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BM had epiphany?

mommaofsoontobe4's picture

So DH and I are sitting here, killing time before he has to go to work. BM calls and because she's changed her number so many times, we didn't recognize it. DH picks up and after a while of "yeah....well as long as you see it now....the only way to move on is to recognize what you did wrong" he passes it to me (of course I pouted a lil Blum 3 ) anyway, she starts on with..."im so sorry, i felt you were trying to take my place....i have nothing against you...i wish you and DH all the best....i will back you up with raising the kids" DH later said she told him she knew he was doing what was best for them and that she would back him up and that she recognized that most of SD's problems were because of her, and that she should never try to be the best friend.


Seriously? What the poop???

*Back story* BM has left the guy that she was with that was bailed out of jail by his gf, and left to move to another state. She is living with her new BF, who SD says is a decent guy, but isn't "rich" like BM claims all her flings are. She has called once before to tell me she's sorry. She called when she started dating the last BF. Apparently this new BF also has a daughter around SD's age,....maybe that plays a key part?

Now she wants me to call her when the kids are acting up and DH isn't home... :/ seriously? It's been a year...I can handle them, thanks.

Now don't get me wrong, I appreciate the sorry. The problem is, she's almost exactly like my mother so my gut is telling me this is just another "drunk on life" moment that will evaporate quicker than ice on the sun. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong. what's your take on it?

**EDIT** Forgot to mention, BM hasn't called the kids in a couple weeks now...the other day, SD wanted to call and ask her for some of their baby pictures so I could make our family album and she couldn't even find the number in the caller display....which takes weeks to clear.


hismineandours's picture

Bm called my dh about 9 years into the stepparenting game and apologized for thinking I was to blame for ss's bad behaviors. that she realized how very wrong she was and that it was just ss's choice to act that way-she asked to speak to me and I deferred. I actually was very glad that she "saw the light" but truthfully, too little too late. It's not like we are ever going to be friends and she had been a key player in destroying the relationship that I did have with ss. I am not sure what was going on with her-perhaps she was in AA and was working on making amends.

Was it genuine? Sorta. I do think her eyes were opened, but she continued to have "slip ups" for the next couple years-including the time just a year ago she showed up to pick up ss who happened to be waiting outside for her and instructed me to NEVER put her son out like a dog again. Um, whatever. That was my response. And why I did not wish to speak to her myself. People are who they are-i think she knew she was wrong but she was still basically a bitch by nature. She kicked ss13 out of her house this summer so I am assuming that she is currently feeling as if HE is the problem again.

DaizyDuke's picture

BM#2 was a nasty, nasty bitch to me (for absolutely no reason, other than she is a nasty, nasty bitch) on a couple of occasions and then I ran into one day and she actually stopped me to apologize "for being offensive, how she truly wished DH and I the best with our new baby, blah blah blah" I just told her I appreciated her apology and went on my way. I certainly did not ACCEPT her apology because I know that she really didn't mean a word of it. I know her well enough to know that she might have been sorry for a moment for acting like an ass and causing drama but it's only until the next time. I still refuse to speak to her and want nothing to do with the nasty, nasty bitch.

Don't ever let your guard down dear, it makes you vulnerable for the next attack.