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Do any of you have BMs who take self-pics and post them

wickedstepqueen's picture

Whenever I need a laugh, I just look at BMs facebook page. Not saying that it is right, but it brings me a little amusement.

I think every pic that she has posted is a self taken picture of her or her with SKIDS.

Now I can see wanting to take a million pics of your kids. But she always has to put her ugly mug in the pic. That or she will just post pics of herself.

To me it seems a bit odd, I mean most people have friends or partners who will snap pics of them, but i guess when you cant keep a man or have friends who want to take your pic, well then you have to do it yourself.

Another funny thing is that she will only post pics of her face and not full body pics. Although I don't think her ass could fit in the picture.

Sorry for posting so much, just happy to have found a place to vent about this stuff!


starfish's picture

too funny wsq!!!!

the bm in my life constantly posted self pics of her face only, clearly after she has spent hours on her make up and nappy ass hair.. cracks me the fuck up.... but the funniest of all is that all of her "self portraits" have a bathroom background. like a toilet, the public restroom stall, open medicine door cabinet, shower curtain, the list goes on.... funny stuff..

however, she has NO pics of her & skids and up until recently NO pics of skids at all, now there is one of skids with all their trailerhood cousins and you can't even see it very well....

hahahahahahaha, this is funny!!! Biggrin

wickedstepqueen's picture

I could def see posting a pic of your headshot as a profile pic. But sadly no... she will post just random pics of her head or her head with skids in the background.

I am cracking up with the thought that skids are going to have a few pics of just them and a million of their moms head or them and their moms head.

briarmommy's picture

Our BM posts pics of herself all the time and she always posts full body shots and its hilarious. She is short and fat and dresses like she is tall and skinny, not a pretty thing to look at. I don't understand posting pictures of yourself that are bad.

purpledaisies's picture

Honestly I don't care. Why put so much time and effort into stuff like this why give a thought? I don't care what anyone does as long as it doesn't effect me. I worry about my kids and me and my dh most of the time. Of course I think of my skids but more like a nephews then my kids. My dh thinks worry's about his as he should. But even then why worry about what pic bm posts about her self as long as it isn't inappropriate

starfish's picture

ditto: "I don't understand posting pictures of yourself that are bad."

but i guess if that's all you got..... }:)

twopines's picture

I think some people think they look pretty awesome and want to flaunt it, while others see something completely different. }:)

RaeRae's picture

Oh my GOD. This drives me up the freaking wall. Act like a 35 year old mother, for God's sake, instead of a freaking teenage girl. And bad thing about her taking her stupid headshots everywhere, including the typical bathroom shot, is that she has my sdaughters started on it. Pisses me off. I don't want any of our kids to grow up to be self centered, conceited spoiled brats like their mother.

RogueRanger's picture

It probably says something about me that this even annoys me, but what annoys me even more about our BM is the self-absorbed bathroom head shots she takes in the style of a 14-year-old girl look NOTHING like her. And, no, I'm not quite sure why I even care. You can see in the pics they've been blurred, lighting changed etc. in photoshop, BM is a biiiig woman and there's never so much as a chin roll, and you can tell she's definitely picked the best of 500 pics after hours of hair and make-up. And I have never seen ONE that wasn't a self-taken shot.