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Update: Final Days of SS10 Visit

CastleJJ's picture

Well, I spoke too soon about the remainder of the visit going well. Last night, SS10 talked to BM and GF for over 45 minutes on the phone. SS excitedly showed BM the scrapbook of all of the photos of SS and DD that he is putting together. He went page by page for 5 minutes, all excited about his hard work. Well, BM did not give a favorable reaction, so of course, SS then had to tell BM the "bad" to keep her happy.

So when DD was 3 months old, we took her to the pediatrician due to flattening of her head. She was evaluated by a craniologist and a PT. They diagnosed her with mild plagiocephaly (flat head) and torticollis (abnormal tightness of the neck). We were evaluated for a helmet and she has been going to PT once per week. Well, thanks to insurance, the helmet is not due to be fitted until August. DH and I have been busting our butts to help her head round out and we have been doing exercises and tummy time with her several times per day. We met with the pediatrician last week and they determined a helmet will not be beneficial in August due to DD's age and that her skull has made significant improvements so while her head isn't perfect, it isn't worth pursuing a helmet. I have had major Mom guilt for months about DD's head and doing right by her. We have been careful about mentioning anything related to this around SS because I didn't want it getting back to BM, but he has eavesdropped and heard snippets of conversations with others. Last night, after showing BM the scrapbook, SS told BM that we are not getting DD a helmet and that we are doing absolutely nothing to help DD; that her head is totally flat and we are completely failing her. Listen, I don't want to eavesdrop on SS' calls with BM, but he has accused us of plenty of things in the past and has said things to create conflict between households during his calls with BM. We eavesdrop to protect ourselves by knowing what is said before BM blindsides us with allegations. Plus, BM makes SS sit next to her, on speakerphone, during calls with us and she often responds to DH directly for SS, so I don't care if she is mad that we listen in. Anyways, I was pissed, but I can't call him out on it because then he will know we eavesdrop on his calls and then he will work harder to hide during calls. He also trash talked my Mom to BM and GF for not honking at an elderly man who wasn't driving fast enough in front of them while running errands. SS told my Mom at the time that "BM would honk without a second thought because slow drivers piss her off." So he had to tell BM and GF how terrible my Mom is for not honking and that she is a terrible driver. 

SS finished his call, listening to BM and GF talk about their weeks. They talked up their vacation again that is planned for this weekend after they pick SS up. They told him how much they loved and missed him.After SS' call with BM, he seemed totally fine, but the bathroom issues persisted. Whatever. 

Well this morning, SS woke up with a stick up his ass and of course, DH is out of town on a single day business trip. SS is angry, short, and incredibly irritable. He has barely said two words the whole morning and has hid in his room, laying in bed, listening to music. He had breakfast, rinsed his dish and put it in the sink, and ran upstairs. My Mom made DD her baby food and put it in the sink on top of his plate. I told SS to come down and put the dish in the dishwasher, which he should know as it has always been our expectation. He stomps down and sees that his rinsed plate has baby food on it. He freaks out and goes "Great! My clean plate has baby food on it so now I have to rerinse it. I shouldn't have to do that!" I immediately called him out and said "Stop. You are not going to be disrespectful. I will not tolerate it. You are going to rerinse the dish and put it in the dishwasher. The world will not end." He did it silently and ran back upstairs. I texted DH to let him know. He hid upstairs for a while, I checked in on him, telling him that if he is upset or stressed that he should talk about it, not keep it bottled up. He said he was fine and I didn't push further. He came down just a bit ago, seemingly better and asked to work on his scrapbook again. 

I had hoped our last few days would be nice, but it seems that it is easier for SS to leave mad than to leave happy. I HATE transitions! I'm frankly over it and told DH that I will be disengaging from SS significantly going forward. Hopefully he will straighten out this afternoon. 

UPDATE: I left him alone for a while and worked in the other room while DD napped. He worked on his scrapbook some more. He finished it and showed me happily. He put some photos of DD smiling on a page and put "Life with DD is never normal - sometimes she is happy, but mostly she is really happy." Now he is happily playing in his room and being polite like he wasn't a total jerk this morning. If this isn't steplife and is just pre-adolescence, Lord help us all. 


Ispofacto's picture

He doesn't realize it, but he is angry at BM.  Your sympathy for him will last for a while before you suffer from empathy fatigue.

I used to think knowing as much as I could about what Satan was up to could soften the blow of the schemes she cooked up, but really they just caused my exposure to reach critical mass quicker.  There is really nothing you can do to counteract BM's schenanigans.  And some of the crap she cooks up will never come to fruition.  I think you need to limit your exposure.

The things he said were nasty and cruel and I'm sure BM enjoyed them immensely.  At his age, it won't be long before this attitude becomes part of his nature, and eventually it will be all his responsibility.  You are better off not knowing the negativity going on between SS and BM.  In the long run, it won't matter whether he meant what he said or not, the damage is the same.


CastleJJ's picture

I told DH that I am disengaging and no longer making it my responsibility to make sure SS has a nice visit. 

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

Why does your summer schedule allow for straight weeks instead of this break in the middle? While we don't like that we see SD less often, our lives have been significantly less stressful and full of drama since the amount of transitions and exchanges with BM. I know your DH got screwed over in court, but what was the reason of not allowing your DH to have consecutive weeks for summer? I can't imagine having SD for a few weeks then back to BM and then back to us. Week on and week off was tough at times because the households were so different and that was when she was 2-4, not 6+. It is nice that after a couple days for the most part SD has transitioned to the routine and expectations of our household. It would be annoying to have to constantly do the adjustment or have to do it multiple times just in the summer.

It is unfortunate how because BM can't just say "Oh that is very nice of you" in regards to the scrap book that then your SS knows the only way to appease BM to bash what goes on in your household. Unless it negatively impacts SD or is something to be concerned about, we don't really care about BM's household, but when SD talks about something that happened over there or she did, etc. we respond with a polite "oh, that is nice" or something to that effect unless it is something concerning then we ask questions, but never make SD feel like we want to hear it is horrible over at BM's or something. 

I wish the last couple of days would of been nicer for the visit with SS, but at least it is almost over and it will be a while until having to deal with all that nonsense.

CastleJJ's picture

When we went to court on 2019, we asked for 6 consecutive weeks of summer visitation, BM countered due to SS' sports schedule, saying 6 weeks would interfere with football. The judge offered us 4 consecutive and BM countered, arguing that since SS hasn't spent more than 2 weeks with us ever (due to BM refusing overnights and limiting visitation), that SS isn't comfortable enough with us to have 4 consecutive weeks. So the judge ordered two two week blocks. And the judge told DH he will never change the schedule until SS turns 18 so here we are - a 10 year old who "can't handle" more than 2 weeks with his Dad. 

SS told me this week that he doesn't like the clothes we provide at our house because he only wants to wear gym clothes. DH and I were raised that gym clothes are for athletics only and you wear nicer shorts/jeans and t-shirts for daily life. SS wasn't raised that way so fine. DH told him that having some gym clothes is fine, but he also needs nicer clothes for nice dinners out, church, dressier events, etc. He can't live 100% in gym clothes. But I told him that next spring, we can go buy a few pairs of gym shorts since we won't see him again before winter. He told BM and GF that he told us and they were like "oh good. I'm glad you finally told them. I know it was bothering you." Why does it all have to be a big secret? If you don't like something, just tell us. 

We are the same way. SS can tell us all about BM's house and we just say, "that's nice." We never badmouth their household or encourage it. Sure, DH and I poke fun at and vent about BM and GF, but never when SS is with us. I told DH that I am done and I am disengaging. I will not be taking as much interest in ensuring SS has a great visit. 

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

6 weeks of summer for long distance visitation schedules is very standard. That judge is awful and basically rewarded BM for limiting SS's time with his father. Kind of like how the judge in our case was going to reward BM for cheating and lying about her older child being DH's. The judge was going to order BM have primary physical custody because he did not want to separate the sisters regardless of everything against BM and being in DH's favor. That's why DH settled so he could at least negotiate and get some of what he wanted since he wasn't going to get anything better ordered from the judge. What your judge should of done that would of been at least a compromise is to have every summer be a little more time until it ended up being consecutive weeks like I have read other judges have granted for others on here to allow the child to get used to the change in schedule. Instead of being like nope, never gonna happen, this is what you get and too bad. 

I was raised the same way. My brother prefers athletic wear but now that he is 15 finally starting to like jeans, but my parents always made it that he had both, but living in athletic gear all the time wasn't an option. I don't blame you on waiting until next spring because he is going to grow!

Yeah, I hear you on that. SD is very nosey now and so some things get spelled or just waits till later that we know she won't overhear, but we never bad mouth BM to SD or say anything that might seem that way. EXCEPT, I did tell SD on the 4th of July that BM needs to stop babying her because she is a big girl. That is as close as I have ever gotten to bad mouthing her. SD then agreed she is a big girl and has been acting like it since. 

I think that is a good thing to decide. DH thinks I will be that way once we have an ours baby because I won't want the step drama to take away from our child.

CastleJJ's picture

Yes, we had a horrible judge who made a horrible ruling and basically sided with BM on everything. There was no compromise, just $30k down the drain, trauma for DH & I, the same schedule we already had and a comment from the judge to DH that "a child needs their Mother." DH and I have accepted the visitation as is, have recovered from court with therapy, and aren't looking to secure anymore visitation or change it. I am hoping that eventually, SS' sports will just become so much that he weans off visitation and just stops coming all together. I know DH isn't at that point yet, and while he acknowledges that SS will likely stop visiting in the next few years, he still hopes for a positive relationship with SS, so here we are.

NotYourAverageStepMama's picture

why we have not persued anything and if we ever did would be years down the road, but probably will never happen. However, a lot depends on how the next couple of years unfolds. BM doesn't have SD's tonsils to hide behind this year so that will be interesting. SD doesn't really do any sports right now, but DH predicts when SD gets older and has friends she is going to not want to come to visit over the summer or at least the whole summer so again just waiting to see what happens. 

In your case I definitely wouldn't try and change anything, all you would do is waste more time and money! I am just hoping that BM doesn't want to change anything or take us to court for anything LOL.

advice.only2's picture

I'm sorry SS is sharing information about your daughter with his mother, that is one of the hardest pills to swallow when it comes to step life.  It's one thing to be able to judge what a horrible mom BM is, but you know she's juding you the same and that is so frustrating.   As for SS all you can do is be so thankful that his visits are few and far between and as he gets older and PASes out you won't have to tolerate the attitude anymore. 

CastleJJ's picture

I told DH that. I am thankful that he lives long distance and only visits 5 times per year so we can limit his spying to only a few times per year. 

I am doing the best I can with DD and I know that, but I still feel like it is never enough. I think that's how parenthood is for most. I know that BM will play on that insecurity if she has the chance and I know I have to just accept it and ignore it. 

advice.only2's picture

Mom guilt is the worst and when you know tha GUBM is just waiting for any little morsel to pounce on it sucks!  Spawn used to give regular updates to Meth Mouth about my kids and any issues they had.  It would piss me off and I so badly wanted tell Spawn I hope some day she gets the pleasure of having somebody judge her and report on her every move to somebody who dislikes her.