It's Coming. I'm Going.
My Month of bliss with the DH is coming to an end today. :sick: The Pseudo-SS8 is coming at 6 today. It'll be here until August 5th. Here starts my attempts
at being nice,
at trying to not bust his ass when he smarts off to DH (or lies or whines or begs),
at trying to not bust DH in his head for letting him get away with it,
at trying not to totally ignore him or my DH who morphs into a doormat when it comes to Pseudo-SS8,
at trying not to be resentful at DH who claimed he'd be off work the whole week but yesterday told me he has to work on Sat morning, Thursday morning and all day Friday.
Weep with me people. Weep with me.
Pseudo-SS8 = SS8 was born of an affair during DH marriage to BM; not his Bio-Child.
Oh boy can I commiserate with
Oh boy can I commiserate with that feeling of dread. I don't feel it so much with SD anymore, as she has come a long, long way. However, when I know SS is coming, I feel like I'm coming out of my skin with dread and apprehension.
SD14 is coming for the
SD14 is coming for the weekend and I really don't want to see her...being the adult sucks.
The bickering has already
The bickering has already started. I don't know why DH is so blinded by this situation, esp since the child is not even his. It's not even like kid existed as a newborn and he took on the role. The child was born during his marriage, out of an affair and he's still running behind that situation. I ultimately think we're going to end up divorced. I thought divorces happened because the whole marriage was bad. But I see how sometimes it's over just one un-resolvable situation that spills into everything and destroys the marriage.
It took me 3.5yrs to get to this level of disgust so I have tried. I've bent over backwards. I've bit my tongue. I've blown my top. Now I'm just putting it all at arms distance for my own peace of mind and DH doesn't even want to allow that. He wants me fully engaged, babysitting whenever they need me to and without even asking. But he can't see how the way he and BM have handled this has always been a Me vs Them instead of he and I working together to blend the family. How he thinks that I'm going to be able to just embrace this all the time after all they've put me through is just crazy.