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Irritating Weekend

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

Nothing horrible happened, it was just irritating and I just need to put it out there.

So Saturday I worked in the AM. DH and SS14 were going to an auction and came by my store to bring me lunch, which was so nice. As they were sitting at my desk, I asked SS if he had come up with any ideas for Father's Day. He said what's my limit, and I asked "how much money do you have?" If's he's asking me about a budget, he must be thinking of something really expensive. So he tells me he doesn't have any money and I asked how much this thing was and he said $120. Money's a little tight now, so I really am not interested in spending that much, so I told him to think of something else, that was too much unless he had money to contribute. I also told SS that sometime this weekend, he was going to clean his room

So I come home, and SS is playing his computer game. DH gave him 1 hour. After the hour is over, I remind DH that SS needs to clean his room. I told DH SS can either clean his bathroom now or his bedroom, his choice, but both will need to be cleaned before he leaves on Sunday. DH relays the message to SS and of course, here comes the attitude, and it's directed at me!! I hate that, I do everything in my power not to be the one to tell SS what to do, but yet I still get the attitude b/c SS knows that DH would never tell SS to clean his room, that has to be the wicked Step-mom. AM I supposed to allow it to be a pig sty?

Anyway, as SS is cleaning his bathroom, he yells down to me, "Hey I thought you were going to mow the lawn?" What the hell? It's not enough that I worked 8 hours, then came home, cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes, and swept and mopped the kitchen floor all while SS was playing his damn game, but now I can't sit on the couch for a while because SS thinks I should be mowing the lawn?! I can't imagine what would have happened to me had I questioned my mother like that. So I made him come downstairs and I proceeded to ask him why he was asking about what I was "supposed" to be doing. He played his same "I don't know" routine and told him it was none of his business. After SS was done cleaning, DH took him over to my mother-in-law's house because DH needed a hair cut (MIL is a hair stylist) and I asked him to take SS with him (I was still pissed). When DH came home, he told me that SS stayed at Grandma's because he wanted to go to church with them in the AM. BULLSHIT. SS never wants to go to church. He just didn't want to deal with me. Fine, the feeling was mutual.

So Sunday morning DH had a golf outing for business, left really early in the morning and I didn't hear a word from anybody about anything. I spent the day alone, cleaning. DH called me around 6:00PM and I asked him what was going on with SS and what am I supposed to be doing about it? Turns out he went over to his BM's parents house because BM never called about getting him. DH didn't get home until 10:15.

Sorry about the long rant, especially seeing that there's no interesting info, but I just needed to say it all. It was irritating me.

Now I'm wondering if SS even wants me to take him to get a present for DH. I sure as hell don't want to.


Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

SS14 does the SAME DAMN THING with the clothes. I just did laundry and found 50% of his clothes were still semi-folded. I've taken to doing laundry on Sunday only and if he doesn't have his clothes in the laundry room than I don't wash them. I also don't fold them anymore either. When the come out of the dryer they go right on his bed in a big pile. He wears the same pair of jeans ALL the time, and I don't even want to know about the underwear.

SS lives with us. BM is not reliable as to when she will be taking him, and DH rarely knows until the last minute. It's really hard to plan. DH won't call BM to see what's going on. He avoids talking to her at all costs, even when it costs me my sanity!

Last-Wife's picture

i guess I'm a bitch. My skids live with us. The rule is, you clean your room before you go to your bio-mom's or your stuff will be gone when you return. They don't clean? I bag it up and store it in the garage. If it's got something in it they really want, they have to work to get it back. If they don't ask about it, after a week or two, I might slowly return things to the skids or I simply take it all to goodwill. Skids and DH know I will not be responsible for replacing anything. If they want to keep their stuff, they have to take care of it!

Your SS sounds like my SS15. We had a big battle about cleaning and attitude over a month ago. He got really nasty and said some very hateful and abusive things. My DH finally took his son's attack on me as an attack on US, and kicked the skid out. He's been living with grandma and grandpa for the last month..

Wish you the best...