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I swear BM tries to sabatage every effort we make in raising her children!!!!!!

vgill's picture

MY SS's are grounded for destructive and disrespectful behavior (breaking windows and lying about where they are, so son and so forth... the list is too long) So what does BM do with them on her weekend... take them to an amusment park WTF!!!!!.... What do you do with a BM like this?? I am so tired of raising her children!!!! I wish she would just take them!!!! GRRRR!!! I just don't know what to do?!


wicked-stepmother's picture

Sing it sister. My sd's home and our home do not having the same moral or ethical backgrounds at all and that makes life very challenging.

Selkie's picture

Both, I think. I really shouldn't have said that. It was more a snarky response to a different post. My apologies, ivillage members.

vgill's picture

why should I have to parent HER kids!! especially when she tries to sabatage the only parenting they get!! SHe tell them that they don't have to listen to me and how much she hates me.... Fine hate .. but take your boys.. you raise them I don't want to any more... step up and be a real mother for once in your life!!!! F*#k!!! I hate being nice to kids that just spew hate and chaos at you!!!!

Milomom's picture

Same here, vgill - you're not alone. I've even nicknamed the period of time when the skids first come back home from BM's house...I always say we have to "deprogram" the skids because when they first return here, they are always lazy, disrespectful and just plain annoying. They leave empty wrappers, clothes, etc.. just laying around the house for the maid (me) to clean. By the way, they are a 15 year old girl and a 12 year old boy. 15 year old girl, who I love, becomes a total slob and 12 year old boy is a total momma's boy. BM didn't even graduate high school or have a job or a driver's license when she met FH - no goals, no morals, no ethics. Fast forward: she's teaching skids to be the same person she is: loser. SD15 failed a class last year and had C's & D's and now this year 1st quarter has failed 2 classes already and barely in the 70's with most everything else. SD15 is starting to act & become just like BM - doesn't care about her education, grades, etc..., doesn't want to work, the list goes on and on. I've learned to disengage quite a bit and I've come a long way over the past few years. I used to get so aggravated with it all - me constantly tutoring the skids and helping them study & get good grades, good morals, etc... only for BM to "erase" all of my hard work. You know what, they're her & FH's kids, not mine - I certainly wouldn't raise my own future biokids the way they do.

vgill's picture

I have 4 of my own kids and I know I am a great MOM, I get comments on how well behaved my children are and other MOm's ask me for advice and tell me how great the advice was that I gave them... It's the step mom thing that I'm having trouble with!!! My kids are D9, s7,d5. and s7 months. I am the oldest child of 7 and my mother and father needed my help with watching my siblings while they worked.. I was trusted to take care of a newborn baby at 12, I know what I am doing when it comes to raising my children. But I can't stand my SS's they are rude, disrespectful, lazy, dirty, and they have this attitude of entitlement that their BM has given them, I am just so tired of being shit on!!! I want them gone!!