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christmas pics

purpledaisies's picture

The only time my dd20 will be able to be here for Christmas pics will be thanksgiving night.
We do not have skids for thanksgiving this year. So while at ss14 game I asked if we could get skids when it was most convenient for Yuck so we could take a pic. She said we will see.

Now I don't blame her as last year we said no to breakfast at her house.

I just hope we can get a moment to take a few pics.

I hate this part of holidays


purpledaisies's picture

Honestly I don't know what to do if I can't them to take a pic. With my dd20 schedule is very tight with school and work. I don't want to leave them out but if I can't get them there for a pic I might have too. But then I don't want them to feel left out either. Ugh

purpledaisies's picture

Well both my kids will be home so it would them but I was just concerned with the others. You r right it is getting harder.

purpledaisies's picture

I was trying to keep all kids in pics til they were married or have kids. that is my goal at least. Lol

purpledaisies's picture

Lol yep I photo shopped dd20 ex bf out of our Disney photos. I replaced him with mickey mouse. Lol

purpledaisies's picture

I know but my plan was to have all the kids in the middle with me and dh wtaped them in Christmas lights with giving each other a high five. Lol

fakemommy's picture

Then the collage would work out without PS. Just do individual pics of you guys wrapping them up at the top and at the bottom everyone individual with yours and DHs doind a high five.motion toward where the other's pic You could make.the card.cute/fun by tilting and having the kids make goofy/sad/happy facrs.

purpledaisies's picture

The collage sounds like a lot of work to het the high fives right. I don't that time to work on that. Sorry

But I will work on getting them together.