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I got busted & my weekend

Tx mommy of 3's picture

First off, I got busted on here! Friday dh caught me on this site. I don't know how much he read from my friday's post, but enough totally make him mad! We argued an I told him these are my private thoughts. He was furious enough to scare me as to what he'd do...I thought he'd read all my posts-yikes! I almost deleted my account. He calmed down eventually but still brought it up today about me 'getting advice from people who don't know anything.' but I don't think he'll read any of my posts or get on here. We'll see.

Anyway, this was our 1st visit after the 'refridgerator incident'. I was dreading it because of that but also because our baby had just gotten out of the hospital Friday (rsv and flu) andi didn't want to deal with entitled ss. Fortunately my parents also came in and for whatever reason ss behaves better when they are around. At least for the most part. So the weekend actually went well. Dh DID stay in and help with the baby rather than catering to ss. We also played games sat night which was fun for all inolved- my mom, me, bios and ss. Ss was in a good mood all weekend. He came in a little reserved maybe even defensive Friday. But sat he was fine and having fun. Today he even gave me a hug before he left. My parents were also able to take him back and left early due to the weather so I have been ss free since noon! Anyway, not a bad weekend after all! Oh, and the baby is getting better!


Rags's picture

Don't sweat that DH found your STalker world. Congrats on the baby getting better. Maybe SS will settle down now that he has blood other than his dad at your house.

Who, knows. It may help.

Stranger things have happened.

Best regards,

happymostly's picture

my H would say almost the same thing your dh said! about me not knowing any of these people and that I shouldnt be saying 'our business' to others. Thats why we dont use real names, give out too much personal info... Yeah, we dont know each other, but people on here can be very supportive, and give us ideas on how to help our situations! ANDDDD if our husbands knew what we TRULY thought about their kids, they might look at us totally different! lol it helps to have a place to vent to. I hope you dont delete your username! and hopefully your dh is better than that, to go snooping around on here!!

Nette5's picture

My DH knows I go on here and he never bothers to read anything I post, in fact I like to keep it open in another window so that when I'm playing games and SS15 thinks he needs to hang over my shoulder, I flip it to this if I see him coming and can change it in time. They just look at my screen and say, 'oh, you're on the step thing' and walk off.

There have been a couple of times that DH said I spend too much time on here and I know he's right because I feel it, but it's usually when I want to 'hide' while staying in plain sight. And most times he says it, it's quiet on ST. so it means I've been REALLY naughty. LOL

FedUpFallon's picture

My hubby knows that I come to this site. I was so excited (and happy) when I found it that I told him. He knows that I am honest (sometimes brutally honest-A Scorpio trait) and that I don't say anything here that I wouldn't say to his face. This site is where I first heard about Stepmonster by Wednesday Martin which I made him order off the internet. I am currently reading and plan to make him read when I am done.
Maybe you could explain how this site has helped you with your SS. Or how he should appreciate how you can vent here instead of the nasty things you could have been saying to him or his son. Sorry, that is my warped sense of humor showing with a dash of smart a$$. }:) LOL
Glad to hear that your baby is better!

hismineandours's picture

I just ask my dh if he prefers me to go to others in our small community and seek feedback from them? Then he's always afraid that you ladies are going to lead me astray and that I am some sort of blind sheep that would just do whatever anyone said. Men are just dumb sometimes.

My3His1's picture

My DH knows I go on here ...He does not know everything I post but what he don't know won't hurt me...I need a place to vent to others who understand...sometimes men just don't understand that women need other women to talk to...we are complex & men only want 2 things A beer & to see something naked....

Tx mommy of 3's picture

I think my dh's problem with it is that he blames this site for my disengagment. However I chose to back off before I found this site! He says I have changed towards ss since he started visiting again. And I have, but because of dh, not this site. He was extrmely angry but hasn't said anything about it since. He kind of brought it up today but got over it and nothing. So who knows...

Done WIth It's picture

Hey...better to come in here for venting and for advice than pay $100+ and hour to somebody with a degree who's probably not going to give you any better advice.

Your husband's for free. Therapist, counselor, psychologist...there goes the old wallet!