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SS gets sad if I use the word "step"

SW2613's picture

I was discussing with my husband how much I love this site and how helpful it has been. SS7 overheard us talking and said with a sad face "Why do you keep saying 'step-mom'? I thought I was your son?" This isn't the first time that he hasn't gotten sad. One day in Wal-mart the cashier asked if he was my little brother, because I look like I'm 15 lol. I said no and that he was my step-son so that she knew that I didn't get pregnant with when I was in high school or something. Once again he said "I thought I was your son."

As much as SS drives me crazy and honestly sometimes I hate him, but I would love to be his mom and not have to worry about BM. That's exactly the reason we tried for the adoption earlier this year. He is always talking about how much he loves our family. To him, his family ONLY includes me, Dh, himself, and our bulldog (his sister). For his birthday this August him and I were in the car talking about his birthday and some surprises I had for him. He said "all I want is for us to be a family." The courts keeping stressing BM's rights. What about SS's rights? Shouldn't he have the right to be safe, happy, protected from abuse, and have a chance at a wonderful life with 2 loving parents? I do not understand why they think it is in his best interest to have contact with her. All she does is abuse him and wreck his life. When he even just has 2 minute phone calls with her, he gets nightmares and other sleep disturbances, gets behavior reports at school, and just changes as a person. Without her, he has normal kid issues plus quick mood swings (maybe even mood disorder inherited from her we are waiting for the test results).

The law school students appointed to represent his best interests are coming to do a home visit next Saturday (I will definitely blog that day!). We have been trying to organize the house and I've been working on getting all are pictures into nice frames, finishing his cub scout scrapbook and school work scrapbook, and hanging up all of the awards and achievements that we (and only us) as good parents have helped him earn. They will going to do BM's visit on the 21st. I feel like we are being investigated when we are good, caring, devoted parents while that bitch moved over 40 miles away from "her" son to live with her bf and his mother.

Dh and I discussed today that we should just open up and confess all of our feelings about this whole unfair situation to the law students. The stress of dealing with BM's bullshit and the effects it has on SS his entire personality and behavior causes so many problems in our lives and marriage. In fact, Dh wants us to go to counseling to help us manage the stress better. Should we be completely honest with the law students about how hard it is on us? Any advice on how to deal with G.A.L.s would be appreciated?


paul_in_utah's picture

Oh jeez, my "step" daughter would blow her top if I ever referred to her as my "daughter." She is unflinchingly vigilant in correcting people who incorrectly refer to her as my "daughter." It's hard for me to imagine the scenario you described.