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How to tell your skid hates you

Storm76's picture

I saw this article by Rae Anna Blake, and it's so good I thought it worth linking to

Very funny, but kinda true - you can see where sometimes all re relationships between bio & step parents could break down because of what the skids are saying & doing.


vgill's picture

Awsome article!!! I am going throught 1-10 right now!! when does it end though? Because I am not going anywhere, and we have been together for years and have had more children together??

invisiblestepmom's picture

Awesome! I have gone through all but #6. SKIDS would never skip a visit because that would deny them the oppurtunity of coming over here and ruining the peaceful home that we have when they are not here. They have however been to therapy for depression, and anger managment and sited me as the sole reason for thier problems. Yeah even had the therapist call me into seesions but not any of the other three paretns of these kids. We discontinued therapy with that quack after he was allowing these kids to target me, and failed to see the poor parenting that went on by BM, their stepdad and DH...why weren't they a aprt of family therapy too. DID NOT KNOW WEIGHT OF THE WORLD WAS PUT ON STEP MOM"S SHOULDERS and these kids were my sole responsibility.

vgill's picture

LOL!! Therepy sounds like a good Idea but my skids would love to have someone to themselves for an hour to tell lies to about how mean I am to them with the constant torture, beatings and starvation!! Really though, I have other children to consider and I don't need child protection on my doorstep becouse of their lies and selfishness!!!

invisiblestepmom's picture

That exactly how i felt, i also had a job I couldn't afford to lose with child service investigating me because of the lies SS told. Considering the investigators wrer colleuagues of mine in the feild is was donw right embarassing. In fact for a long time the lies he told were so bad that I refused to be alone with him , I always wanted a wtiness to testify on my behalf...and all this grief from a kid I have never touched. And what scared me is I knew BM or step dad were abusing him and I was afraid I would get framed for it by SS...he loved the therapist whom open the dor for him to target me...we loved pulling him out of that therapist care...
now I love that that therapist is losing his lisense for sleeping with coworker in the office and sleeping with mothers of maybe that is why the jerk off bought into step son blaming me for all that is wron gin his life..i didn;t sleep with the therapist...hmmm maybe BM did:)

vgill's picture

I wonder if I should leave the first 2 pages of this in my skids room?? I know they love me and I love them but their Mother makes them feel guilty for loving me and they act out against me. I wonder if reading this may give them a new set of eyes on the situation or would they use it against me!!?? they are 12 and 14!!

invisiblestepmom's picture

I though about pasting the link on my facebook page where DH, BM, in laws and SKIDS could all see it and just write in my post...Does this soudn familiar to any on out there? But it would so open a can of worms that I like to keep closed for good.

invisiblestepmom's picture

We've tried it. DH does not like me speaking my mind in the sessions so it really was a waste of time and $$. SS spent the whole time targetting me. The therapist would give us "homework" to try out at home and I would be the only one to floow through. I go to my own counselling to keep my sanity but they always tell me I don't need to be there I need to be doing what makes me happy (ART) or furthuring my art therapy work and just need to learn to accept my life like take it or leave it...leaving it is not an option, especially now that i have my own kids to think about, and something i should not have to accept will not change.

invisiblestepmom's picture

Oh I just figured out I dont think yu were talking to me. But I;ve hear so many say I need family therapy to deal with the issues with DH skids and BM that I am so used to responding with we tried...sorry for the confusion.

invisiblestepmom's picture

I think that is the biggest problem I have with my situation is that DH does not see to it that they give me some respect, not unless I do a lot of cattle prodding to get him to stand up for me, by then it is so obvious that he is only saying it to the kids because I told them too which make him and myself look stupic in the kids eyes.