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Jealous of a child

Ajchick's picture

I am engaged to a great guy that has a darling 5 yo girl. Well everyone else thinks so anyway. Actually he is only great to me when she isn't around here lately. I have never been married and have no kids so I'm not the most patient stepmom. I am jealous of this kid and since my miscarriage 3 weeks ago I despise being around her. When I was still expecting and we went shopping or when I would talk about our baby he would interrupt me to talk about her when she was a baby. She is "daddy's little girl" and she knows it. He caters to her every whim when we get her EVERY weekend. He also ignores my calls when he has her, and I can just forget getting attn when she's here. He is SO affectionate with her it makes me crazy. She is always all over him. She has started calling him dada and says "hold me dada I'm your baby. I can't speak with him w/o her talking over me to the point of yelling. He just ignores it most the time but I get on to her. She's eats and does whatever she wants, then he wonders why she's so hyper. Last week I had to tell him he couldn't sleep w/ her in our bed when when I'm not there or any other time 4 that matter. She sits in the center of his lap where I don't think she should sit (I didn't do these things with my father)! He also spoons her! He pats her on the butt and touches her hair way to much 4 my tastes. He always talks about her when she's not here and often cries because he misses her. He's had this visitation since she was 1 yo so I think he should b able to cope by now.He treats her like his girlfriend sometimes, in my opinion. I really doubt he is molesting her, but I think he wants her 2 b his little baby still. I can't stand to b home on the weekends now. I want 2b w/ him and don't want to hate her. I'm just so jealous! I don't know what to do. I hope someone can understand w/o judging me.


Ajchick's picture

That's great advice! I did that once with her before the miscarriage. We made chocolate covered strawberries 4 valentines day. We both enjoyed it. It's just that lately I don't want to b around her. She can't fill the void I feel. Although I think I will try it again.

Everyones Interest's picture

Okay...I'm not judging you and actually commend you on coming on here and admitting that you are jealous. That's a great step!

But, what I think you have to realize is that all families are different in the way they were raised. Therefore, what you consider to be too much affection from your DH may have been perfectly normal in his family while he was growing up. To even mention anything about molestation is questionable to me.

I don't see anything wrong in what you have described here. In fact I see a loving Father. I was raised in an affectionate family and therefore I cuddle, caress, stroke my SD's hair all of the time. She sits in the middle of my lap and her Fathers. To assume that there may be something sexual in that is absolutely wrong.

My SD also went through a baby faze. I will play baby with her, but my FH corrects her every time she called him Dada. IT is a normal part of growing up. They are in a weird stage at 4-6 where they are no longer babies, but not quite kids either. IT's normal.

What I would suggest is you and FH getting on the same page in regards to rules and discipline. You both have the right to be listened to in your home. That goes both ways between the adults and the skids.

***Life - It's not a rehearsal***

belleboudeuse's picture

Everyone's Interest: you're right that levels of affection are different in every family. However, the OP is also saying that her fiancé essentially completely ignores her, to the point of not taking her calls, when his child is there.

My guess is that her feelings of jealousy and discomfort would lessen if she really felt like SHE was the fiancée, and not the daughter. If she really felt like she was the life partner, and that her place in his life was important and secure.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Everyones Interest's picture

I agree with you Belle, as always. But some of the things that the OP said also sounded like maybe she may be interpretting things a little wonky. She admittadly has no experience and little patience. She describes loving behaviour and sticks in the word 'molestation' (which I have to question) etc...

I just think that along with taking your advice the OP may also want to question some of her reactions to certain behaviours. Always keeping in mind that this is a 5 year old little girl we are dealing with.

***Life - It's not a rehearsal***

Ajchick's picture

I work at a correctional facility and I deal with child molesters on a daily basis. So ya maybe I'm a little quicker to use a word like that than a lot of people.

belleboudeuse's picture

Ajchick, so sorry for your miscarriage.

It can be so confusing and difficult to feel jealousy toward a child. People who haven't been in a step situation likely would not be able to understand, and would be very judgmental of you.

Some thoughts:

First, even though you find yourself having very negative feelings about this child, please do try to take a step back and recognize that the majority of the feelings you are having, you are having because of what your fiancé is or is not doing. The main problem lies with him, not her. Namely:

He is catering to her every whim and making her his primary relationship, and putting you on the back burner. He is not establishing boundaries and discipline (guild parenting), and not making room in his life for an adult significant other.

The thing is, I'm sure that many people, him included, would say, "the child must come first, because she is a child and can't take care of herself." But that's not what's driving this. That whole "the child must come first" thing is just a shell game. You are right, he is treating her like a girlfriend. He is not parenting her -- he is obsessing over her. That is not good for anyone -- not good for your relationship, not good for their relationship, and ultimately not good for her ability to grow up and become a well-adjusted adult.

No one would expect a FIRST wife to accept such a marginal role in the dynamic, but many people think it's totally right for a second wife to be a second-class citizen in her own relationship. It's likely that when you talk to your BF about this, he tells you the girl needs to come first, and he needs to make sure her needs are met. But as I said above, that's not what's happening here.

I suggest that you read books and articles by Wednesday Martin. Her book is called Stepmonster. Please read this book -- it will REALLY help you understand the dynamic. And she has also written a lot of articles about what's going on here. (just google her). I suggest you have your BF read them.

Also, google "guilt parenting" -- that will also help you find articles on what your BF is doing, and why it's a problem.

Good luck! Above all, please do not move forward any closer to marriage until these issues have been worked out so that you are not having these feelings anymore. The kid is just responding to her dad -- it's not really her fault she is this way. Try not to take it out on her. Focus on your BF changing the way he relates to her. If he is unwilling or unable to do so, and to make you his REAL partner, then you may need to rethink whether this is the right relationship for you.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

starfish's picture

No judging here babe! And kudos to you for having the balls to put it out there......... DADA -- I would fucking puke...... i can't stand that sd13 still uses DADDY while ss10 uses DAD ---- but the daddy is so from MIL.....whole different story....

BUT i believe i, too am jealous over ass gnats.... brief background dh was married (super young both of them) --- anyhoo bm said she was on birth control --- oops out comes the first mistake in my opinion........ 3 yrs later out comes the 2nd one..... well marriage was already on the rocks before the 1st one..... dh said F this and got the snip snip b/c he never wanted kids with her and especially didn't want to be paying for a third (him feeling trapped to stay with her -- i'm sure MIL again) but knowing the divorce was coming...... so a few months after the 2nd was born they were separated...... i meet dh when skids are almost and almost2 respectively....... we get married and he get a reversal, well 6 yrs later and still no baby of my own..... so i blame the bm & the skids (knowing that's not right, but i can't help it)..... so yes, jealous of the brat --- i don't blame you... not saying it's right, but i see where you're coming from... and when ass gnats are here, we must entertain them.... he must...... and it drives me batty..... and sd always climbed over dh, too --- especially when mil insisted...not so much anymore she's frickin 13 -- but still daddy in a baby voice not a 13 yr old voice.. she trys to walk around in underwear and a tank top --- i put the kibosh on that..... luckily i do seem to have the power, but try not to flaunt it, but sometimes....OMG..... thank heaven sweet dh is more passive than me... most of the time..

we'll get thru it --- so i keep telling myself....

i want on that "don't judge me" boat, too....

TheWife's picture

TO this day, my siblings and I are:

25 yr old married woman (me)
23 yr old engaged man
20 year old young lady
18 year old young man
17 yr old boy/girl twins...

And each and EVERY one of us call our dad "Daddy."

So I don't think that's weird in your case about your SD13.

"Dada" however, gets old past 2.

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

starfish's picture

"Daddy" isn't the problem...... do you and your sibs revert to 3 yr old tones when you call him daddy?? probably not...

TheWife's picture

Depends on what we want, lol. When we do that, his answer is usually "How much is this gonna cost me?!"

We are not leeches. We do not have our "Daddy" wrapped around our thumbs in any way. We just know occasinoally we can play on his heart strings to get a little sumthin extra every now and then. But I think that is a "daddy's girl" thing with pretty much every woman.

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

KJMom's picture

I understand completely! My DH was like that when we were dating & his daughter was 4 yrs old! He catered to her every whim! We are now married & have 2 daughters of our own! It took many years for him to see that this was not the way to be! I felt like the other woman for years! my SD was always apart of our adult conversations & he treated her as an equal, not a child! It has caused so many arguments! My SD is now 11 & I would say only for the past year or so things have changed! He now treats me as his wife & her as a child!
I think they try to treat their children like that because they feel so gulity about the child not having her parents together! I feel for you because I too have been are not alone!! {{HUGS}}

TheWife's picture

There is a term someone on here uses for this... is it Adult Spousal Syndrome? ASS? lol.

I don't think it's exactly jealousy, as much as it is you being resentful that he is treating her more like a girlfriend than he does you.

I agree with BBB. Don't go near marriage until this gets resolved.

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

belleboudeuse's picture

You know, I've been thinking about this term "jealousy". I think the reason it feels like "jealousy" is that the dad is putting the original poster in a position where it's as if she is on an equal level with this 5 year-old girl. Yes, the daughter is being given the status of a spouse. So, the poster, who is super confused by this (because it's f'ed up), is having lots of trouble because she senses how odd and wrong it is that she would feel "jealous" of a 5 year-old.

But that's because the fiancé has CREATED this dynamic! If he hadn't created such an f'ed up situation, she wouldn't be feeling these weird feelings of having to compete with a child.

Adults should have adult relationships. Parents, although of course they love their children, should have a PARENTAL relationship with them. Setting boundaries, being a figure of authority discipline, and setting the example of APPROPRIATE behaviors between a parent and a child, is part of the JOB of being a parent. As is showing the child the difference between a parent-child relationship and a spousal relationship.

He is not doing his job.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

TheWife's picture

Yup. That's why I said I don't think it's jealousy. I used to think I was jealous of my SD as well, until I realized that I wasn't jealous, I was resentful of my DH for reversing our roles. Honestly, it used to be I would be the one chastised or scolded! I got wise and put my foot down on all that crap, and although he still guilty daddies her (tho not NEARLY as bad as some of the DH's on here!) he gets it now that I am his WIFE, and SHE is his CHILD.

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

belleboudeuse's picture

"I used to think I was jealous of my SD as well, until I realized that I wasn't jealous, I was resentful of my DH for reversing our roles"

That's brilliant, TheWife. I really like that -- and I think that's a good way to put it, so that people can focus on the REAL problem!


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Ajchick's picture

Exactly! I know my parents loved me but I understood my role as a child and their role as parents.

Mich811's picture

i completely second the "stepmonster" recommendation. that book helped me (helps me!) so much. i also second everything bellboudeuse said.

i know how you feel. dh has a 5 year old daughter who comes into our bed early in the morning, lays on top of him and wakes him up by kissing him all over his face. it really kind of creeps me out, especially because i'm usually a sleep when she comes in so i wake in a half daze to this slightly odd scene. lots of other stuff, too. she pushes in between us on the sofa so that she can lean on him and move me away, she asks him to pick her up and carry her when we are holding hands, etc. we are working through the guilt parenting stuff, but it is slow-going and i know firsthand that it can be really draining.

i'm sorry for your miscarriage. i had one in december and i'm still not really over it, emotionally.

belleboudeuse's picture

"she pushes in between us on the sofa so that she can lean on him and move me away, she asks him to pick her up and carry her when we are holding hands, etc. we are working through the guilt parenting stuff, but it is slow-going and i know firsthand that it can be really draining."

Yes -- and if your DH ALLOWS that sort of thing to happen, he is NOT teaching this kid correctly. HE is creating the dynamic that places the two of you in competition for his affection.

Grr. Sorry, this stuff really chaps my a**.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

Mich811's picture

yep. he sees it now, but it took a LONG time, and a lot of stressful conversations to get him there.

Ajchick's picture

My SD will kiss my df all over the face too. He has a beard and rubs her face all over his for a while, and he eats it up. It grosses me out. I just hope she's not still doing this when she's 14! I think it is on him to stop this behavior, but I'm kind of embarassed to tell him it bothers me.

iwishyouwould's picture

It's his daughter. Some people are more affectionate than others. Some people are more touchy feely than others. She is not a grown woman. She is not a teenager. She is his child. His SMALL child who he obviously misses very much when she is not there and who obviously misses him. There is nothing wrong with a father cuddling with his daughter. There is nothing wrong with a father bathing his small daughter. There is nothing wrong with a father being affectionate with his daughter. Im sorry but honestly... get over it. You have two choices here: you can accept that this man has a child, is a wonderful and affectionate father who cannot always give you 100% of his undivided attention. you can accept the fact that this man's child deserves his attention and affection just as much if not more so than you do. OR you can break off your engagement and go find a man who can give you 100% of his undivided attention and who will ignore yalls future children when you are in the room.

"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."

Mich811's picture

Agree that some people are more affectionate than others. Not sure that she just has those two choices, however (nor do I think they need to be so extreme). It seems like there could be more of a balance here. If she felt secure and comfortable in the relationship (something that her boyfriend has a lot of control over) then it would probably be easier for her to feel accepting of the affection he shows his daughter.

iwishyouwould's picture

no. not to take baths with her. to bathe her. to wash her. to watch the small child while she is in the tub by her self with her toys. to wash her hair. there is nothing wrong with a fathering giving his small daughter a bath. it is not ok for any adult to take a bath with a child of any gender outside of infancy. to give a bath wash...

"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."

belleboudeuse's picture

Oh, wow, that is COMPLETELY inappropriate and a little scary.


You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. - 2BLoved

iwishyouwould's picture

i didnt mean to come off like that. This is a touchy subject for me. my cousin who i am very close to is a single father of a little girl and my dh has sole custody of a little boy. there is a lot of discrimination out there against fathers who raise young children and i have heard it all. people insinuate a lot of inappropriate things.

"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."

iwishyouwould's picture


CityGirl's picture

First I want to say I am so sorry for you loss.

Next I want you to know you are not alone in your feelings. I am often jealous of my SS12 and SD9. They are good kids and I love them. The kids did not seem to care if their Dad and I were affectionate until after we got married. Then everything changed. The night of our wedding SD (who was 7 at the time) refused to sleep in the same room as her cousins unless her Dad would sleep in there too. Even now if we are all sitting watching a movie and him and I are holding hands she will say Daddy I want to cuddle come sit in the chair with me at which he always gets up and goes and cuddles with her. She wakes up at 6:30 and always comes and knocks on our door and says I am awake come be with me Daddy. If him and I are talking she will interupt and he will tell me to quite down and talk to her. SS complains until I am asked to please go to bed so they can hang out and play video games. SS will say to me Dad wants to hang out with me and you are not allowed to be here. Also if they do not see their Dad they will call him and talk for over an hour. I do not have a problem with his realtionship with his children it is when they know we are out on a date they will call and talk the whole time. I get tired of coming in last when the kids are there. I have been told by both children I am good for cooking and cleaning when they are there but nothing else. If their Dad would stand up for me it would make me feel better but instead he wants the time with them to be good so he says I need to adjust to it for and in time they will grow up and when they are in college we will have our time. Let me tell you 9 years is a long time to wait for time and attention with my husband.

Everyones Interest's picture

Urm...that's sooo wrong. I refer you to Belle's advice above. You shouldn't have to live this way!

***Life - It's not a rehearsal***

Mich811's picture

"I have been told by both children I am good for cooking and cleaning when they are there but nothing else"

And that is precisely the point at which I would stop cooking and cleaning and totally check out to spend time with my girlfriends.

Ajchick's picture

I admire you for your tolerance, but I think they all are treating you like the step kid.

Franklin_star's picture

I read the blogs almost every day and try to get perspective from them. This dynamic is very tough, and as a dad with three kids who have a step mother, I wish I had something constructive to say. I do know that I may have a different perspective, and sometimes my wife gets frustrated when I spend too much time with the kids when we have them. Sometimes REALLY frustrated, and sometimes I know that I am screwing up, and feel torn. Sometimes I get frustrated too when she spends little time with them or plays the 'not my responsibility' card. i mean I know they are not her responsibility...why play the card? [sorry, a tiny vent popped into this post]

We work things out best when we talk it through, and when it is made clear to me what I am doing. My wife and I grew up differently - I am affectionate and she is not particularly. So I would try to air your feelings and try to meet half way.

Unrelated, why do people here call their stepkids things like ass gnats? I mean, wow.

starfish's picture

appreciate hearing from your side --- i'm sure my husband feels like you do at times.....

ass gnats --- not so much a hateful name ---- it's just like they are always right up your ass..... somewhat irritating at times (especially when sd13 eavesdrops to report to mil & bm --- moreso mil's nosey ass, hence the term........

onehappygirl's picture

My husband treats the kids as kids. I am always first in his life. However, on the rare occasion that he does hold his daughter in his lap or give her eskimo kisses, I have to leave the room. I can't stand watching it. It makes me physically ill. He knows I feel this way, and I have told him that I don't want him to stop showing his daughter affection, but for me, I can't watch it. I love my kids, and I will hug them and maybe kiss them on the cheek, but the snuggle, snuggle, bunny, wunny stuff turns my stomach.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

Ajchick's picture

I think it's great he puts you first. My DF will often say things like..."I love u more than anything baby, EXCEPT for my little girl." I mean is that really necessary! Does he have to tell me how much he loves me and then remind me that I am secondary to his kid. Like I can't figure that one out for myself!
Sorrry, I had a venting moment.

Mich811's picture

i actually think that is both ridiculous and honest. he's telling you right there that you'll always be second. that wouldn't be ok for me.

Ajchick's picture

So what should I say to him the next time he says something like that to me? In your opinion do you think it's wrong that he says that or wrong that he thinks that?

PrincessFiona's picture

I would try pointing out that those two loves should never be in competition with each other. They are two very different types of love. One for a spouse and one for a child. It sounds like he can't quite separate that both are ok and should be separate but exist at the same time.

Mich811's picture

he can't help what he thinks -- but i don't think he should be ranking the people he loves. I would tell him that when he says stuff like that, it creates a weird tension where you feel like he is putting you in competition with his daughter for his affection -- see how he takes that.

Mich811's picture

but i guess i'd also push him -- is he really saying to you/does he actually mean that you'll always be second in terms of his love? and if the answer is yes, can you live with that?

Ajchick's picture

AA & M8
thank u! both of your ideas are great I will definately use them. That makes me think of when I was very young and didn't understand romantic love yet. I asked my dad why he loved mom more than me and he said, " I don't love her more, I just love you two in different ways." That helped me understand.

onehappygirl's picture

Turn it around on him sometime. "I love you more than anything, baby, EXCEPT for that sexy guy on the Old Spice commercials." Sorry, that's just wrong. Find a way to turn it around.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

iwishyouwould's picture


"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."

Silver's picture

I don't think that the bathing thing is terrible. I took showers with my father for a while as a little kid. Enough that I vaguely remember at least being in the tub with him. He just stopped the showering together thing when I noticed uh, his male parts. I can tell you that my father would NEVER molest anyone and that he was just a really affectionate father. I always got hugs and kisses from him and cuddled with him when I was younger. He still kisses me on my forehead or cheek, as does my mother, and I'm 26.

The physical affection part sounds like he's just being a good dad. I know that it can be tough to watch him do those things with a child that he had with another woman, but I'd venture to say that if it were your child he was doing that with, it would draw awwwwwwws and how sweets out of you. That said, ignoring phone calls, not giving you affection, and being a guilty daddy are definite no nos. Maybe you could have a sit down talk with him about those aspects?

And my deepest condolences on your loss.

"I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown

Ajchick's picture

You are right. And I must admit to myself and everyone else here that if she was my child I really do not think the physical attention would bother me.

Silver's picture

And it's ok to feel that way. That you acknowledge it means that maybe you can fix it. I'm in the same boat with you. I get all melty when I see my bf holding a baby or playing with our friends' kids, but as soon as I see his son (who looks like BM) start hanging all over his dad my stomach drops. I just have to keep reminding myself that he's not her and that BF is just being a loving father.

"I have always loved the time before dawn because there is no one around to remind me who I am suppose to be, so it is easier to remember who I am." - unknown

Ajchick's picture

My SD is a beautiful child and looks like a minature twin of BM. I'm not jealous of her beauty of course, but when he tells her or me just how beautiful she is it gets to me. One time when I was in the other room I heard him telling her how her little musclely legs look like her mothers. I was F***ing livid. First of all I dont think he should be talking to a 5 yo like he is checking out her body, and second, I do not want him talking about his ex-wifes body in my presence or in my home where I have to hear that crap! He would be pissed if I had a son with another man and was saying "you are so muscular like your father!"
Anyways, I now what you mean about your son looking like BM.

steppingover's picture

I just wanted to add from the point of a step parent of a 16 year old sd
"iwishyouwould" although it may seem to be okay for a father to be that way with his 5 year old child alot of times it carries on.
My fiance is still that way with his daughter and she is going to be 17 right away. I dont think there is anything wrong with be close to your child but when your child at any age becomes more like a spouse than your child there is a problem whether they are 1 or 30.
I have a daughter who is 12 and her and her bd are close always have been but if I heard that she was sitting on her dads lap or cuddling with him on a couch I would worry.
But my daughter and her bd have a close relationship that is nothing more than father and daughter.
I also have a 15 year old son who I am very close to but I would not treat him as though he were a bf to me and we dont cuddle on the couch or have him sit on my lap. And I dont make my fiance feel like he doesnt count for something when my son is in he room.

iwishyouwould's picture

i understand that that would be inappropriate behaviour were the child a teenager, and that jealousy of a child to a stepparent needs to be dealt with immediately to avoid future consequences. but this isnt a teenager, this is a little girl barely past her toddler years. a lot of these mannerisms will probably fade over time on their own.

"if you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the fuck up."

Abalyn's picture

First let me say, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Second, much of what you describe is not, in my opinion, inappropriate. My kids are older (BS12 and BD10) and I still cuddle them, spoon them, pat them on the butt, etc. The physical affection is not necessarily a problem. Especially since she's only 5.

Third, did SD know about your pregnancy? Did her "babyish" behavior start, or get worse, after your pregnancy? If so, I think this is a perfectly normal response for a 5 year old child about to get a new sibling. Doesn't mean you should entertain it, but it's not unusual.

Fourth, ignoring you and catering to her is simply bad parenting. You can't fault the child for eating it up. But your fiance needs to put a stop to it... for his daughter's sake. Does he want his daughter to grow up and think it's okay to be ignored by her husband?! And talking over you, interrupting, demanding attention, etc. is just plain bad manners. He owes it to her, as her father, to teach her appropriate social niceties.

Finally, I don't think you're jealous so much of your SD, I think you're angry at your fiance for not giving you the attention YOU need. And I've been down THAT road!!

Have you talked to him about how bad it makes you feel when he favors his daughter all the time?

Ajchick's picture

Thank you for your condolence.
For some reason I find it more ok for a mother to patt thier kids on the butt than a father. I know that statement is going to piss off some dads but its just how I feel. I dont think I would have ever thought much about the patts if it wasnt for one time when she was laying on her belly on the couch next to him and he was coeing over her as usual, when he placed his hand on her rear and left it there for a second until I looked at him funny, then he removed his hand. I am sure it was innocent to him until I looked at him like he was a weirdo. Now anytime I see anything so much him give her a friendly tap on the rear I think of that day and it goes all over me. The way I am and the way I was raised has made me particular about certain things. I think there is a way he should touch me (ok to touch my butt for affection), and how he should touch his child (not ok to touch on the butt for affection after a certain age).
You are right about the pregnancy possibly causing her to act this way. I just never thought of it because she was so excited to get a little sister. Her being jealous did not cross my mind after seeing her so happy about it. But I do keep forgetting she is just a child and may have been excited and jealous too!
I am going to post about this more in a little bit, but I did had a converstion with DH about some of his behaviors with her and with me when Im around her. Unfortunately it all came about during an arguement, but it was really good for me to get some things off my chest. By the end of the conversation/arguement he was understanding a apologetic about the issues that I brought up. I just hope he meant it and that he will follow through with it when we get her next weekend.