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WalkOnBy's Blog

The latest rant from the rebel under my roof

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Yes, ladies and gents, more rantings today. Taped to the wall with duct tape in ASS's room is a piece of plain white paper with the following written in teenaged angst-filled chicken scratch:

"It is wrong, in principle, to initiate force on a dependent child to remove their property rights.

Free speech! Freedom of association! Property rights! THE NON-AGGRESSION PRINCIPLE!


"And then what?"

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“And then what?”

This was the question that DH heard over and over again last night in our therapy session. While there was a lot to cover between the fallout from The List of Doom (TLOD) and the discussion about me moving out, we decided to start with ASS and his reaction to TLOD. Therapist asked how ASS was doing with TLOD. DH handed her a copy of TLOD – the one with ASS’s “eat a dick” connotations. Therapist just looked at it and said, “hmmm. So you gave him what he wanted and it still wasn’t enough.”

In case anyone is wondering....

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ASS still doesn't have his electronics and/or phone back yet.

DH is starting to realize that it was a control move on ASS's part. He said to me yesterday morning, "makes no sense, babe. He said a list of expectations would work for him, we gave him a list, and he STILL is an ass."

I said, "mmm hmmm...what would you like me to make you for lunch??"

Text from my daughter

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My daughter is about to turn 25 and is married. She never lived in the house with the skids, as she was already in her own apartment at school by the time DH got custody of the skids.

She is aware of the ASS situation and the difficulty that is transpiring in my house right now. She was sending me links to apartments - lol!!

My kids have had a SM for about 15 years now and I NEVER tolerated any negative comments about her. Always told my kids that she was dad's wife and I was raising them better than to be obnoxious to ANY adult.

Okay, let's place our bets!!

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Today is October 8. The clock on ASS's "apology" started ticking last night. How many days will it take ASS to decide that his laptop, gaming system, cell phone and Kindle are more important to him than spewing out an apology??

Tuff says NEVER and I agree...

No real prize for winning, just the knowledge that you know ASS the best Dirol

Day 1 of the New World Order.....

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So, last night, DH handed ASS The List and told him there would be no debates or discussions about it. At the top of the list is "ASS must apologize to WOB for the CPS incident and the shoving/pushing incident."

When he came out of ASS's room, he told me that he had given him the list. I smiled and said, "oh. That's nice."

Getting my own place???

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Had a long talk with DH last night - told him that I really needed things to change, that I am sick and tired of tip toeing around an asshole skid, that something's gotta give.

He said, "maybe it's time for you to get that apartment. I have to finish raising these kids."

Oh, okay then.

Who has successfully maintained two households and NOT ended up divorced? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

For Thinkthrice - The story of The List

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and another lovely little one step up and two steps back moment from this morning.

So, DH made a few tweaks to The List to make it more specific. I was feeling a little better on Saturday, so I asked DH if ASS had mentioned The List to him yet. In fact, yes, it seems that ASS said “so, are we gonna do this contract thing or what?” on Friday night. DH decided to head into ASS’s room with The List.

The real story of DH, ASS and therapist

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I am writing this from the comfort of my bed-where I have been since Sunday afternoon. First I had a raging sinus infection, then the infection moved into my tooth. I had the tooth pulled yesterday, and a bone graft done to prep for the implant I am now going to need. Thank God for Vicodin, mega doses of ibuprofen and wine.
