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the wicked witch's Blog

What does my love and care for 12 years mean to them when BM gets her act "together"

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When I married my DH over 12 years ago, he had 4 children, who were then SS15, SD12, SD8, and SS3. We have since had 3 little boys together also..So 7 children all together. From the very beginning, I raised all the kids as they were my own. The oldest and the youngest SS were and are very special needs, so that brought about allot of challenges. The BM lived an hour away, and did not really engage herself in the day to day lives of the older kids.


the wicked witch's picture

My SS15 is at his BM's place for 6 weeks every summer. I married his dad when he was 3 years old. The BM is a piece of work. Mostly, SS15 goes to his mom's every other weekend. When he does, i know several things for certain. 1. He should not take anything (ie..backpack, clothes, ANYTHING) that I should expect to get back. 2. During that time, he will not shower or brush his teeth, even if he pees during the night. 3. He is responsible for nothing there, and is super happy about this!! SO....During the summers, he goes to his moms for 1/2 of the summer.


the wicked witch's picture

I married my DH almost 11 years ago. At the time, he had SS15, SD12, SD8, and SS3 in his care. Actually the oldest is Autistic and has lived in a group home since he was 8, but we did get frequent visits from him. I have tried my darndest for 11 years to raise these children with my DH as best as I can. We have also had 3 9, 8, and 6. The first SD is now married and has a baby. Her husband is awesome and I love him dearly. I feel as if, to my SD21, i am disposable. No matter what I do, I can never do right by her.


the wicked witch's picture 14 y/o special needs step son came home from the weekend visit to his moms. I did not even know that he was home except that our 3 bio kids (9, 8, and 6) said that he was home. We were in the kitchen making dinner together at the time. I sent one of the boys, after a while to get him to set the table. My 8 y/o went in and said..."Mom wants you to set the table" ..All I heard back is..She's not my mom!!! WTH...I have raised this boy for almost 11 years....ELEVEN his 14 years!! I always expect attitude, but will NEVER allow disrespect!!

I know I shouldnt do I'll post it here for those of us who understand

the wicked witch's picture

This is a post that I nearly posted to my personal blog today. The only reason I did not was to be the END to the drama so to speak. the drama can come my way...but it doesnt go on from here. Its how I feel....Its my reality, sad as it is!!

The post would have been worded "Joy in being a Granparent???

NOTE: This MY blog post .if you dont like what you read GO AWAY and don't bother to tell me about it!!!

ALL I can say is..WOW!!!

the wicked witch's picture

As I was cleaning today in my closet, I came across 2 different letters. Im not sure when they were written..could be up to a year old, but they will give you perspective into just what my life feels like at any moment!! One was written by my SS13. I have raised him since he was 3 when he could not even feed himself and still had diapers..THREE!!!!! He has severe ADD and reactive detatchment disorder. He struggles in school socially and academically despite rigorous modifications and meds.


the wicked witch's picture

So my husband has been out of town for nine weeks working. Here at home, I have our 3 BS 9, 7 and 5 and SS 13. The SS13 is special needs and is an exceptional challenge to care for. There have been major issues going on with SD20 and it has left me emotionally drained and on the verge of breakdown. I have kept up with the daily care of the boys and done the best I can. He just came home last night and he is on a tirade about how I do WHF I want and thats all!! Im pissed right now and just have to vent.


the wicked witch's picture

why do I feel as if I need to always go out of my way to make my step kids like me. What do I have to prove and why do I KEEP DOING IT!!

Expecting too much???

the wicked witch's picture

:? :? So, heres my cross today...I have been married to my DH for 10 years. When I met him, his children were 15, 12, 8, and 3. They are now 24, 21, 18 and 13. I have raised them the entire time. In addition we have had 3 boys together who are now 8, 7, and 5. In november, my SD21 will be having the first grandbaby. As we talked about getting ready for the labor, etc, she said that she would like ME there, but DOES NOT want her bio mom to be there, but does not want to hurt her mom's feelings.
