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Just Blocked BM from FB!!

TJH100911's picture

I am not in the habit of looking at BM's FB page. A friend posted a pic of skids with their child and tagged me in it. The pic was of the skids in a group of kids from one of our recent excursions. This friend in also FB friends with BM. They aren't friends like we are friends where they go out and do things together, they are just FB friends. Anyway, friend tagged me in the pic, so I got all the notifications when a conversation was happening. BM pitched a fit about the picture to friend on the picture. Then someone deleted it.

I blocked BM, but that doesn't stop friend from posting whatever she wants to on her FB page. She just can't see that I'm tagged in stuff now, nor can she see what I comment on. Am I correct in assuming that is how FB works?


moeilijk's picture

Yes, and vice versa. You won't see her comments/posts either.

It's like she doesn't even exist in FB world anymore.

z3girl's picture

I totally wish I could block my SIL that way! She lived across the country until a year ago. Now all the issues are cropping up. I wish she'd go back to where she came from!

SecondGeneration's picture

My partner and I both blocked our BM the moment we realised she had a facebook account. We dont have any drama with our BM and certainly dont want to invite any, reality is people can get possessive over seeing pictures of THEIR child with someone else, why risk the drama?

TJH100911's picture

I agree. That's why I don't post pics. But I can't tell others what they are and are not allowed to post in their page

SecondGeneration's picture

You can add the timeline thing. That basically means you have to approve tags and content posted by others before its visible to your friends but that doesnt really help either as your friends arent the problem its the mutual ones. I dont know, sorry!

moeilijk's picture

What to do about that?

1. Make your own online profile visible only to friends. That way only your cover photo will show. Handy as well in case potential employers want to check you out.

2. Don't accept friend requests from people you don't know.