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No idea what to do

Ajchick's picture

DF may not be fiance anymore. Even though I've talked with him about the issues I have with SD5, and they seem to be improving a little, I think I still want out. The fact that I have had to fight and threaten to break-up with him makes me want to give up. My health is not so good right now, I'm very unhappy, and I've become a major bitch. I used to be a young, healthy, positive person. I despise what I have become.
This whole situation makes me not want to be a stepmom or a wife. Well honestly it's not just the SD situation but also the fact that he is friends with his ex. It's great that they get along, but I would rather they not have such have a personal realationship with one another. Do I want to marry a man that has a child with another woman who he is chummy with? NO!!!!
The sad thing is that at one time I thought this man was my soul-mate, if such a thing existed. I still love him, but I do not love him like I did. When I look at him I see the anger that has been brought into my life since I met him.
Even if I get over these feelings I am afraid he will backslide. He tends to do that. Actually he can be very unmotivated and spineless. Our problems do not just deal with SD and BM, they deal with his behavior in general. I absolutly believe that people can change, but I absolutly do not belive in one person being able to change another.
The only thing that makes me even consider staying with him is his willingness to change. He expresses his love and his strong desire to be with me, and has no problem changing his bad behaviors to keep us together, but I feel like I am always having to remind him to keep it up. I don't want to run a "relationship/parenting school" my whole life. So right now I am at a loss. I have NO idea what to do.


folkmom's picture

i think your sentence about not wanting to run a
relationship/parenting school" is spot on. just a perfect encapsulation of how you feel.

seems like your "gut" is talking to you and presenting some hard realities that love does not always overcome. you can see the future and all you can see is your unhappiness.

i think it is a big decision that you might be ready to make. first, there any way to be happy in this situation? if allt he answers are "yes, if he does..." then you have a serious issue because your happiness is not contigent on anything you can control.

Ajchick's picture

I do disengage with SD, but I can't seem to emotionally disengage myself from the situation. Bascially, DF is too permissive with SD and he treats her more like a girlfriend than a daughter. I have a couple of blogs about it.
The BM situation bugs me but is not that bad as far as I know. But----He and BM have been BFFs since highschool (they are now in their 30's). She sends him text messages and pictures EVERY DAY about thier daughter and they discuss how wonderful she is. It's like she wants to be married to him from a distance. She also tells him about her personal life i.e. love, health, work. He has told me that when she's not mad at him about something she wants to be his best friend. They probably chat more than I am even aware of, but I have no way of knowing.

AlexandraL's picture

AJ, I completely understand and am going through the same thing. I read your other blogs and you sound so much like me.

For me, it's sort of like so much water has gone under the bridge I am just not sure I can snap out of my way of thinking. Like you, I don't want to "run a relationship/parenting school."

I've wanted to make things better with my BF (he's got a daughter too, only child) but lately when I think about what will most likely be involved in being with my BF as a wife, I only feel scared and anxious.

I am sorry you're going through this.

Ajchick's picture

Thank you for your response. It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one in this kind of situation.