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thank goodness the F'ing little brat is at school now!!!

vgill's picture

If he had been in my house just one more minute this morning I would have lost it! He got home last night from BM's (i wish he had stayed there)and it has been hell ever since, even the sound of his voice makes me want to scream!!!! he has been starting fights and throwing tantrums since he got here and no this is not because he was at BM's (she's actually getting better to deal with) this is just his normal f'ing little brat self! I woke him up this morning and he turned the light back off and pretended to be asleep and 10 mins before the bus got here I went and got him again and he went into a fit saying I never woke him up, I was trying to make him miss the bus and get him in trouble and he went to tell DH on me!! DH heard the whole thing and told him to get ready and he was woke up on time and to smarten up ! He got ready and started 3 fights this morning with the other 3 kids and threw 2 more tantrums all in the space of 10 minutes and because he was running behind I made his lunch for him. I watch the kids untill they get on the bus, he walked out the front door looked at me then gave his sandwich to the dog and smiled at me!! I wanted to f'ing throttle him , but he will be the one who is hungry today, so he can f'ing live with it. this is the most spitefull and malicious kid I have ever met. I think I am going to lose it on him and it won't be pretty I have be trying to control my temper with this kid for over 4 years, If I lose it what I'll say wont be pretty. ARGHHHH!!! any advice on how not to lose your temper with a child like this because I have held my own for 4 years and I don;t think I can keep it bottled up much longer!!!


Selkie's picture

If DH was home, why were you the one waking SS up for school?? Many people here have advised you to disengage from this kid to save your own sanity and to have DH do his own parenting. So why are you still getting him up and making his lunches? No wonder you're still at your wits end and nothing has changed for you.

Honestly, Vgill, you have to change something. DH needs to parent this kid, not you. You need to back off. What was DH doing while SS was starting fights with the other kids? Why are you still "cuffing" him when he acts up and not DH? Nothing will change until you AND DH change how you're reacting to the situation.

vgill's picture

Dh is in bed very sick! I haven't touched him in over a year, but I sure would love to some times, Dh did get up fevered,caughing and throwing up and told him to smarten up. SS12 knows that dad is very sick and he has been a holy terror the last 8 days, Dh has been in the hospital and has bleeding stomach ulcers and they are worried about his blood pressure, he is being treated with stress meds, and the biggest stress in his life are his kids! Even the Dr noticed the other day when we were in her office and SS12 called on the phone, Dh was dealing with him and the Dr. said that is what is causing the stress, she thought is was someone we are dealing with with our business, then he told her it was his son, she said that he needs to deal with the situation soon because if his stress related health continues to go the way it has been he will end up having a heart attack!! DH is just exhausted trying to deal with these kids, althought the good news is that BM is getting much better to deal with!!

Amazed's picture

"if he doesn't,he doesn't eat." I like freaking much:)

But I'm wondering, is there a way SS can make his lunches the night before? Morning rushing sucks in my house so we always have to do lunches before bed then just store it in the fridge til morning. It works out really good to cut down on the a.m. drama
"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

"Never let the hand you hold, hold you down." ~Aut

Jsmom's picture

I had to do this. I now no longer get out of bed until they have left the building. The only thing is DH makes their lunches. My son likes it since I haven't made his since the 4th grade. We got them alarm clocks and there were some minor skirmishes at first. But, they understand that I am not their mom. They just have to tell me when they leave the building. Usually and only on Mon morning since they are gone for the week, I ask if they have picked up their room. Once the door is shut, I don't even go in the room anymore. Some of the best advice I got from the ladies on here, is to close that door and stop doing for them.

I understand your DH is sick. But, when he is better, you need to disengage. Your going to drive yourself nuts. Personally if one of the kids gave something I did for them to the dog, it would be the last thing I did for them. I barely speak to SD13 because of her mouth. Believe me she knows it and she notices that I don't acknowledge her much anymore. It works, she was very good the rest of the week after my tirade at her disrespect earlier this week. Only thing I do anymore is cook. DH is even back to doing all the laundry. Instead of my yelling to put clothes away he does. This is the same guy that just dumped the clean clothes in the hallway and had the kids take theirs out before I came along. It works!!!!

vgill's picture

I tell him to get up that's it, I never make his lunch anymore but I did today so he wouldn't be late. HE has an alarm clock but won't get up when it goes off anyway, got that for him 2 years ago! It is too far for him to walk to school (25 miles) so I can't even make him walk if he misses the bus! We both work so we can't leave him home alone or he would just sit and watch T.V all day, then he would miss the bus everyday! I don't do his laundy I don't clean his room, I don't even set a plate at the table for him anymore as he always tells me how supper sucks and he won't eat that garbage!!! he wont eat anything unless it's junk food, I have even stopped bringing groceries home because he'll just sit and eat Icecream and stuff before we get home, I just bring home what we are having for supper. Sometimes I find myself thinging of new ways to do things that don't include him. Even Dh and I have started staying at work longer with the other children so we don't have to go home and deal with this kid, in fact DH starts getting ill on his way home because of what this kid is going to start when he gets there. I mean we close the shop at 6 and we haven't been getting home untill after 8 and it's only a 20 min drive, we have even been doing some visiting after we close so we can do it without him as he will throw tantrums even at someoone else's house very embarrasing, we usually end up having to leave to deal with him! I have tried tuning him out but I am only human and there is only soo much I can take!

vgill's picture

thanks, I have been getting him up because I am getting 3 other kids up and ready for school but they are between the ages of 5-9, but I will tell him tonight to set his own alarm from now on,then once the rest of the kids are on the school bus I am going for a walk, I have needed to lose the baby weight anyway. the only problem may be that Dh and I will be driving him to school everyday when he misses the bus and he would prefer to stay home and watch tv all day, he doesn't even care if he fails, he is the laziest kid I have ever met,I no longer do his laundry and last week he wore the same pair of jeans all week and he wore them again today, he doesn't care. i have to pick him up tonight from an after school program, Dh is going to watch the other 4 kids (they'll be sleeping) he is really quite sick and he worked all day. yes SS!@ is his responsability but I help dh out because I love DH!

Sallamasyone's picture

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