wicked-stepmother's Blog
Reaching Out?
I am looking for some advice on how to tackle the prickly situation I have going on in my home.
My step daugtter who lives in another part of the county has done some pretty hurtful things to her dad and our home since she moved out of our house this past summer. The biggest and most recent being cutting off contact with her dad, myself and her sisters (our daugthers) and taking her moms maiden name. My husband has NO relationship with his ex and neither do I. It has gotten to the point where my husband is hurt and hasn't been trying to contact his daughter.
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Shameful Anger
I wish I could erase my step daughter from our family. This is a horrible thing to say, I know. I love her. I miss her. I worry about her. All of the time. Right now though, things are really, really bad. The pain she causes my husband and the hurt she inflicts on her little sisters, my daughters, drives me crazy with anger.
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Spousal situation
Is it normal to worry that your spouse blames you for the poor relationship he has with his daughter?
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My step daughter no longer lives with us. We haven't seen her in months. She isn't spending time with us over the holidays. And yet, she still manages to get under my skin.
She forgot my youngest daughters birthday...her little sisters. She never phones to talk to them, or her dad. She has removed all of her father's famly from her FB account.
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