh about that one and he now tells the boys that if they are hungry they better eat. (I cook or make sure they know there is food but then that is it)
The biggest thing they do is talk about poop and nasty stuff like that all the time to the point I have to tell them all to shut up! Who want to hear about their poop??? :sick:
SD13.5 and SS12.5 sleeping
SD13.5 and SS12.5 sleeping together on the couch and/or SDs twin bed when they have their own rooms and beds (can you say creepy???)
Can be at our house for DAYS without picking up a toothbrush, and both have braces (can you say gross???)
Have caught both, numerous times, literally sneaking around the house. (no clue what they are up to other than just being creepers)
I see we have the same
I see we have the same skids!!
OMG! I almost forgot the
OMG! I almost forgot the best one... SS claims he sees ghosts. He will tell these ridiculous stories about seeing a man in his room, feeling a hand touch his face, and on and on. Stop watching Ghost Hunters SS and get a grip on reality! Maybe that's why he and SD sleep in the same bed? still gross
Acting like a baby at 7 years
Acting like a baby at 7 years old and thinking its cute! SD pulls that crap all the time and its like nails on a chalkboard. Its soo embarrassing, especially in public. She wont do anything for herself as a normal 7 year old would do like getting dressed or pouring herself a drink....simple things a 3 year old can do! Oh...and the baby talk and wetting her pants and bed, come on!!! Really??
CTBB:1. Won't ever give
CTBB:1. Won't ever give anyone a sip of his drink, even his wife. I don't go out of my way to drink other peoples drinks but he is anal about other peoples "backwash". 2.Won't fly in a plane (33 yo)3.Will NOT eat or drink anything that isn't name brand, top shelf, etc.(hence the name Champagne Taste on a Beer Budget)He is pretty placid and mild mannered, the only time I can ever remember him showing true anger at me is the time I got him bargain brand Mountain Dew.4. Won't wear shorts or any other pants besides jeans. His whole life, EVER. 5. Constant playing/ talking about video games. His whole life. Weird I think at age 33. :?
She sucks her thumb, at
She sucks her thumb, at 11...but of course acts/dresses like a 16yr old hoochie or acts like my bf's mini wife.
EVERYTHIGN is a competition-EVERYTHING. The spoon color, who the dog sits with, where she's sitting,
"not fairrrrruuuuuhhhhhh" -oh god i could go on for days lol
The weird things my SD11
The weird things my SD11 does:
*Get dressed over top of her pajamas. She'll take her PJ top off to put her shirt on, but, she'll just throw jeans on over her PJ bottoms. It's actually quite hilarious because she wears skinny jeans a lot and it winds up bunching the PJs out the top of the waist band.
*Dissect her salads so that she has piles of every item on her plate and the salad in her bowl, and eats a single piece of each food that was included, one at a time in an interesting fashion. They're like little salad sandwiches or rolls. Sometimes, she'll put some of the items between croutons (sandwich), sometimes, she'll roll everything up in a lettuce leaf.
*Eat her veggie nuggets by nibbling slowly around the perimeter until they are small circles, before gulping down the last bite.
*Pour herself a glass of juice/Kool-Aid/Milk/Water and stand there, at the fridge, taking a sip and refilling her glass until she has decided her thirst has been sufficiently quenched and she can take the glass with her "for later" to her room/TV room/Dining room.
*Walk around on tip-toes for days at a time. For no real reason, either. "Just because" has always been her answer.
*Randomly, and out of nowhere, start dancing in a way that is almost reminiscent of Elaine from Seinfeld. But, this one I don't personally view as being so weird because I have lots of "dance breaks" throughout my days when I hear music that I like playing somewhere (in a car passing on the street, at the cafeteria/cafe at my school, etc.). SD11, however, needs no external music to bust a move at any given moment.
^^^This is hysterical. I
^^^This is hysterical. I literally choked on my breakfast burrito reading this. The "thirst quenching" is priceless.
Thanks for the reminder of
Thanks for the reminder of your blissfully enjoyed days Echo!
Lol @Xboxism. I'll have to
Lol @Xboxism. I'll have to remember that one the next time SD11 is around and finds herself glued to the Xbox for days.
SS5 is periodically terrified
SS5 is periodically terrified of harmless objects/creatures: trees, moths, gnats, ants, our dog, rain, snow, wind, etc. He will be afraid, in fact, to the point of crying and will request to carried if it is a weather issue.
Both skids (5 and 2) will forget about an injury for several days, but when BM shows up they will start crying and act like it's killing them.
Both skids will request a certain food and then refuse to eat it for several hours--usually begging for toast or cookies during that time period.
SS5 cries at the dinner table if we're eating something that's not his "favorite."
Both skids will pretend to be asleep when in the car. They always do this just as we pull into the driveway to the house. SS2 can't pull it off and usually starts laughing as soon as his dad says something, but ss5 will pretend to be asleep for several minutes until DH yells at him.
Although SS2 has never had coffee, he is obsessed with it and requests it every single morning without fail and also every time someone else mentions it.
SS5 is preoccupied with SS2's bodily functions, and tries to be in the room whenever we are changing SS2, and tries to be in the bathroom whenever SS2 is attempting to use the toilet. This behavior is so unbelievably insistent, and he argues when told to go elsewhere. It's to the point that he often sent to time out.
Both skids insist that their water is old and request new glasses when their water is perfectly fine.
My SD15 likes to -run around
My SD15 likes to
-run around the house barking like a dog to the dogs or make just loud crazy sounds. The noise of it hurts my ears!! I have to put the tv up really really loud to drown her out.
-creeps around the house all sneaky. No idea why!
-loves to cough in my food (fake cough of course) to the point where me and DH take our plates and RUN!!
-stares at me constantly especially while I am driving and she is in the passenger seat. I see her out of the corner of my eye.
-follows me around the house for no reason. If I stop quickly and turn around we would smash faces!
-uses different voices to talk on phone to different people. BM gets the baby voice, DH gets the I'm so sick voice, and her friends get the I'm so cool dude voice. Ugggg!
My ss13 is definitely odd and
My ss13 is definitely odd and always has been. In fact, people used to comment to me when he was younger that he was "an odd duck". Lemme see if I can think of some odd things-he would literally inhale his food so quickly that he vomited afterwards-this occurred at least once a week. He also must have 3 distinct meals a day or he freaks out. Literally-he goes into meltdown mode if he doesnt have a dedicated breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even if the kid sleeps til 11am and we are having lunch at 11:30-he still thinks he needs bfast at 11:15. He doesnt have much of a concept of social skills and relationships-if a random adult walks by him once and says "hello" then that person suddenly becomes his bff. We might see this individual a month later in public across a crowded mall and he would take off running so he could say Hi to his bff. He was also scared of the shower-even now at 13-he is extremely reluctant to shower? It freaked him out to no end if he was the last remaining kid still awake. He would literally go to their rooms and wake them up so he didnt have to be the only one awake. He would raid the kitchen cabinets at night and eat entire jars of peanut butter, entire boxes of little debbie cakes, and then vomit (see first example). While he could be bff's with a total stranger-someone that was well known to him and cared for him on a daily basis (say a sm) could go to pick him up at a public place and he would literally not even acknowledge me. I've had people reluctant to send him off with me because he will act like he doesnt know me. He stole my panties and bras for years. He still wets himself nightly-but the oddest thing about this is that he is seemingly unconcerned about it. He spent 2 months "pretending" he was having hallucinations. He used to cut his clothes with scissors. IDK-these are just a few off the top of my head-I got at least a million more.
SD, for years: " Hey, you
SD, for years:
" Hey, you wanna do me a favor??"
Like I just can't wait to have the go ahead to do her a favor....
I will think of more
Answer: No. Walk away. Other
Answer: No.
Walk away.
Other answer (jumping up and down with an excited grin plastered across your face): Ooh, ooh, ooh, YES.
Walk away.
Good ones. I usually say " do
Good ones.
I usually say " do I WANT to?? You mean you would like me to??" and then she'll say something like " yeah, I guess ??".
It's just a weird/rude habit to me. One that I can't help pointing out..
Been there, done that!
Been there, done that! (SHIVERS!!)
My SD will "need to pee" when
My SD will "need to pee" when I'm in the shower. I hate that. Most days, SO and I shower together, but on the rare occasion I'm showering alone, she just has to come in there. I lock the door now.
I used to not put milk in my
I used to not put milk in my cereal. I dislike soggy foods. Now that i am an adult I do eat milk in my cereal and even eat some soups! Perhaps there is hope for him.
Both SS10 & SS8 are completly
Both SS10 & SS8 are completly obsessed with baby stuff or more accuratly being babies. Despite having a room full of toys of their own they spend all of their time in DS1's room. When I was preganant I frequently heard things like that's not fair, why does the baby get that (refering to things like rattles, baby bouncers, pajamas, etc). I even wokeup one morning to find that obese SS10 had jammed himself filthy of course into the crib and was sleeping there. They still wear diapers and refuse to do anything for themselves...unless of course it's playing the Wii or DS. Here we are with DS approaching his 2nd birthday and out growing many of his infant items...but SS's still haven't.
Sadly, the bulk of just about everything mentioned by everyone else.
Least favorites quirks
- See Above
- Vomitting at will to show displeasure with something
- Creaping around the house "just cause"
- Acting like they are conjoined twins
- Afraid of the dark, afraid to be alone & still wearing diapers at 10 and 8
- Intentionally walking in on me in the bathroom or my bedroom...and if the door is locked actually complaining to Daddykins that I locked them out.
Did I read that correctly?
Did I read that correctly? They are eight and ten and both still wear diapers?
SD11: --doesn't sleep in her
--doesn't sleep in her room, doesn't want to be in her room, doesn't watch TV in her room (instead she watches TV in our room)
--completely misses the point of anything being said to her a conversation or an non-cartoon show on TV
--doesn't eat at regular meals, just eats snacks, candy, sugary anything or anything McDonalds...and then has the nerve to say that I cake I made "is too sweet"
--bangs her head against things and repeats the same thing over and over again or screams and screeches
--still rides a in grocery cart
--likes activities that are for a child half her age
Can I rag on my BK's for a
Can I rag on my BK's for a minute? This is fun! Perfectson:Farts so loudly and with such force that everytime, you think he's going to shit his pants.DD#1: When she's upset or in a bad mood, gives off "stay away vibes" that you can actually feel. DD#2:My oddest one.Won't wear jewelry because it's "itchy". Won't eat squash,summer squash or sweet potatoes based on thier color. Loves the color pink but won't wear pink clothes. I'll think of more I'm sure.![Biggrin](
SD4: Has weird ear issues.
Has weird ear issues. Her mother pierced her ears and then put in these weird rubber earrings that look like viruses. We went to pick out new earrings more suitable for a 4 y/o but she was so convinced it would hurt for me to touch her ears and would cry if I got within 2 feet of her that I finally just waited for her to go to sleep to change them out.
Always asks if what we are serving her is "spicy" or "hot". No matter what it is. We have never given her anything spicy. I don't even add salt and pepper to her food.
Loves to pretend anything is a phone (random blocks of wood, the remote control, etc) and then tells me "Its my mommy, she wants to talk to you."
The usual - asking DH for piggy back rides, acting like a baby, pretending she can't walk if we walk more than a block anywhere, etc.
Have no idea how to entertain themselves. They need DH there to make up games for them to play outside otherwise they just stand there and stare at each other.
Have an irrational fear of being kidnapped from our front yard in our tiny gated neighborhood. Trust me, if anyone took them, they would just return them in 10 minutes.
Hate looking nice and its a constant battle to get them not to look homeless if we take them anywhere.
My 3 skids (the Holy Trinity)
My 3 skids (the Holy Trinity) can get offended by literally anything. Seriously - they seem absolutely delighted when the opportunity to get bent out of shape presents itself. They also shake the liter bottle of soda before they pour it but then complain later on about it being flat. And they seem congenitally unable to put anything in the trash can. I can't tell you how many times I have opened cupboards or drawers to find empty boxes and containers. Grrrr!
My SS is literally addicted
My SS is literally addicted to shoes. He has at least 30 pair of VERY expensive “Jordan’s”. He used to try and look like a gangsta. It is so funny. He is a skinny little white boy, so he looked pretty funny in the whole get up.
He does not do the gangsta thing anymore (THANK GOODNESS) but his is still addicted to shoes. He almost went batshit crazy in boot camp because he could not buy a pair of shoes!
SD9 AND SD11: Have no idea
Have no idea how to entertain themselves. They need DH there to make up games for them to play outside otherwise they just stand there and stare at each other.
Have to make unending noise and chatter. Unwilling to sit still and be quiet for more than two seconds.
Stands outside a door waiting for it to magically open without knocking
I love this thread! Laughed
I love this thread! Laughed so many times. Here's mine:
-Picks nose and eats it as if it's the most delicious thing ever tasted.
-Craps his pants occasionally. Clogs toilet weekly. Apparently large quantities of boogers and Coke cause constipation.
-Holds his pen weird for ALL writing b/c BM told him it was really unique.
-Digs through my underwear drawer.
-Has an imaginary mom who is perfect, never yells, and has a beautiful house filled with toys and twin beds with matching pink bedspreads.
I think your BD3's is
I think your BD3's is adorable!
SD17 **loves** to crap in
SD17 **loves** to crap in public toilets. If we leave the house, you can bet she will "need to go" as soon as we get to Wal*Mart, McDonald's, etc.
Oh I forgot one...SD11 sucks
Oh I forgot one...SD11 sucks on a drink as if it were a baby bottle while curled up twirling her hair.
Ok these are hilarious!! Here
Ok these are hilarious!! Here are a few of mine...SD12 over the years...
Creeping around the house, especially lurking outside of our bedroom door (does this at our house and at BM's, got an unpleasant surprise the other day when she overheard things she was not supposed to coming from BM's room...we all had a good laugh)I swear sometimes she tries to peep through the keyhole in our bedroom door...
Crazy jealousy - at her mom's she actually threw a rock with a nasty note attached to it from her 2nd storey window at a friend who was playing with someone she doesn't like while she was grounded.
Pretending to be scared of things like clowns just to seem interesting, also making up stories in general to get attention (says she saw a "little girl ghost" in her room at our place a few times. For one, ghosts, really? Also, this house has been in the family since it was built and there was never a "little girl" who ever lived here...)
Also loves milk but won't put it in her cereal. Will crunch the cereal while eating it by hand (and leaving crumbs all over the couch) and drink milk at the same time (like takes a sip of milk with a mouth full of cereal and chews them together)
Eats a hamburger into the middle without turning it so it looks like a smile and touches both her ears at the same time while she is gnawing away at the middle - gets ketchup in ears frequently
Responds to every anecdote or story with "That's creepy" even if the story had nothing to do with anything creepy. Ironically, she is quite creepy and always stares at me while watching TV, while I'm driving, in the sideview mirror while I'm in the front of the car and her dad is driving and she's in the back, while at the movies, a play or another performance, basically any time she is in the room with me
Lurks around in corners of rooms where we are, but doesn't say anything or come sit with us
When corrected gently, flies to other side of room or area, curls up on her side with her hands over her ears and rocks in fetal position
Always embarrasses us in public especially the first time she meets someone new (for example, while registering her for school, she fell asleep in the car and so FH picked her up and carried her to our meeting with the principal. FH is tall and so SD's butt cradled in FH's arm was about at eye level to principal, and in her sleep SD proceeded to let out the longest, loudest fart I have ever heard, literally in the principal's face. FH tried to adjust his arm to muffle the sound, but it just kept on coming...we all just stood there in awkward silence for what seemed like forever until it ended, then FH was like " were saying about the reading program?")
Is very thin and seems to have no body fat except for these disproportionately large lovehandles that are actually up higher than normal (almost look like weird growths) and of course wears bikinis all summer to show them off...
Clings onto anyone who so much as smiles at her, also does whatever they say to be liked (that doesn't bode so well for her future)
When given the opportunity, will talk non-stop about anything and everything to the point of naming the various colours of socks she has in her drawer. Obviously doesn't understand sarcasm: "So, what other colours of socks to you have? Tell me more, this is so fascinating..." because she enthusiastially continues...
Cannot handle being teased, actually throws a tantrum when someone bugs her about something dumb she said
Picks at her feet and leaves little bits of skin all over the couch and floor. Then I findout she's had a plantar's wart (which are very contagious)for over a year and I almost lost it! She's supposed to always wear a bandaid over it but I know she doesn't...How has the doctor not been able to remove it yet?
Baby talk and overly affectionate behaviour towards her father, escalates when I walk in the room...
There are way more, but this is enough for now...