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Skeletor the Useless strikes again...

THE Wifey's picture

So during the Skype convo last night she said "and you can tell THE Wifey, since I know she is listening, that she should have held her tongue and not sent that e-mail and maybe none of this would be happening" And I said and you can tell Skeletor that... And she cut me off. "THE Wifey, this is between me and FDH, not you". And I said, no, this decision is between he and I and doesn't involve you at all". Then later she said "THE Wifey, SHUT UP" when I was talking to him in the background. He said "That is unnecessary, do not talk to her like that". She spent a good part of an hour trying to convince him that he needed to sign it and promising him that foreclosure and bankruptcy won't be an option ever in the future, she PROMISES. She said that the $100 savings to her would be like him saving $500 a month. I said "We will be, next month when your alimony stops." I also called her a f*cking (C- word) when I thought he had disconnected the call. I hope she heard.

Now she has sabotaged her visitation, evidently leading the kids to believe that they couldn't come here to see their dad, so they "made plans to go to the __________ instead". Fine. So I say to FDH "Wow sabotoging your visitation, classy". TO which he yells at me, loudly that I need to stop stressing him out, and I need to stop accusing her of things and let it go, because I am ruining the evening. I have one foot out the door here, ladies. I am literally dumbfounded.


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

That is completely outrageous. All I can say is I am very sympathetic. I think you deserve a little you time and a big fat break.

THE Wifey's picture

Thanks skidsmimi. I don't know. I have asked him if that is what he is doing and he says "NO I am holding you responsible for causing stress". The problem is, this woman is batshit crazy and when I call her on her sense of entitlement to FDH, he says I am causing drama. IT ISN'T ME!!! This bitch expects the world handed to her on a silver platter and I ain't catering to it (pardon the pun) anymore!

THE Wifey's picture

That is good advice. It is difficult when she addresses ME though. I feel like he doesn't have a spine against her, and I am not willing to let her insult me and not get defended by anyone, even if I have to do it myself.

I have no other choice at this point than to follow your advice though. So thanks.

pastepmomof3's picture

I agree with C&C, except for the fact that BM started it. I've encountered much of the same, with the same response from DH, and my issue is that if the b*tch wants to talk smack on the phone about me, why can't she talk to me then? Same premise here - if she says something wanting you to hear it "and you can tell THE Wifey, since I know she is listening, that she should have held her tongue and not sent that e-mail and maybe none of this would be happening", then you have every right to speak up. If your DH is involved and it has to do with money you're putting in the pot too, then you have just as much a right to be involved in that conversation.

Hang in there...

THE Wifey's picture

Yes... You're right. And that is why I did what I did. Still, if he would just stick up for me, then I could keep my mouth shut and stay out of it.

skylarksms's picture

But, of COURSE, everything would be WONDERFUL if we all bend over backwards to the psycho BMs and give them EVERYTHING they want! That would cure them of their psycho-ness. (/sarcasm)

overit2's picture

I think he's right that you're causing him stress, you initiated an e-mail cussing her out, you cussed her out again on the phone, you butted in mid conversation to antogonize her abotu the alimony ending. It was their phone call...even if she said something to HIM I would have stayed out of it. You already had a shot of cussing her out and even upset his kids...knowing the problems it caused the first time (about the RO threat) why you would hope she hears you calling her a f'in c* it is beyond me.
And then you are dumbfounded???
I mean you want your DH to have your back, them IMO you should have his and not create additional stress/drama for him like you are doing. It's definately very immature IMO. YOU CAN keep your mouth shut and stay out of it and let him do the talking/dealing w/her. YOu're choosing not to, and IMO he's right to be upset about that.

THE Wifey's picture

I am allowed to say whatever I want to say in my own home. Including that she is an F'n C@*t. I sent her the e-mail because she threatened his career. His 23 year career as a military officer over her stupid bull shit. He was beside himself. I was beside myself. He bends over time and time again for this woman and I had enough.

It's funny. The only people who have ever called me immature are her... and her c**t mother, and you. Sooo.... go back to i-villiage, tell them I say hi, and don't comment on my blog anymore. Thank you.

hismineandours's picture

Yikes! This is the opposite of my dh-he wants me to bitch bm out-I never really have because I am aware that it will only make matters worse-not to say that it wouldnt feel good for a few glorious minutes, but I just try to avoid her so I will not go off on her.
What I prefer to do-is to always remain calm in the face of her insanity. There are times she has come to my door running her mouth about this or that and I slap a big smile on my face and say, "oh, I'm sorry you feel that way" "I'll be sure to let dh know right away" "Oh, yes I will make sure to do that in the future-again all said with a really huge fake smile. It's really sort of hilarious. She knows that I have no intention of doing any of those damn things, but it kills her that I am able to control myself and she is not. It ends up making her look like a real idiot-in front of dh, in front of ss, and in front of the world in general. She's never called me out on being fake and if she did I would just completely deny it with my big fake smile.

THE Wifey's picture

THAT IS AWESOME!! How do you NOT go off on her? Skeletor gets me to the point that I am ready to explode. I am SHAKING I am so mad. So how do you do it?