Happy Birthday to Me!
Well, not until tomorrow, really... but I got the BEST gift I could EVER ask for!
Parents in law are taking me out this weekend to eat, and guess what?! Blabb is coming!
Get this. Warthog's birthday falls in November as well, but in the first week of November, and this weekend (not OUR weekend, by the way), she decides to celebrate it. So she has us watching Blabb. Forgetting that I am supposed to celebrate my birthday this weekend with his family, he totally agrees. I am upset because had he asked me in the first place, I could have reminded him.
Now this sounds bad because I don't want DH's two year old in a nine year old body come to dinner with us, but I only celebrate my birthday once a year, and I was hoping... PRAYING that maybe I could celebrate it without Blabb and Warthog intervening.
I'm trying not to get upset by this, but it's just the mere fact that he can't even remember that we have plans.
DH does so well, then he slips up like this. I don't know what to do.
So I tell DH about the dinner, and he asks his PARENTS if it's okay! Why not me? Isn't it MY birthday? I don't want to sound like a bitch, but I'm not particularly fond of having to sit through my birthday dinner to listen to Blabb cry and whine and throw tantrums.
The only thing that is keeping me from ripping my hair out is that DH is taking me out tomorrow... but the fact that he disregarded my opinion of the matter really hurts.
- secondwife20's blog
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Thanks, chica. Thanks for
Thanks, chica.
Thanks for the smile.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss
I know that you wish your
I know that you wish your Hubby would've remembered the plans before agreeing to take Blabb, and that is very understandable, but let me ask this....can the situation be changed now? If it can, for example, maybe getting a sitter during the time you guys are out to dinner, then suggest it. But if the situation can't be changed, and this is what it is....try not to think about the shoulda, woulda, coulda's. Try to deal with the situation as best you can.
Change your attitude towards the situation, and enjoy your Bday, don't allow this to bring you down, you may find that you'll have a good time regardless if Blabb is there or not......you just have to allow yourself too!
Happy Birthday!!
“The challenge is to help couples turn "I Do" into "We Can."
SecondWife... Happy Birthday
SecondWife... Happy Birthday girl!! Enjoy your birthday and ALL of your successes.... with Blabb there... without Blabb there... no matter what. The day is about you. And try not to let her presence change that. I understand how it could... but I think DH figured that if he is taking you out alone first, and then with his parents.... that that is how he had his lapse in judgment. I'm guessing that he figures that dinner wasn't "alone for the 2 of you" so 1 more person (his kid) wouldn't matter. It's not a good excuse... and he DEFINITELY should have asked you how you felt about it.
But still... it's your birthday!! Enjoy your day(s) with your husband, and take up the fight after. Maybe he'll even get it if Blabb acts up at that dinner.
Best wishes honey!! CELEBRATE YOU!!!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Well, we made plans for my
Well, we made plans for my birthday, and I was pretty straight forward with him on that. This weekend, I didn't feel I HAD to tell DH that I just wanted the adults to have dinner together because it's not our weekend to have her. I'm not as upset about having Blabb (and DH refuses to have someone else baby sit his child because god forbid the baby sitter actually makes his angel follow the rules) over... it's the fact that DH didn't ask me first if it was okay.
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." Dr. Seuss
"2 year old in a 9 year old
"2 year old in a 9 year old body"... hey! I have one of those...but he's in an 8 year old body... same diff.
I would get really drunk
and then handling the whining would be way easier!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday SW20!! With
Happy Birthday SW20!! With or without Blabb I hope you have a great birthday!!
Happy Birthday.. I recomend
Happy Birthday.. I recomend a bottle of wine or hey a shot of good old Jack Daniels before the dinner. Allways works for me..
Happy Birthday SW! I'm so
Happy Birthday SW! I'm so sorry you have to deal with Blabb during your bday celebration...what a bummer...I wish your DH would have at least asked you since it is your birthday.
My DH's bday is tomorrow and we'll be going through major drama this coming weekend too. I usually throw a big bday bash at our home the weekend before DH's birthday but because of all the crap that's been going on with my family and his, I didn't do it this year. Thought no one would notice, but my FIL is insisting we do a big fish fry this weekend for DH's bday and SD22's soon-to-be baby (she's having a c-section the 24th). I really don't want to, especially with Thanksgiving being next week and having to go through yet another holiday gathering with people who make me so uncomfortable. It's a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation. Arraahhh! If I have to attend, I'm gonna take cantmissamy's advice and hit the Jack Daniels BEFORE I get there!
Enjoy your birthday!
Happy (early) Birthday,
Happy (early) Birthday, 2ndwife!!!