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Hate is not a nice word..... but damn!!!

PixieLove's picture

I have been lurking on here for about a week now and as much as I hate that anyone else has to deal with this stupid BM drama BS I am relieved that there is somewhere to go to vent where people understand.

There is so much background to this situation but I don't want to write a book on it, lol. I am so SICK of this Fing chick that hinks her shit don't stink, miss perfect mom.... pffft please! I have a daughter that her BD has not been involved in her life at all. My FDH wants to be in his daughters life which is almost 2 so much that we put the court papers in so he could be involved and do the right thing with CS. This.... I am trying so hard to stop the name calling but it is hard... She is never happy! She was mad when he just stopped checking on the baby because she is IMPOSSIBLE to have a conversaion with becasue she just screams and puts him down and now that they went to mediation he has gotten to see her a couple times.
The newest of the BS that comes out of her mouth... we got the baby for a couple hours on christmas because SHE had things to do, it had nothing to do with him getting to see SD at all. Well SD has supposedly been sick for 1 1/2 months and they couldn't find out why. Her fever ended up spiking again last night and they supposedly said she has RSV, when I heard that I freaked! I love that little girl and plus my almost 5yo was around her. NOW she is trying to blame FDH!!!! WTF?!?!? How the hell is it his fault?!?! SD was sick way before he even saw her! Her doctor originally said it was bronchitis and now has pneumonia... which if she asked questions or researched is caused by RSV which she probably got from daycare... UGH!!!! Yea I HATE this chick.. I can honestly say if I wasn't so in love with my FDH I don't think I would be able to deal with this.

There is so much more to this like her trying to make us look bad to the mediator, trying to say he is an alcoholic and needs anger management, lmao... if you call having 5 or 6 beers on the weekend an alcoholic than I am guilty! lol Not to mention SHE made the rule to not have ANY alcohol around the baby but you think SHE listened to it... nooooo but are we making abig deal? No becasue it is a stupid rule.
Oh lord help me not do something stupid that is going to jepordize my future and his future with his daughter.
Sorry, I didn't want it to be so long but I guess with these rants there is no helping it.


not THAT happy's picture

Oh! this brings memories from not so many years ago (about 3). Our solution was to move out of state, not an easy thing to do when skid was as little as 2 years old and needed his dad (and he needed her I guess). But that helped us (ok that helped ME) to realize that we can have a lifee together and eventually BM lost her manipulative power over DH (he still has some issues though, otherwise I wouldn't be here Wink ). We've got to the point where DH needed to take BM to wax her armpits before he realized he was doing just "too much" for his child's sake.
We still have issues with BM, like vacations and stuff like that, but at least we can always shut the computer off, or our cell phones and we know she won't be in our front door screaming and demanding.

Good luck and welcome!

PixieLove's picture

I so wish we could move out of state! We have def discussed it on many occasions but I am in school right now so we are waiting for me to finish with that and see what jobs I can find to decide on a location. He really wants to be in her life as much as possible though but I think he is willing to give up alot of that time to make it peaceful for us aswell as keep SD aswell as BD in a healthy enviroment instead of constantly fighting. Christmas when we were at the meeting place she tried to get in his face and start some stuff trying to look "tough" in front of her friends but it sure didn't work, I knocked that shit out real quick, hey you want to look like a maniac do it in front of whoever you want but sure not going to happen in front of my little girl! Grrrrr!!! Sorry I get so freaking heated when her name comes up!! lol Thank you for the advice though Smile