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Visitation Weekend

THE Wifey's picture

We went up to see the skids this weekend, and my sister and 9 month old nephew are in from England, so all of us hung out. It was fun, my family enjoyed the skids.

FDH got together at a friend's house who is a notary to sign some papers with BM. I sat in the car with my son and the dog. I am glad all of that is over. BM looked like hell. As some of you know, I call her Skeletor because she had a gastric bypass when she wasn't really big enough to warrant it, and now she looks like an AIDS patient of the 80's. She looked especially skinny and horrible yesterday. The kids told us that she has no food and that she was borrowing money from them to go grocery shopping. FSS13 told us that the doctor said he is 43 pounds under weight. My sister said he looks anorexic. I noticed that his face was skinnier than when we saw him a few weeks ago. I took FSD15 to get a new bra because she is a 36D and BM is like a -A and thinks that she can buy FSD15's bras at goodwill and they just need to fit "close enough". While we were in the dressing room, FSD15 was saying how fat her stomach is and how she has to go on a diet. She is literally a size 6. BM's weight baggage is starting to affect these kids and that is not cool.

I felt bad for the kids, and I asked FDH to give BM some cash (as to not mess up her chances of government assistance, I know, shoot me) for groceries. I know what y'all are going to say, but with no witnesses and no record of the money, BM can't go to the judge and show what FDH is "willing" to do. I am so tired of watching these kids suffer. My sister was appalled. My sister and I were raised in a wealthy family and always had all of what we needed and close to all of what we wanted (mom didn't want us to be brats, I guess). Watching the kids be told "Okay you get 3 tacos each or fighting with FDH about $18 for a pair of pants and a belt is rough for us. FDH still has BM's bullshit in his head that there have to be rules and we have to be frugal on EVERYTHING. It just gets old for me. They have to deal with that crap with their mom, it is unnecessary with us, I think. I would rather do without so that children can have. BM would rather get off as cheaply as possible so there is more money for herself. It is getting old.