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Pinch me ... I think I might be dreaming!

hayuh's picture

For those of you who have read any my previously blogs, you will understand, if not you can go back and read them.

I last blogged about Sunday and going to BM's to see SS5 and how she was upset about her new baby's daddy being a deadbeat and moving away and not wanting anything to do with the baby (likely because of her). BM was emotionally upset and needed somebody to talk to, and I talked to her. She basically admitted she knew how good of a father SO is to SS5, and was really upset that her new son wouldn't have that to grow up with. BM also said she wanted to set up an appointment with a Dr. because she thought that maybe she needed help!!! WHAT?!?? Did BM just say she needed to go to the Doctor to get help?!! I said that would probably be a good idea, I'm sure they could help you figure something out (all the while in my head I am like thinking its about F-ing time you realize you need help!) BM also said that she would never want me to not be a part of SS5's life because she knows how much he loves me, and I love him, and tells people that he has a mommy, a daddy, and a hayuh - and she wouldn't want to take that away from him.

Monday night BM send me a facebook friend request! .... Not sure what to do about that. I have neither accepted, nor declined. My past experience says decline. However, I don't know. I would be open to being friends / not like besties by any means, lol ... but a level of civility would be a nice change; and certainly less stressful!

BM called me Tuesday afternoon, while I am at work, to ... wait for it ............ let me know SS5 had his first TBall practice that night and she wanted to know if I wanted to go. I told her that I would love too, but I had already made plans to help my Dad with some work at his job, when I got off of work at my job, and if I would've known sooner I would've made arrangements to where I could be there. BM calls ... lowly 'ol me! And BM invites me, to SS5's practice!!! What is up with this radical change in her attitude and mood?????!?

And finally this morning. BM calls me at work, on my cell, to let me know how SS5's TBall practice went because she thought I would like to know! Apparently they called her back later that evening to let her know that his practice would be canceled, because the field was to wet. I told her I was glad that I didn't miss anything, but that I was sure SS5 would like to have gone. She chatted for a little while, and told me that she had gone to see a Dr. yesterday morning, but didn't tell me anything about what they said. Hmmmmm. SO and I have long believed that she was BI-Polar, because she changes moods so often and so randomly, for seemingly no reason. Maybe, they gave her some medication or something! I think she has needed some for a VERY LONG time. But I don't know. I guess time will tell. I am like dumbfounded right now! BM also asked me what time SO would be back from his deployment today, because she had a dental appointment this afternoon, and I told her what time I thought he would be back, and she asked me to let her know if it changed so she would know what she needed to do. Did she really just say so she would know what SHE NEEDED TO DO? BM NEVER feels like she needs to do anything, or accommodate anybody but herself, and if anything, try's to make things more difficult!

I am shocked! Maybe they put her on some medication to help her psychologically? Maybe, she has had a change of heart (not to likely in my opinion)? Maybe she is up to something? I don't know .... but I am cautiously optimistic!


lastchance's picture

Any psych med's that were prescribed would not be working yet, unless a placebo effect started immediately.

But...congrats! I hope this happy, every gets along and can co-exist thing continues for you!! Smile

Best of luck.

hayuh's picture

Thanks Momzilla .... that's exactly what I'm doing right now. taking it for what it is at the moment. I would hope that maybe she has realized she is only hurting herself and her sons by being a crazy bitch to everybody.

Do I seriously think that this new attitude will stay .... honestly no. She has exhibited shreds of normalcy like this before, and then she gets pissed off when something doesn't go her way, or she doesn't get what she wants, and its back to the crazy train. Maybe she thinks that being all nicey nice, like you said will get her info or something, I don't know. But I do know I am not giving out any information to her anytime soon, or even in the near future, until I am certain of her reasoning or motives.

I hold out hope for my SS5 that she has changed. Maybe it is naive and silly, but I can't help but hope for him, and for ourselves that she is truly changing. It would take loads, and loads of stress ff of everybody! If it wasn't for him I could care less about her or anything to do with her, but the reality is, she is his mom and always will be. And for him, I think the best case scenario would be that everybody got along, as much as possible. Like you said, Momzilla, I think that would make for an amazing life for him.

dguiwh2334's picture

Don't fall for it!! Omg I just went thru this... The friend request on fb, the invites to ball games... The whole nine yards.. I fell for it.. Its a dirty decietful little trap, run away and ignore her.. Befriending her will only bring trouble! Trust me!

hayuh's picture

Believe me I am not falling for it. We have been through these similar things before, maybe just not to this extent.

The whole keep your friends close, and your enemies closer is kind of my theory on it.

I would just love for it to be different this time though. Lol .....