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Just go away you weird little kid!

sarah0307's picture

Ugh I hate hate hate hate hate her! Hate it when he calls her "darling" or "babe" or "baby" ugh makes me sick. He calls ME "babe" and ME "darling" and ME "baby". She just gets on my nerves and I hate her being around. I feel so sorry for my fiance that I feel this way about her...but I can't improve! I'm jealous! It's just a horrible horrible horrible feeling and I want it and her to go the hell away! arrrggghhhhhhhh!!!


StepOnMe101's picture

Completely understand. My DH calls us both "baby" it annoys the SH*T out of me honestly. Sometimes I can deal with the SD but lately her bratty little self has been getting on my nerves. She yelled at me this morning. Great way to start the day. I asked her if she wanted cereal for breakfast, her reply "NO!" I then asked "Well then what would you like to eat?" "NOTHING!" Well ok then. Didn't speak to her for the rest of the morning and DH took her to school. So tired of the attitude!

daisy0202's picture

My husband does that to and I'm not southern....Its ok sometimes but sometimes it crawls up my skin...Last week SD told me "I get my dad to do anything for me"....Shes 16, enough said!!! LOL

helena_brass's picture

Well I think the "babe" and "baby" ones would bother me. Those don't seem like things you say to a child unless you're an elderly black woman (sorry, but that's the only time I can imagine it sounding right). I'm not southern, but I use the terms "sweetie," "sweetheart," "hun," or "hunny bunny" with FDH, FSD, FSS, friends, and pretty much with any child. FDH has special nicknames for the kids, but he calls me "bay" or "babe." If he started calling them "babe," "baby," or "darling" it would probably rub me wrong.

sarah0307's picture

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who is bothered by this then! I think I may say something as it just makes me want to puke to be honest!