Along the lines of Stepmomjen's blog
How many of you married or not have surpassed in length of time in your relationship as DH was with BM? Did it change how you felt when you had been together longer than they were?
- mumzy79's blog
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good question...i'm ready
good question...i'm ready for some answers!!
I'm not even close. They
I'm not even close. They were together for 16 years. We've only been together a quarter of the time.
I ask because I am 6 months
I ask because I am 6 months away from passing that relationship. I don't know why I care but I feel like it may legitimize things more for her. Maybe not...who knows!
I care for some odd reason
I care for some odd reason too... problem is I don't exactly know how long they were together. Its shouldn't be a hard question for someone to answer, but whenever I ask a question about DH's prior life with BM, I don't get real answers...
According to my MIL, she was a 'blip'... if I piece together parts of their history I would say they were together only 3 or 4 years or so.... so yes... I've surpassed... at least I think so... once I know for sure it will be much better for me... and yes, I'm not sure why that is either!
Crap, you just reminded me
Crap, you just reminded me of the one title I'll probably never hold. She'll get me on that one unless he lives past 70...........and if I don't kill him before them.
But let me tell ya, on his 70th bday I'll be making that phone call saying again: Boooyaaa beyotch! LMAO!
Heck ya Mumzy! When we hit
Heck ya Mumzy! When we hit the mark and kept on going all I could think was 'in your face bitch!' LMAO!!! I think they were only together like 6 or 7 years and separated on and off for probably a good year of that time. We're 9+ years and going strong! It's a good feeling, I won't lie!
That's the one last thing Im
That's the one last thing Im holding on for. It made me think of this when I read stepmomjen's blog. I've had the kid, the inlaws love me and detest her, skids n 3 have developed our own sweet relationship, but that is the last " nanny nanny boo boo Im still better than you! Thanks for the responses, you have me cracking up!
I'm not close yet (we've
I'm not close yet (we've been together 3, they were 13), but I am looking forward to the day when I can know we've been together longer. Totally superficial, but I like the thought.
"No matter how cynical I get, it's never enough." - Lily Tomlin
me too! I wish I didn't have
me too! I wish I didn't have so long to go... Having been together as long would make my feel like our relationship has more signifigance. Silly, I know...
I second that DPWB!
I second that DPWB! Wooooooooo 2 tha Hoooooooo!!!
Lets see...they married in
Lets see...they married in 7/97, split in 1/99, got back together in 7/99 and divorced in 2/ thats 3 1/2 years with a 6 month split in between...oh and they were together 2-3 months before they married. I have been with him 4 years, married a little over 2, and still going strong with no problems. So yeah, I would say I passed her. But considering things were only okay for them for the first year, I considered myself passing her a long time ago! oh yeah, plus he was deployed the last "year" they were together...(she got pregnant by two different men during their "marriage" as well). Yeah, she's a real peach
They had a sham of a marriage!
"I child proofed my whole house, but they STILL get in!"