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wriggsy's Blog

Proud of DH

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Just a quick blog to say that I am proud of my DH! I have been blogging about his kids failing multiple subjects the first six weeks of school and his lack of consequence for it, but he told them going forward..."things would be different".

I should have known...

wriggsy's picture

I was holding my breath because DH started backtracking on his claims of disciplining the skids when the report cards came out. We have known for a couple weeks that both SD and SS were going to have some F's on their report cards, so we have been talking about it. I heard him talking to them about the grades and how things were "gonna change around here". I specifically heard mention of cell phone privileges and video gaming mentioned. So, imagine my surprise when DH said he wasn't sure he was going to take anything away.

I am holding my breath...

wriggsy's picture

Well is the day. Report card day. Both SS and SD are failing 4 (out of 7) classes. I have been so proud of DH in the past couple weeks because he is talking to his kids about the upcoming consequences for their failing grades. He has parent/teacher conferences with 3 or 4 teachers for each kid this evening.

I think I had a mini-breakdown..

wriggsy's picture you all know-our main issue of late has been SD/SS's failing grades. I have been in contact with teachers for both skids and yesterday, sent out emails to all the teachers that each skid is failing a class in. Monday is parent/teacher conference and the teacher usually sends home a note requesting a conference. Well...knowing how the skids are, I took the lead and sent the teachers an email asking them to contact DH directly to set up the conferences.

O/T There is some justice left in this world!

wriggsy's picture

Just heard that Asshole #1(Steven Hayes) in the (Connecticut) Petit Family Murders has been found guilty on 16 out of 17 counts. Bring on the death penalty for this asshole! I listened to some of the court reports and the things these guys did to those girls and their mom is monsterous and they both need to die for it!

My poor DH...even though this is the bed he has made

wriggsy's picture

I feel so sorry for my DH. The skids are doing worse and worse every day in school. SS was failing 2 (out of 7)classes when progress reports came he is failing 4 and on the verge of failing a 5th class for the first six weeks of school. SD is still failing 4 (out of 7) classes, but her grades are even lower in 3 of those classes (also on the verge of failing a 5th class).

DH was always a wonderful student, so he has a hard time understanding their lack of drive.

My Life

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This is my life in a nutshell. I am a mom...first and foremost. My only bio child is a daughter who is going to be 14 in a few months. I am a wife...finally married my sweet, naive DH in March after dating for almost 10 years. I am a step mom to SD who will also be 14 in a few months and SS who will be 12 next month. Although BD and I spend a lot of time there, we do not live in DH house (too small, skid issues). BD and I have our own house in the next little town with a cat and a dog living with us.
