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Wicked.Witchy.Woman's Blog

Help with Creative Discipline

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I have a problem with my DH's SS14. I have a business where we do remodeling. My DH does the work and on days off from school, SS14 goes with him to help. He doesn't really like it, but we do pay him for his time even though he really doesn't help much. Also, we don't trust him at home by himself (he's stolen money and alcohol, etc.).

On Friday, SS was with DH at a customer's house and this morning I get an email from the customer (WIFE):

Just more manipulation from BM

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

So BM told DH that she was moving to Poland in November to be with her new BF of 3 months. This past week, she told SS that she was moving to Poland in 4 years when SS is "grown up". I really think that she likes to build up SS just to let him down so he'll act out and punish us. I know that sounds self centered, but at this point, that's the only reason left. She has done this crap so many times its infuriating!!

Mother of the Year?! (some Strong language)

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

I think this one even got SS14 thinking his mother's a douche! It's BM's month to have SS. DH picked him up Wednesday for our overnight and BM told SS to call her in the morning and she would pick him up from DH's workshop, even though we're supposed to have SS until 7PM the day after the overnight. SS calls BM from DH's cell as they were leaving the house in the AM. No answer, then SS called again when they got the to workshop, again no answer. SS continued to call 4-5 times throughout the day.

BM Moving to Europe??

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

BM talked to DH on Friday. It's her month to have SS14, but he had a Baseball game Friday night, which she refused to bring him to, and she claimed he didn't want to go, so she wouldn't let DH pick him up for it. In the process of the conversation, she told DH that she might be getting remarried and moving to Europe in November. YEA!!! (WARNING THE FOLLOWING INFO IS ALL HEARSAY FROM FAIRLY RELIABLE SOURCES AND I'M FILLING IN SOME BLANKS ON MY OWN) Turns out that she's been dating this guy for 2 months long distance from Poland.

Zero-Tolerance Child support; any experience??

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

So back in Feb, BM was put in jail for not showing up to an enforcement hearing. They let her out the next day and told her to "be a good girl" and pay her CS on time every month for the next 6 months. Here we are in June and she failed to pay the amount in full for May. Most likely it was an oversight because her wages are garnished, but because she is a cocktail waitress, her paychecks are not enough to cover the entire support amount (it's usually short about $40).

OK, I wished it to happen, but I never would have thought she'd do this!!

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

Well, BM was hauled off to jail today. She somehow got the opportunity to call DH before hand and said, "You're ruining my life... it's all your fault...this is all over nothing, just stupid child support..." I'm glad she thinks that the money she pays to raise her child is nothing, but I digress. Now I am very concerned that she may tell SS about this, as a ploy to turn SS against DH. Especially since (read last blog) she told SS about the warrant. HE'S 13. He doesn't need to know about this.

BM Strikes again...Can't she understand it's not SS's place to know this stuff?!

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

So DH gets a phone call Sunday AM from Dippy. We were still in bed, but he went downstairs anyway (she only calls his cell) and returned her call. He ended up leaving a message on her VM. Later in the day, she calls him back and accuses him of putting a warrant out on her (see previous blog). She is so dumb when it comes to CS and how it is enforced. The warrant is for her not showing for a contempt hearing. The contempt hearing was ordered by the domestic relations office because she failed to turn in paperwork that they requested.

She's going to jail.

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

Finally this Deadbeat BM is going to the clink!! It serves her right for all the crap she pulls all the time, telling SS she's coming to get him and not showing up, telling him she's going to buy him things and not, selling his belongings for money to pay for hair extensions, etc. She failed to show up for a contempt hearing (because she didn't come to her enforcement hearing either), and now she has a warrant for her arrest. Called our attorney and he said that they will be actively looking for her in the next few days. I think it's a Kodak moment!

Bench Warrants

Wicked.Witchy.Woman's picture

I would really love to know what happens with a bench warrant in PA. Our BM failed to appear for her contempt hearing yesterday, and I would love to hear that they will go to her place of employment and take her out in handcuffs, but I've heard that with bench warrants, they don't actively go looking for you. Does anyone have any experience?
